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Guys only please: What would you do if a woman you didn't know came up and started kissing you o

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Oh Hap, the smile would be there for a week
Uh, Linda, if it was you, I'm afraid you might get little tit and butt squeezes while you were kissing.
Do the appropriate thing and kiss her back and say what was that for and maybe ask her if she wants dinner or something
Active Ink Slinger
Guys, I have actually had worse than someone randomly kissing me on the street happen. Honestly, I wouldn't find a kiss offensive and if my husband came home and told me that happened to him I would laugh my ass off.

Maybe I was feeling a little defensive when I posted a reply last night but it wasn't because I was looking for a particular response and was mad I didnt get it. It was more that those who had responded assumed I was looking to get fucked. I am one of those people that likes to test social norms and comfort zones but also like to be respectful, which is why I asked, because I always wondered how guys would respond.

Someone said that I changed the venue from the street to the nightclub; sorry, thay wasn't my intent; I was only using that an example.

I do find it interesting that some would find it to be sexual harassment and others would just go with it and go about their business. And I do appreciate all of the feedback. Thanks, guys!
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X

the last time this happened to me she was an absolutely stunningly beautiful blonde......who it turned out was trying to make her ex-boyfriend jealous, (and she did, very successfully) He outweighed me by about 80lbs and she damn near got me killed.
The next girl who tries this.....
Active Ink Slinger
Well it's never happened to me but, if it did I would feel it impolite not to join in. But I wouldn't expect it to go any further, although it would be nice if it did.
It would depend on my mood at the time, her looks and exactly where we were. No help I dare say, but an honest answer.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by lafayettemister
Come on guys. I think some of you are trying to be a little to PC about this. If a woman came up to me and kissed me, it wouldn't be a horrible offense. It's not like she kicked you in the nuts. I'd probably smile and go on my way. And have a great story to tell me friends. If any of them would actually believe it....

No Mister I am not trying to be PC with this all, I have a tremendous woman in my life and don't need some random chick coming up to me and kissing me. Please remember that there are some hideous diseases that lie in peoples mouths, would you want to contract one just so you have a cool story to tell your friends?

*Edit - Are you turning into an Irishman now? "have a great story to tell me friends" is there a pot 'o gold in lucky charms as well? LOL

Would you still say the same if she looked like this?

WE serisouly need a like button on Lush! Mister you got 600 thumbs up on my behalf!

Oh and since I'm here and breaking the rules and all, me being a girl not a guy I might as well say this: if a woman you don't know comes up and starts kissing you out of the blue, do check you still have your wallet.
(Poizeniny do not take this as an attack, for all that's holly in the world, I'm not going after you or implying anything or any such nonsense it was just a friendly advice to the guys... from my brother's experience.)
Active Ink Slinger
Most probably back away and peck on the cheek with some joke along. I would perhaps(if she cute and not too scary looking) say that's a first to say hi, and your name is....

Few lines exchanged i should see if i wanna get with her. Other than that, it'll be the hi, catch you later, (never see you on the way out, if do, then it's bye and see you around)
Quote by lafayettemister
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by lafayettemister
Come on guys. I think some of you are trying to be a little to PC about this. If a woman came up to me and kissed me, it wouldn't be a horrible offense. It's not like she kicked you in the nuts. I'd probably smile and go on my way. And have a great story to tell me friends. If any of them would actually believe it....

No Mister I am not trying to be PC with this all, I have a tremendous woman in my life and don't need some random chick coming up to me and kissing me. Please remember that there are some hideous diseases that lie in peoples mouths, would you want to contract one just so you have a cool story to tell your friends?

Would you still say the same if she looked like this?

Dude, that's my sister. Not cool Dude, not cool. lol

Fuck me you are right!! She does look like you...for all that are friends with Mister, please do me a favor and compare the above pic to the one's in his gallery...tell me there isn't some truth that they could be related.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

If she was average looks or better I would thank her and ask her what was up. I would not be upset about it at all. Even if it was a joke, at least I would have gotten a kiss from a beautful women.
Active Ink Slinger
I would be taken back a little but also be flattered. I had a woman one night at a concert grab my dick thru my jeans being smart, I was speechless for once. Didn't know what to say.
Active Ink Slinger
I would probably check my wallet first...

Then my wife's location....

Then check her out....

and continue...
Active Ink Slinger
ShyDreamer, OMG! I never even thought of that! That would be beyond outrageous and beyond bold...did the chick that did this to your brother get caught? I wonder if she thought her kiss was so hot he wouldn't remember what she looked like.

13sub99, that was not cool on the girls part or the boyfriend's. I hate when little girls play games that put someone else at risk. Not cool at all. Sorry that happened to you man.
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X

Active Ink Slinger
If she was hot I'd think she was dared to do it or something, if she was ugly I'd think she was desperate. either way I wouldn't be impressed and shocked for sure.
I might even end up thinking they were a bit insane... Ah well, wouldn’t know until someone did it for sure.

I'd much rather get to know someone, and have them randomly spring a kiss on me then someone random spring a kiss on me.
I'd be pissed off for personal reasons. that's not okay.
Active Ink Slinger
i would kiss her back and pick her up by the ass...we would jump in my tinted window car and do it hard..after we were done she walk away and i would drive off to tell the fellas what just happen
Active Ink Slinger
probabally kiss her back and see how far it could go
Rookie Scribe
depends on the place and time and how long since i had sex men be honest
Advanced Wordsmith
enjoy the moment, and hope it would continue!!!!!
Honestly, I would wonder WTF is wrong with her. My own reflection vomits so I know it would probably never happen to begin with ....
Active Ink Slinger
Well, I would feel very flattered, and probably pull her in and return the kiss for a bit, then strike up a conversation with her after. And of course say thanks for that ;)
Check for her ward manager - she must be insane!
I would find it rather funny at first and then ask her why she did that and if she had a good reason i would ask her out to dinner.
Active Ink Slinger
I'd rather she kissed me on the lips than on the street, unless 'the street' is a euphemism for some erotic body part!
Wild at Heart
I'd rub her snatch... Obviously she's in heat.
Quote by Magical_felix
I'd rub her snatch... Obviously she's in heat.

You're a classy fellow, Felix. That's why Lush loves you.
Active Ink Slinger
What every Gentleman should do say "Thank You Ma'am"
Rookie Scribe
Back the fuck away. probably a drunk tranny, haha.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Big_Peice
Back the fuck away. probably a drunk tranny, haha.

You wish, LOL!