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Guys, please answer honestly!!!

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It kind of works both ways; Who is telling him that you are sleeping around? And why would they, what benefit does one have to tell someone's gf is cheating? Are they haters on you, and just trying to break things up? Why would a reasonable bf think you are cheating? Lastly, DO A DRUG TEST! Sounds pretty simple to me! If you pass dump his ASS!!! Good Luck! This sounds like a short term relationship.
If it's not true but he "claims to know," then discuss it with him. If he still "claims to know" then dump his sorry ass and get yourself a better man.
No I would not. Dump the jerk!
If he can't trust you now he never will, get rid once and for all.
Clearly he has trust issues when he makes up lies... As it has been mentioned before, it seems there are control issues at hand...

Ask yourself this... Does he go through your phone when he sees you? Ask you who you are texting/talking to constantly? Tell you who he wants you to hang around or not be around? Ask you where youre going/when youre coming home and check up on you? Tell you what you can and cannot wear? Seems to be angered easily when you dont agree with him? Told that your lucky to have him? No one else would want you?...

All of these are signs of controlling issues... And it applies to men just as much as the women... Controlling ways are dangerous in that they erode your self esteem until you are just a mere shell of who you should be... In my opinion if you honestly answer yes to any of the above... It will not get better, only worse and the time to cut all ties is now... Good luck!
If you are implying that all guys believe whatever other people tell them about their girlfriends and are scumbags, then you are being totally sexist and completely unreasonable. If he hears these things and he doesn't bother to ask you about it, then he doesn't deserve you. Never stay with someone who will believe what other people say about you faster than he will ask you if it's true. This is what I have to say. Use it. Abuse it. Lose it.
Sounds like my ex in the beginning of our marriage. Two years later he was being arrested for physical abuse. Drug problem? I'm sure - not my problem anymore.

Don't be an idiot who ends up saying 'they we're right' while you nurse injuries like I did. People td me to leave my ex and I didn't. Not until the damage was done and I was recovering.
Amazing? If it walks like a duck and talks like a hunch is it's a fucking duck. Run, baby, run.
Sounds like my ex....crazy, controlling, and very abusive. Dump him!
Personally I can't make a determination given such a small amount of information. I don't know anything about the OP, nor her BF, other than a couple sentences. I don't know their relationship, any personal dynamics, any real histories, what she may or may not be actually doing, what he may or may not actually be doing, etc.

But the replies are interesting....
Sounds like he is never gonna take your word for it so you are better off without him. Plenty more fish in the sea. Good luck
Hes jealous. Not good.
Posted: Friday, March 27, 2009 5:43:55 PM

Can we let this fade into the abyss... please?
he's paranoid because he loves you. But he's an ass for not trusting you. Either he gets help for it, or help him to the door
opps, guess the problem got solved
He sounds like a no good pompous jerk that is two types of good. No good and good for nothing. He sounds very immature to me and you should move on to someone who will treat you with the respect and love you deserve. You sound like a very trustworthy person so find yourself someone who will trust you as well.
Dump him and find someone who won't mess with your mind.
Quote by theplayer
Amazing? If it walks like a duck and talks like a hunch is it's a fucking duck. Run, baby, run.

Get away from that nut! He has latent control freak all over him.
Kick him in the balls and tell him to feck off. Simple.
It's very easy for we who are not you or in your situation to make a quick judgement however nothing is ever straightforward. I have had friends experience this situation and as others have said it can get more violent. If you personally feel that the plus side of this relationship is so good that it needs saving then I would go for professional advice or arbitration. The time to mention this would be when he is in ''forgive me for being so awful'' etc mode if he doesn't agree to it then I would seriously consider leaving. It can get to the point where the aggressor urinates on someone who he has beaten to the floor. There was an experiment once I believe to rehabilitate rapists that was very successfu and I feel this indicates that this attitude can be reversed.
why are their drugs around the house then?? and sounds to me like your regular jealous guy.. just be honest and set him straight, if you think there are reasons for him to be jealous then let him know of it and clear it.. make him feel certain.. if the shit continues then hun you are going to have to learn to move on..

I hope Im not the only one that notices that by amazing she really means that its the best sex she has ever had in a relationship and she doesn't want to let it go
This guy is a jerk, dump him and move on.
1) ask him for the proof ... its like he wanna tease u, control u ... and he likes u begging to him ... u should find a guy who loves u and not the one who controls u ... break up with him ...

2) and sometimes it also means, he has inferiority complex .... if he loves u, he should believe u .... he doubts himself whether to believe or not!!!

3) find the one who tells him that ... if there is other person, then he defintely envies u ... or he might have a broken relationship ... he doesn't like u guyz or any other persons being together!!
No, I wouldn't. But it sounds like he is insecure. Talk with him heart to heart to see if you can find trust between the two of you. (Otherwise the relationship is likely to fail & you're looking at damage limitation.)
My ex-eife was a pathological liar. She actually believed all these things fast as you can it is only going to get worse.
Dump him for the sake of your sanity
This is not normal behaviour, and from what you write, he might also be (or become) very possessive or abusive, if this goes on. Love is not something you say, it's something you do. If he treats you badly, then he doesn't love you, even if he says "the three magic words".

Either you need to set him straight or dump him. That's my take on it.
Why do women think every guy cheats and are so jealous,If you find proof thats one thing.People are gullible and some can be lead real easy Just the facts maam