It's definitely not normal, and he's afraid to say you this. He needs counselling! It maybe a low-sexual drive...
does not sound normal to me. He may have low testosterone levels….or is gay and doesn't want to admit it.
I'm with everyone that suggests depression. As for the bathing, try and coax him into a shower with you and make worth your while.
It sure doesn't sound normal. It sounds like he has issues, and I feel for you. I am not sure how to get him the help he needs, but maybe you can both see a counselor. Maybe that will get the problem out in the open. Best of luck to you.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
That's weird check his porn history and see what turns him in or add some into the fun or talk to him and tell him how u feel about ur and that u have high sexual needs and he might understand
It's been ages since my original post...I've been trying to work things out in my head.
Things are actually worse than ever. I have suggested counselling and everything else mentioned on here and our relationship has just deteriorated further. He refuses counselling. He says that he loves me yet our sexual relationship is pretty much non existent - it's been longer than 5 months since we were last intimate.
The only thing that has improved is his showering situation (dunno about the teeth brushing though).
He says he simply doesn't need sex like I do (but seriously almost 6 months without?).
I have checked his porn history - he looks at it daily. On top of this, I found out that he is a feeder. I have always known that he liked curvy women (by curvy I mean exactly that, not overweight) but I didn't realise he likes to fatten them up.
To cut a long story short, he tried to do it to me. Saying things like 'we would have more sex if you got bigger' etc. I noticed that I had started to put on weight and told him that it will not happen under any circumstances, he was very disappointed. I asked him that if I chose to lose weight whether or not his attraction to me would diminish and he said an honest 'yes.' Then he says he's attracted to me no matter what, but I now realise that he likes bigger women and I cannot be that woman for him.
At one stage he wanted to take 'progress shots' of my 'weight gain' and at that point I realised what was happening and stopped it immediately. When he tries to touch me now, all that goes through my head is that he's trying to grab fat.
I have my first counselling session (on my own) tomorrow. I have decided to leave him...but I don't really know how. He can be nice and funny, but I think for a marriage to work it needs a lot more than that.
I understand that sex drive diminishes after a certain time but I also do not believe it should be like this. Are sexless marriages deal breakers?
There is nothing normal about this. You need to sit him down and explain your needs and ask what it takes to get him interested. If that doesn't work tell him you have needs and if he doesn't fill them you will find somebody that will. There is a chance he wants you to enjoy other men. I enjoy my wife being with other men. I like being with her and other women too. Maybe you need to see if he wants an open relationship.
I'm not a fan of devorce but I believe everybody has the right to be happy. If he is only interested in making you something your not and not filling your needs than I don't see that he is leaving you much choice. He is the one that is ending things. Give him what he wants. Let him go his way and find the obese woman he wants. You can then move on with your life and be happy. There are lots of men that will love you for who you are and will be more than happy to give you the effection you desire and need.
like everyone else here,i'm thinking depression, try a shrink,in the mean time,i hope your toys do you some justice,you can also try usingthe toys in front of him,that might cause a little spark
He's at home, stuck on porn in the daytime, no more energy for you. Was there once. Had to fight to break the habit. It's a marriage killer!
it is not normal for him to be like he is if you was married to me not only I coud not keep my handa off you but your clothes would not be on not long after you wallk in the door
it is not normal for him to be like he is if you was married to me not only I coud not keep my handa off you but your clothes would not be on not long after you wallk in the door but tell him about you him and another girl in bed with you two and see what he does or say
My Advise
Get counseling for yourself. Not marriage counseling, but just for you. Let that counselor help with perspective and then go from there.
Sounds like there is more than meets the eye here.
It isn't quite normal, if he's always been like it then it may be he just has a very low sex drive but if he was sexually active then it sounds like there may be underlying physical or mental (depression) problems but either way he needs a professional check up.
Alexa, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through such a tough time. As the guys have said; no, your husband's behaviour is not normal, and I'm only butting in as it does sound similar to what I experienced in a relatively recent relationship and that stemmed from my partner's depression. Your man obviously has problems, but unfortunately he is trying to transfer those on to you and is making you desperately unhappy in the process. Your going up several dress sizes will NOT make him more sexually active or make his underlying psychological difficulties magically disappear. Only he, with medical help, can do that.
However you are stuck in the middle of all this and need help and support to cope with the impact this is having on you. Please do keep us posted as to how you're doing, and we are here if you need to vent. Sending hugs.
I lived in a sexless marriage for years, and finally left on my own. Eventually you will leave.
Being an engineer means I think in practical terms. Not the greatest for giving love advice, but let me try. The solution to just about any problem fits into one of the following three categories: 1. Fix it; 2. Live with it; or 3. Walk away. It sure sounds like you have tried the first two categories, and exhausted all reasonable alternatives, leaving only #3
No matter how much he says he loves you, he either does not really love you, or does not love himself (Could be depression, as others have suggested). Something radical will likely be necessary to put things right, and I dread that he might be trying to control you. Therefore any attempt for you to leave may not be well-received. That does NOT mean you should accept alternative #2 to avoid his anger. I believe you will need to find close friends or family that will assist you in walking away, and support your decision and your adaptation to a new life on your own, or until you find a suitable partner. At least taking that action will up the ante, and possibly force him to realize he needs help, because you have reached your very reasonable limit of what you can tolerate, and then some.
If all remains as it is, he will have no motivation to change, and you will continue to be miserable. Don't be.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)