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Have You Ever Been Heartbroken?

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Active Ink Slinger
When I was young, my Father told me to stay away from boys because they only wanted to get in my pants. I always thought he was just trying to protect me and that wasn't case, but from my own experiences and from what I hear in society, it seems that all men really want is sex. I'm not saying that's always true, nor is every man in the world heartless, but I have yet to meet a man who wanted anything more than a quick fling. So I ask, have you ever decided to take the plunge and invest yourself emotionally into a relationship, only to have your heart broken? And you have you ever been in love?

It seems many people are misinterpreting this, I'm not saying men are fuckdroids. Much of society says that women can sometimes be more emotionally invested in a relationship, therefore leading to a greater percentage of female heartbreaks than men. There are many people in the world who have never fallen in love. I for one, have been in multiple relationships and have only been heartbroken once. And I have many male friends who have never even told a woman they loved them, let alone even felt that way. And I have friends who fall in love with every partner they have. I'm asking for your own personal experience, not a generalization of every man on Earth because neither of us can speak for every man so let's not try.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MssTreeNymph
When I was young, my Father told me to stay away from boys because they only wanted to get in my pants. I always thought he was just trying to protect me and that wasn't case, but from my own experiences and from what I hear in society, it seems that all men really want is sex. I'm not saying that's always true, but I have yet to meet a man who wanted anything more than a quick fling. So I ask, have you ever decided to take the plunge and invest yourself emotionally into a relationship, only to have your heart broken? And you have you ever been in love?

You have to still be young to think this way - heartbreaking works both ways - there are enough songs written about it from the male point of view or do you think that's all just male propaganda?
Active Ink Slinger
My dad always said, boys will always be interested in trying to get into your pants. Respect yourself and never give in until you are mature enough to understand what you are doing, and you are doing it because you want to. If you respect yourself, they will respect you.

I didn't take that step until I was ready, and it was my choice, and not someone whispering in my ear, "if you love me, you would sleep with me". After I lost my virginity, I stayed with my boyfriend for a while, but we were young, and we both knew it wasn't a life changing relationship. I did, however, choose not to sleep around, and made it clear to the ones that followed that I wasn't going there with just anyone.

There are many men, and women, who are not interested in anything other than just a quickie, and that's fine. If you want a deeper relationship, you will have to invest your time, and heart, and there's no guarantee that your heart will not be broken. Even perfect relationships have imperfect moments. Relationships fall apart for many reasons, but it's how you handle the deterioration of the relationship that might save it, and, your heart.

Perhaps your focus should be on not sleeping with the next guy you date, but to try and develop a deeper connection/relationship with him before taking that step. If your fear is that he will leave because you won't sleep with him, let him go. Someone who deserves you will come along, and that's the one who deserves your time, and your heart.

I've been in love many times, and I've gotten my heart broken many times. The two loves of my life were the ones who really shattered my heart. You always say, there's no way I'm falling in love again. Why torture yourself with such pain? In time, the pain of your breakup subsides, your heart doesn't hurt as much, and you allow yourself to feel again. We are human and need to feel love and affection.

Don't let the fear of heartbreak prevent you from opening up, and giving your heart away. Try, and if you fail, try again.

I wish you well.

"If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. Dale Carnegie"

Active Ink Slinger
You make it sound like all men are robots. Yes men fall in love and yes men get their hearts broken... Not all of us think with our dicks so please don't tarnish us all with the same brush.
Yes ,have had it trashed a couple times...
Cheeky Chick
I know this is under ask the guys, but for being a gal, I have in fact been heartbroken. Even though I'm careful with my heart. It does seem like a large portion of men only want to have sex. It doesn't seem like anyone wants to settle down, to be with that one person anymore. As if that has become . People, women included, just want flyby's. Or, at the very least, friends with benefits. But, nothing more than that. They don't want to catch the feels. And I don't know why, because that isn't who or how I am. But, I guess I'm just old fashion.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JohnSmith10
You make it sound like all men are robots. Yes men fall in love and yes men get their hearts broken... Not all of us think with our dicks so please don't tarnish us all with the same brush.

