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Does it feel good to mindfuck the women on Lush and then tell them there's someone else?

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Quote by zbigniew

I think this would be a mistake. Every time you begin a relationship you take the chance that you can be hurt but to become an emotional recluse is no answer. You have to take the chance otherwise you will end up disillusioned and alone and that can be even more painful.

I think what's of the utmost danger and concern is that people openly vest their emotions into an online relationship with a person based on what words are written on the screen - blindly hoping that individual is being honest and truthful when, in reality, the people whom we're engaging in might not have a sliver of truth to anything they say.

When people engage in online relationships in the same way they engage in real life relationships it's actually quite disturbing.

People who take online relationships too seriously and too blindly need distance from the internet life. It is not reality. It does not substitute real life conversation and friendship. If someone cleaves to the internet to fill voids in these areas then perhaps they have a much bigger issue at hand they need to address.

This rings especially true on a website that serves as a sex community where individuals are seeking out satisfaction for sexual interests. This is open ground for extreme dishonesty. People lie about gender, life experiences, and everything else purely for their own enjoyment in relationship-focused communities. People need to proceed with caution and protect themselves from dire situations.
Rosesrred, you are not the only girl out there that feels this way. A lot of the woman that come visit this site are looking for something. For most it is a man that can give them a fantasy and as long as the guy can keep up that fantasy they will be happy. Maybe instead of looking for that prefect guy just let it go. And I bet you the prefect guy for you will find you. I met my girlfriend on the internet. And it just so happens that she's the one. She left her husband for me. I'm a very lucky dude in those regards. Her family and friends didn't believe I was real. What I am saying is you will never know what is real or what is fake. You just have to open your heart and trust that everything will workout.
Quote by Magical_felix


Okay. There are women I've met here, (I mean ACTUALLY subsequently met in real life, and I KNOW our feelings were real. As with all break-ups, there was acrimony and hurt, but we've gotten over that. The INTIMACY of an on-line relationship can be compromised by real-life limitations in many ways...)

And "mind-fucking" ANYONE is reprehensible.

But that's not what I want to talk about. Look at the above image. That Satyr's cock is the size of a Buick. But the girl is looking at the wheel on the barrow. What's the fucking deal with that? Is she kinky for wheels? Barrows?

"Yes your cock is HUGE but it isn't spoked or circular, in fact, it's distinctly un-wheel like... And I'm a wheel type of girl... Sorry... Wheels do it for me. I'm getting wet just saying the word. Wheel. And..."

Nicola: "That's enough. I'm serious."

xx Steph

I'm Wheely sorry...

Nicola: "I fucking hate you..."

Mazza: "Wheely no come back again?"

Liz: "Wheel around the fountain, pass me on the patio doors..."

Mysteria27: "You're the Wheel Deal!"

Dirty D: "Wheel it was good while it lasted..."

Raven Star: "This post is making me wheel unwell..."

Sprite: "Wheeliam, It Was Really Nothing..."

Coco: "Wheel like a pig you Irish Lunatic..."
Wild at Heart
Quote by stephanie

But that's not what I want to talk about. Look at the above image. That Satyr's cock is the size of a Buick. But the girl is looking at the wheel on the barrow. What's the fucking deal with that? Is she kinky for wheels? Barrows?

They don't like being mind-fucked or mislead or whatever. But obviously they still judge a guy by his ride.
Quote by Magical_felix

They don't like being mind-fucked or mislead or whatever. But obviously they still judge a guy by his ride.



xx SF
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by vines
Rosesrred, you are not the only girl out there that feels this way. A lot of the woman that come visit this site are looking for something. For most it is a man that can give them a fantasy and as long as the guy can keep up that fantasy they will be happy. Maybe instead of looking for that prefect guy just let it go. And I bet you the prefect guy for you will find you. I met my girlfriend on the internet. And it just so happens that she's the one. She left her husband for me. I'm a very lucky dude in those regards. Her family and friends didn't believe I was real. What I am saying is you will never know what is real or what is fake. You just have to open your heart and trust that everything will workout.

