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Flirting with lesbians

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Why d o so many men like to flirt with a lesbian couple?
Beautiful women are beautiful women. I might not even know your persuasion. Flirting is a fishing expedition. If we didn't flirt, we wouldn't know if you were interested. I have known few women that I knew for certain were Lesbians. They were intelligent, interesting and attractive in my eye. My chemistry said "go for it" even if their chemistry said no. Which chemistry do you think I hear? Intellectually, I know these women are off limits. Primordially, Lesbian women are the same as Heterosexual women. As in any endeavor, one balances instinct and intellect. I try to respect their preferences, while my body is screaming "Hot Chick" from the lower recesses of my mind. My point is; as men, we are, generally, compelled to put it out there. I would hope you would feel complemented, not insulted that we are interested in you, forgive us our sin of not accepting your chemistry*without being told.

As an alternative though, perhaps, they feel like Lesbians are a safe place to practice, because they know the end result?

*I am NOT condoning the over aggressive individual that cannot accept the word no.
because every once in a while we will get lucky and get them both but most of the time it ends up in rejection trust me been there
One night I was out with a bunch of friends (including a lesbian couple) and I was flirting really heavily with one who I used to (and sort of still do) have a big crush on, whenever her girlfriend wasn't looking. (I should point out I was pretty drunk at this stage). The reason I was doing this is because I've never been wholly convinced that she is gay and, in a very twisted way, I was trying to make her admit to it. She was fairly receptive to my advances and I wouldn't be surprised if it had gone further were her girlfriend not present. I'm not proud of the way I behaved - I sincerely have no desire to split a couple up. I was just overcome with long-forgotten feelings and gin.

They broke up a few weeks later and she's now dating guys. Contemplating making a move, but I'm still friends with the ex-girlfriend so it would be pretty awkward. For now, I'm enjoying (and I know it's twisted) my 'told you so' moment with my other friends. My 'gaydar' is pretty good.

As to flirting with a lesbian couple in the hope of a ménage à trois, the idea is absurd to me. I know that if a guy tried that with my sister and her partner, they'd probably kick the shit out of him for being a pig. I know my fair share of lesbians and none of them would be down with that at all. I figure if a lesbian couple were interested in doing something like that, they'd probably approach the guy.
It works both ways. My ex wife would flirt outrageously with gay guys.

I am friends with on lesbian couple but I don't flirt. That would feel really awkward.
One of the biggest disappointments in my life was when I realized that actual lesbians are dramatically different in both temperament and looks from the lesbians I watched on my computer as a teenager.
Probably because we don't even realize that you're lesbians... And those dirty looks you give us as we are hitting on you are being misconstrued as "sex eyes" plus we are probably drunk.
Quote by Shibui
Beautiful women are beautiful women. I might not even know your persuasion. Flirting is a fishing expedition. If we didn't flirt, we wouldn't know if you were interested. I have known few women that I knew for certain were Lesbians. They were intelligent, interesting and attractive in my eye. My chemistry said "go for it" even if their chemistry said no. Which chemistry do you think I hear? Intellectually, I know these women are off limits. Primordially, Lesbian women are the same as Heterosexual women. As in any endeavor, one balances instinct and intellect. I try to respect their preferences, while my body is screaming "Hot Chick" from the lower recesses of my mind. My point is; as men, we are, generally, compelled to put it out there. I would hope you would feel complemented, not insulted that we are interested in you, forgive us our sin of not accepting your chemistry*without being told.

As an alternative though, perhaps, they feel like Lesbians are a safe place to practice, because they know the end result?

*I am NOT condoning the over aggressive individual that cannot accept the word no.

Very well put.
My ex girlfriends youngest sister is a lifelong & 'married legally' (yay) lesbian.

I was told prior to meeting her, of her inclination. I think primarily to keep me from saying anything stupid at dinner with her and the girlfriend's parents.

What did I do?

I flirted with her.

She flirted back.

Right in front of everyone.

It was light hearted, casual ... and complimentary. But I made it quite clear that I was dancing with the one I brought to the dance.

She and I have become good friends in the last three years. She got married last May (2010) I was not invited...but probably because her sister and I were sort of on the outs by then.

But she and I email frequently.

If someone on Lush identifies themselves as lesbian or bisexual...I allow them to contact me first if they so choose to.

