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Heavy/tight/full testicles

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Ive noticed in some stories that the author will mention how a guy will have "heavy" "tight" or "full" testicles when they are feeling horny.

Is this just a way of saying they feel horny, or do guys testicles actually get heavy, tight or full for real?

If they do;

how does it feel?
does it make any difference to how they masturbate or have sex?
If I saw a guy with heavy , tight or full testicles, would I actually be able to tell just by looking, or is it something only the guy will be aware of by the way it feels to him?

Sorry if this all sounds silly or ridiculous...Im just interested to know.

Active Ink Slinger
they feel a big heavier/fatter when i haven't cum in awhile.

and when horny, they can tighten. it feels nice. the sac "hardens" if you will.

also, i'm not sure you'd be able to tell except for the tightening. the ball skin sags much less when that happens. like...they don't droop/hang as low when the nuts harden.

oh, and nothing changes in my sex/diddling habits. but it feels nicer. smile
Cryptic Vigilante
A lot of writers are females, so their description of testicles might not be 100% accurate.

When feeling horny, or haven't ejaculated for a while, there is a slight change in sensation, but it's nothing heavily noticeable. You just feel them more. Probably similar to women's titties when aroused. When I'm horny and my penis gets hard, I focus about its sensation a lot more than the one of my testicles, so it's barely apparent to me.

The majority of the liquid that semen is made of comes from the prostate or seminal vesicle ; only 2-5% comes from the testes. So the testicles don't get swollen and you couldn't notice. But like the previous poster said, the sack shrinks and makes the testicles closer to the body. This is a natural reflex to provide them with more heat and activate their functions. This is particularly true when the room temperature is cold.

Your questions were not ridiculous at all, quite the contrary. I hope my insight helped you.
I have found that I notice my testicles more when I have cum a LOT, vs when I have not cum. When I have not cum, frankly I don't "feel" my testicles unless I am excited. But when I have cum many times my testicles will often times ache a bit.
Active Ink Slinger
I do not notice that my testicles get 'heavy' but I do know that when I have not cum for several days or especially if it has been a week at least, I squirt a LOT more semen..... and the orgasm seems to be more intense and last longer at those times.... they do draw up into my body somewhat when I am getting ready to ejaculate.....they are designed to do this to keep them warm....mmmmm....
Active Ink Slinger
Before he gets aroused, a man's nuts will hang loosely in his sack. As he approaches ejaculation, the spermatic cord that attach to his nuts pull them up into his body, and strangely enough his sack shrinks and helps to push them up as well.

Each man has different degrees of this phenomenon, but a girl who learns her man's body will look for these telltale clues. Once the nuts retract like that he is fully aroused and could climax at any time with heavy stimulation. A girl might use that knowledge to back off the stimulation and try to keep him at a plateau below the threshold.

It's much harder for men to get the same information about many women. There is no universal physical clue that she is on the threshold of orgasm, particularly if she is not giving verbal feedback. Like everything else, men are much more simple creatures and their bodies tell you everything in advance.

Not a stupid question at all....
The Engineer
Well Sarah quite an interesting question. And now since you've asked it ....I actually did notice myself. It happens so that when we men haven't have had a release in a while the balls hang in the sac and it looks all shrivelled and small. When we masterbate or approach hardens and and the sac is tight. Once its all over it goes back to the same state. So could look for these clues in a man to figure the state he is in.
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They get heavy. But if I leave my dick alone I get used to the feeling and forget about the heaviness. Also when my balls are heavy I can last forever. You would think the opposite but nope. It is more difficult to cum when my balls are heavy. It only takes about a day of not messing with it to get the heavy fill. My balls are plump and the sac is round when I don't play with myself. Also when I don't cum for a day or so little white bumps start to form on the bottom of my shaft, they look kind of like white-heads. I once squeezed one and a string of dry white dry stuff came out of it.
Active Ink Slinger
question could be moved in "ask the gals" section.. does women likes to "feel" this hardness and this heaviness during intercourse with theirs guys?
I don't know that mine get "heavier" literally, but they do feel "full" when they are about to blow a large load. I've had the feeling become uncomfortable but that's rare and usually during solo play, not sex.
Active Ink Slinger
When I am pent up and horny my balls and ball sack are far more sensitive. As such, the weight and hanging tension feel more present so while the terms 'heavy' and 'tight' aren't literally accurate, they are sufficient descriptions.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

I don't think my balls actually feel heavy or full - but it's very hot when a woman says that. Makes you think she can feel how much you need her. And I do. Need to cum, for myself of course, but also, hopefully because it will please her.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Quiteshygirl

Can you help?

Ive noticed in some stories that the author will mention how a guy will have "heavy" "tight" or "full" testicles when they are feeling horny.

Is this just a way of saying they feel horny, or do guys testicles actually get heavy, tight or full for real?

If they do;

how does it feel?
does it make any difference to how they masturbate or have sex?
If I saw a guy with heavy , tight or full testicles, would I actually be able to tell just by looking, or is it something only the guy will be aware of by the way it feels to him?