Well, if I was you, I'd disconnect the internet! If she did that to her husband and family, she can easily do it to you.
Prolific Writer
Quote by rosesrred
You all do it! Lead women along and when someone better comes along you dump us! I will Never trust another man on Lush no matter what they tell me!

I think you can find some lovely people here. You just have to weed through. There are definitely people here wanting to make connections.

I've been very lucky and have a wonderful cyber lover. As with any kind of a relationship it is a lot of work. It's even harder because all you have is words.

Your a lovely friend and I wish you the best. Sometimes you just have to open your heart. You may have it crushed but there are other fish in the sea. Don't let one crab apple ruin your fun here. You will find love if that is what you are looking for.

Hugs and kisses,
dpw, it isn't like that. Him and her estranged long before I met her. She was still living with him though. When I started chatting with her she moved in back with her parents then when I came over we got our own place. I'm good at knowing people. She is a good person. She married him because her family wanted her to marry him. The nephews still call him uncle. They like him much more than they like me. But she sticks up for me fiercely. I'm telling you it is rare to find a as kind and generous person as she is.
Wild at Heart
Quote by vines
She married him because her family wanted her to marry him. They like him much more than they like me. But she sticks up for me fiercely.

Is her family's last name Van Helsing?
Active Ink Slinger
Lush is about eroticism and fantasy. i can't help if some guys don't get that. says in my profile why i am here and if you are looking for a relationship I'll play along, but only as a fantasy. Don't feel bad when I leave or find someone else to play with.
My lady friend and I have been looking for a while now for a third to join us in our online adventures. We've had some get close to being what we want and we've had others miss the mark terribly. We just see it as there is someone out there who wants to be involved in the type of play in which we engage. We just have to be vigilant and realistic.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a BBW. I do not lie about it. It is right on my profile. I'm right up front. Then the guy gets huffy
about having cyber sex with me. I was more the willing its just there were people in the house. We meet he jacks off. WE make plans for later. He sends me a e-mail your to much women for me. REALLY. After all the Drama he started and he chickens out and blames me. And who can't be honest up front. Women r more up front then men.
Active Ink Slinger
=d> There just chicken
No to mindfucks

hugs to you Candy

and any other spurned lovers.

Here's a great pic I found to post:

This is an interesting question...I am married, and I don't hide that...
The possibility of something beyond fantasy is something I am strongly considering, so I don't play online simply to hide behind my marriage...
Brown Sugar
Quote by Kal-El85

I'm with Buz on this one. All guys aren't like that, but on a site such as this you're gonna run into dicks and assholes (no pun intended).

Well stated, J. They're present everywhere in life.
Quote by Mysteria27

I think you can find some lovely people here. You just have to weed through. There are definitely people here wanting to make connections.

I've been very lucky and have a wonderful cyber lover.

Really? This is an erotic sex site for crying out loud...not a dating service. It's main business is fantasy sex. I mean, you can meet anybody anywhere and strike a relationship, but I would think probably the worst place to find a serious believe to invest in would be a fantasy erotic stories sex site....just my
Prolific Writer
Quote by elicia

Really? This is an erotic sex site for crying out loud...not a dating service. It's main business is fantasy sex. I mean, you can meet anybody anywhere and strike a relationship, but I would think probably the worst place to find a serious believe to invest in would be a fantasy erotic stories sex site....just my

I'm not dating...I just said if you were looking for a cyber lover you could find it.
No, it can never feel good to get mind fucked anywhere, whether its on-line in a fantasy sex chat site or IRL. Finding and investing in a "cyber-lover" most likely is accompanied with tweaking heartstrings, I'd imagine just as it does IRL. Never feels good cuz the heart is, after all, so fragile. So, learn the lesson and protect yourself...or at least your heart.
Quote by rosesrred
You all do it! Lead women along and when someone better comes along you dump us! I will Never trust another man on Lush no matter what they tell me!