That's kind of why I said 'I'm not saying that's always true... But I have yet to meet a man who wanted anything more...' meaning this isn't the case for every man in the world, this is just my opinion from my personal experiences. Nowhere did I say 'This is the case for every man in the world, they are all emotionless robots with dicks for brains'.
Wild at Heart
It took a while, but yeah, I stopped shitting on the carpet and learned to use the toilet like a human.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MssTreeNymph
That's kind of why I said 'I'm not saying that's always true... But I have yet to meet a man who wanted anything more...' meaning this isn't the case for every man in the world, this is just my opinion from my personal experiences. Nowhere did I say 'This is the case for every man in the world, they are all emotionless robots with dicks for brains'.

This is going to sound horrible but perhaps you've always gone after the wrong guys. I for one would love a relationship and would prefer one over a quick fling.
Advanced Wordsmith
I've been in love three times, and heartbroken three times. Happens to everyone.
Run towards chaos, kiss with passion, live with laughter...even when everything is trying to bring you down.
Advanced Wordsmith
I was lucky enough to meet the love of my life when I was 16, she made a mistake and cheated on me one night. She admitted what she had done and asked forgiveness. I was too ignorant and prideful to forgive her and I've been heartbroken for 42 years now. I never should have let her get away, she was my soulmate. I've never re-captured what we had.
Active Ink Slinger
Not it at least 25 years, but yes, when I was younger.
"Being male is a matter of birth.
Being a man is a matter of age.
Being a gentleman is a matter of choice."
Yes..just recently

But you cannot experience the JOY of real love unless you take chances

If a guy only wants sex..this is very easy to fix honey

Don't sleep with them..the bad ones will go away after awhile

There are a lot of caring wonderful men

Just be patient..wait a bit before sex to find out who they really are

If these guys are young ..yes they do want sex...but they do mature..and again you dictate when YOU are ready

And trust your gut..we all know the bad guys..give the guy you might not have dated a chance...

Good will meet a great guy..he is out there wondering where you are! Hugs
Yes, I've been in love before. The sort of crazy, over the top sort of love that you see in the movies. It was only once that it happened like that for me, but that was more than enough. Never have been able to recapture that feeling ever since but I guess it is nice to know it did happen once.
Quote by Poppet
I know this is under ask the guys, but for being a gal, I have in fact been heartbroken. Even though I'm careful with my heart. It does seem like a large portion of men only want to have sex. It doesn't seem like anyone wants to settle down, to be with that one person anymore. As if that has become . People, women included, just want flyby's. Or, at the very least, friends with benefits. But, nothing more than that. They don't want to catch the feels. And I don't know why, because that isn't who or how I am. But, I guess I'm just old fashion.

I know it feels like all anyone wants is a hookup but the truth is that almost everyone wants what you do. Nothing old fashioned about it at all. You won't find much of it on Lush of course. But go to the millions of profiles on real relationship dating sites and you will find them.

Quote by Poppet
I know this is under ask the guys, but for being a gal, I have in fact been heartbroken. Even though I'm careful with my heart. It does seem like a large portion of men only want to have sex. It doesn't seem like anyone wants to settle down, to be with that one person anymore. As if that has become . People, women included, just want flyby's. Or, at the very least, friends with benefits. But, nothing more than that. They don't want to catch the feels. And I don't know why, because that isn't who or how I am. But, I guess I'm just old fashion.

I know it feels like all anyone wants is a hookup but the truth is that almost everyone wants what you do. Nothing old fashioned about it at all. You won't find much of it on Lush of course. But go to the millions of profiles on real relationship dating sites and you will find them.

Yea my ex fucked my best friend. She destroyed mine and her fling. She was with someone else who had money. She said she was usibg him but loved me. Her and i had been a couple for four years. We split up and three years later her sister died and we saw each other and she wanted me. We hooked up then she fucked my friend i told his wife and she told the guy with the money and it fucked everybody up. Then two weeks after the fall out another girl had my baby and i did not even know she pregnant. So my ex broke my heart but my baby mama glued it back together
Yes.. If you never have been then you've never felt truly alive loving someone.