I'm too busy fending off all the new 250 hetero girls a month. I try to shunt them off to Felix, Damon, Allen and Dancing_Doll. She can turn a lot of them to the fun-side, if ya know what I mean.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
A lot of lipstick lesbians are probably really bi and they don't mind sneaking over to the other side every now and then for some variety change of pace. Maybe the guy is flirting cause she just checked him out and he saw her. Some lesbian couples will not get a flirt no matter what, some will. Why do so many lesbians flirt with guys? It happens, actually a lot!
You know the old joke - I'm a lesbian because I like to lick other women, etc etc....Well I must be one too - I like doing the same.
I wouldn't even waste my time to try to even talk to one
Um, because flirting is fun even when you're not going to engage in anything more "serious". And most people with a good sense of humor like to flirt no matter what their orientation may be. Sometimes, it's even more fun when you KNOW it's only flirting and not going anywhere. Guys who only flirt to "score" are a sad lot IMHO.
I know at least one lesbian who enjoys guys flirting with her. There's always the "don't knock me 'til you've tried me" angle and the "once you go me, you'll never go she" angle. It's fun. If all flirting was serious pursuit, it wouldn't be very fun. If you're a straight guy and confident enough, it's even fun to flirt with gay guys.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Quote by menarealwaysignorged
I wouldn't even waste my time to try to even talk to one

so... let me get this straight. you only talk to women that you think you have a chance of screwing? you aren't capable of just having a conversation about books or philosophy or sports with a girl simply because she like other girls? this is a serious question, btw, not just an attack. i'm interested in getting a serious answer.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

so... let me get this straight. you only talk to women that you think you have a chance of screwing? you aren't capable of just having a conversation about books or philosophy or sports with a girl simply because she like other girls? this is a serious question, btw, not just an attack. i'm interested in getting a serious answer.

Hey there, SPRITENESS...your comment is 'spot on" as far as I'm concerned. I pm'd several lesbians here on LUSH because of somethin I read in their profile, etc. Intelligence knows NO gender/sexual persuasion IMHO.
Quote by sprite

so... let me get this straight. you only talk to women that you think you have a chance of screwing? you aren't capable of just having a conversation about books or philosophy or sports with a girl simply because she like other girls? this is a serious question, btw, not just an attack. i'm interested in getting a serious answer.

Well said, Lady Sprite!
I'm a naturally outgoing person and enjoy being friendly with everyone, men and women. I lightly flirt with all woman, straight or gay because... well, because I've always done it. I do pride myself on having excellent radar so, once again, gay or straight, if I'm getting the 'back off' vibe I do so. But it's rare. My flirtiness is pretty harmless and I'm surely not thinking of al women I flirt with as a potential sexual target . My experience with guys like that is that they are simply not getting enough sex and make every contact a sexual exploration.
Shibui, well put.
Being a chronic flirt, I like to have the intellectual stimulation from women. Sexual orientation is only a consideration in so much as what might be set as the tone. I am not aware of lesbians being any different to other women. A different outlook maybe, but is that not true of all of us!
Not really being into BDSM however I have a friend who's making it sound interesting.
Different ideas and open minds. Lush for me is to experience, explore and not to judge. Don't like? Move on.
Am I wrong?
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Quote by sprite

so... let me get this straight. you only talk to women that you think you have a chance of screwing? you aren't capable of just having a conversation about books or philosophy or sports with a girl simply because she like other girls? this is a serious question, btw, not just an attack. i'm interested in getting a serious answer.

The topic is about FLIRTING with lesbians not just associating with them, I'll admit that I didn't mean for the comment that I left to sound as I wouldn't talk to them period, but my answer remains the same, why would I or should I for that matter flirt with someone who have zero interest with me anyway, that goes for some straight women as well
Quote by menarealwaysignorged

The topic is about FLIRTING with lesbians not just associating with them, I'll admit that I didn't mean for the comment that I left to sound as I wouldn't talk to them period, but my answer remains the same, why would I or should I for that matter flirt with someone who have zero interest with me anyway, that goes for some straight women as well

when words are the only way of conveying your thoughts and feelings you should be careful about how you say things. substituting 'talking' for 'flirting' changed the tone of your post completely. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.