We men "all do it?" You make a gentle response a little difficult. I would say that being that you don't know "all" of us men, I think it's a bit excessive to generalize "all" of us so completely. I'm sorry you've been hurt, but considering how many women practice the same behavior of which you're assigning "all" of us men, I think encapsulating "all" men in such a negative preconception is, to say the least, misguided, inaccurate and inappropriate.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by VanirSidhe999

We "all do it?" You make a gentle response a little difficult. I would say that being that you don't know "all" of us men, I think it's a bit excessive to generalize "all" of us so completely. I'm sorry you're been hurt, but considering how many women practice the same behavior of which you're assigning "all" of us men, I think encapsulating "all" men in such a negative preconception is, to say the least, misguided, inaccurate and inappropriate.

I thought you had "no couth" lol.
Well said.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Weavindreams
I'm going to make one last statement in regard to this... EXCUSES ARE LIKE ASSHOLES... WE ALL HAVE THEM AND THEY ALL STINK! ACCEPT NO excuses from those, dishonorable, dishonest purveyors of disloyalty and needless pain who hide behind an avatar and utilize phony profiles to prey upon the emotions of others with out conscience or qualm. IF YOU DO, you are an ENABLER and have your own share in THEIR guilt! The WORST are those hypocrits who; having been victimized in this way themselves; make excuses or accept the excuses of "FRIENDS" whom they KNOW are guilty of doing these things. Folks the MOVIE was: "Cruel Intentions"!

You are one very sharp man my friend!!! Well said!
Quote by dpw

I thought you had "no couth" lol.
Well said.

All things in their season.
Active Ink Slinger
There's no easy answer to that. People on the internet lie... not everyone, but enough to make you wary.

If you're looking for something serious, I can only suggest that you be VERY, VERY careful and just assume that anyone you're dealing with does NOT have a predilection for commitment.
Active Ink Slinger
no mindfucking anyone is not good unless that is the only reason you come online.

Had it done to me several times before at other sites and guarded a little but still open to making some friends if I can.
Like the others have said, really sorry to hear you got hurt. But Lush really isn't a dating site. It's good to chat to people, but you have to accept they are not all what they seem. As I've observed before, there are a 'surprisingly'disproportionate number of hot bisexual women who only want to talk to other women on here, alongside men with 10 inch cocks. Pinch of salt.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Milik_Redman

Yeah, men are pigs. No denying that.

Of course to imply that women never fuck with a guys head is equally wrong. That's the problem with blanket statements. We all, women and men, take risks when we open ourselves to someone. On the internet or in real life, love hurts. That's why there is a song by that name. (Written by a man about his experience with women.)

I am totally sympathetic to you. I'm sure someone just stomped on your heart and believe me, I know how painful that is. All I ask is you don't paint us all with the same brush, and don't pretend that this is a fault that belongs only to men.

Very insightful and very well put. I really agree.
Active Ink Slinger
This only goes to show what a shallow mind some people have.
If they can't be honest in their dealings with other people, it only goes to show their total lack of 'Strength of Character'.
After a while you can always pick the individuals for what they are, whether they're male or female or something in between.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by silveranode
This only goes to show what a shallow mind some people have.
If they can't be honest in their dealings with other people, it only goes to show their total lack of 'Strength of Character'.
After a while you can always pick the individuals for what they are, whether they're male or female or something in between.

I think you sum it up pretty well.
I'll admit that when I joined I was pretty naive and ignorant of the internet world. I assumed that, because of the relative anonymity, people would be more open and honest.
It never ocurred to me that men would have female profiles and vice versa. Then it's been pointed out that we have all have our own reasons for being here.
Unfortunately people can get more involved and it is usually those people who feel the hurt more.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Possibly

Well stated, J. They're present everywhere in life.

I agree with these 2 and also malik the red..

I am sympathetic to you and anyone else that has had this happen to them. I feel no one deserves this ever!!!! Online or in real life..
My Stories

No Ordinary Gal

Fucked and Taken

That Special Evening