Sorry if this all sounds silly or ridiculous...Im just interested to know.

no testicles actually swell when they are full of cum...tight balls are ball that are high & tight in the sac rather than hanging down
Thankyou everyone for your replies. Its been very helpful to read your thoughts, and has helped my understanding of what happens. The general view seems to be that the testicles dont get heavier or full, but they do become tighter and firmer . But it is interesting how you all seem to have a slightly different experience of what happens.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Quiteshygirl

Can you help?

Ive noticed in some stories that the author will mention how a guy will have "heavy" "tight" or "full" testicles when they are feeling horny.

Is this just a way of saying they feel horny, or do guys testicles actually get heavy, tight or full for real?

If they do;

how does it feel?
does it make any difference to how they masturbate or have sex?
If I saw a guy with heavy , tight or full testicles, would I actually be able to tell just by looking, or is it something only the guy will be aware of by the way it feels to him?

Sorry if this all sounds silly or ridiculous...Im just interested to know.

...a pair of ball at the start of sex can be swollen 2 or 3 times its normal size...
Pussý Addict
Quote by Quiteshygirl

Can you help?

Ive noticed in some stories that the author will mention how a guy will have "heavy" "tight" or "full" testicles when they are feeling horny.

Is this just a way of saying they feel horny, or do guys testicles actually get heavy, tight or full for real?

If they do;

how does it feel?
does it make any difference to how they masturbate or have sex?
If I saw a guy with heavy , tight or full testicles, would I actually be able to tell just by looking, or is it something only the guy will be aware of by the way it feels to him?

Sorry if this all sounds silly or ridiculous...Im just interested to know.


This certainly doesn't sound silly or ridiculous and is a perfectly natural question to ask given what you have read

My testicles certainly seem heavier if I've not ejaculated for a few days and this would make sense due to the build up of semen that would occur in just such a situation. In a guy, this can lead to a pressure situation if not controlled (e.g by masturbation) which can then often be naturally relieved via wet dreams when a guy can orgasm in his sleep to relieve such a pressure in his testicles. Heavy/full I'd say are the same thing and things like masturbation and wet dreams just help to keep the 'semen store' at the right level and prevent pressure building up in the testicles.

Tight testicles in my opinion happen in moments of sexual excitement - masturbation, oral sex and actual fucking
The Linebacker
Testicles stay the same size all the time. The sack around them loosens and tightens, mostly to adjust for temperature. The testicles produce the sperm (the little swimmers inside the seminal fluid) at normal body temperature. So the sack either pulls the testicles closer to the body for warmth (tightens) when it's colder outside or loosens up, drooping when it's hot or the body is extra hot from exercise or something. If a guy is sick, feverish, and running a high temperature his balls will loosen excessively and droop way down to protect them from the excessive body heat.

If I haven't cum in awhile, my testicles get somewhat sore and sensitive. Running, though hot, actually makes the sack tighten up so that my balls aren't banging around. Of course, most guys wear tight underwear to run in for the support. If not it would be like a big boobed woman jogging without a bra, and probably hurt even more.

Testicles may have the illusion of feeling heavier when the sack is drooping. But in reality, they weigh the same.

And a guy's penis changes sizes for much of the same reasons. When it's hot outside, the penis hangs much longer and thicker. When it's very cold, it will shrink up in order to stay tight against the body for warmth. Of course getting aroused will engorge it with blood to erection no matter the temperature.

Testicology 101
Quote by Quiteshygirl

Can you help?

Ive noticed in some stories that the author will mention how a guy will have "heavy" "tight" or "full" testicles when they are feeling horny.

Is this just a way of saying they feel horny, or do guys testicles actually get heavy, tight or full for real?

If they do;

how does it feel?
does it make any difference to how they masturbate or have sex?
If I saw a guy with heavy , tight or full testicles, would I actually be able to tell just by looking, or is it something only the guy will be aware of by the way it feels to him?

Sorry if this all sounds silly or ridiculous...Im just interested to know.


So far as my experience tell.. A man s balls are where his semen gets stored when he is horny n willing to mate. We can sense that by cupping their balls. We will feel they become very full n heavy. This happens if he has not cum in a long time. This can be taken as his state of horny n willing to fuck u.
Active Ink Slinger
pink pussy I know im very horny now n very willing to fuck you . could we b friends
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by pink_pussy
So far as my experience tell.. A man s balls are where his semen gets stored when he is horny n willing to mate. We can sense that by cupping their balls. We will feel they become very full n heavy. This happens if he has not cum in a long time. This can be taken as his state of horny n willing to fuck u.

Sperm cells, the only part of semen that's actually produced in the testicles, make up only 2–5% of the total ejaculate. You won't be able to feel the weight difference.


The Linebacker
Quote by pink_pussy

So far as my experience tell.. A man s balls are where his semen gets stored when he is horny n willing to mate. We can sense that by cupping their balls. We will feel they become very full n heavy. This happens if he has not cum in a long time. This can be taken as his state of horny n willing to fuck u.

Noll's post above is correct. The sperm (little swimmers that are racing to get to the woman's egg) are what comes from the testicles. The semen is produced outside the testicle and the sperm then hitch a ride in that. So the weight of the testicles stays basically the same all the time.

See my post above about how the ball sack tightens and loosens. That is what gives the testicles the illusion of feeling heavier when they actually are not.
I've never noticed any difference between full and spent balls. I know I love to have them sucked!