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Do you prefer bones or meat?

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So I've been curious what kind of body types men like and why so please share I'm quite curious for the responses!
I appreciate lots of body types but I definitely like enough so there's real curves.

And in bed,some padding is nice.
Someone with a bit of meat on their bones will always win in my opinion
My thinking is a bit strange when I consider the body-type of a woman. In my mind I'm thinking, "If she is skinny now, after children she'll be normal."
Therefore, I go for the skinnier women since women tend to put on weight after kids.
I kinda think it's a little demeaning to women to describe them as "bones" or "meat".

As if a woman who is naturally lean and thin, is bony and therefore defined only by her boniness. And somehow lumped into a category/fetish.

Or a meaty woman that is only defined by her girth and now only attractive to chubby chasers.

I've known very thin and skinny women who were beautiful, known some that were ugly. Known some that were attractive or not because of their attitude and personality. Same with "meaty" women. I've known plenty that I found to be very sexy, also known some that weren't.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
I am a fitness workout freak and and I am a married to a fitness freak.

I love this look....

Meaty or muscluar
Quote by lafayettemister
I kinda think it's a little demeaning to women to describe them as "bones" or "meat".

Oh god! I thought we were talking about penises. I was thinking I definitely like meat but I quite like a bone as well.
Quote by lafayettemister
I kinda think it's a little demeaning to women to describe them as "bones" or "meat".

As if a woman who is naturally lean and thin, is bony and therefore defined only by her boniness. And somehow lumped into a category/fetish.

Or a meaty woman that is only defined by her girth and now only attractive to chubby chasers.

I've known very thin and skinny women who were beautiful, known some that were ugly. Known some that were attractive or not because of their attitude and personality. Same with "meaty" women. I've known plenty that I found to be very sexy, also known some that weren't.
MEAT on bones
I like fit. Not fat and not skin and bones. How ever did starving women become the standard for healthy? Or obese people seem to think they are norm? Our bodies reflect us in so many ways. Yes fit people have the edge in certain situations like job interviews. Why is that? Doesn't it show self control and discipline and a sense of self respect? I am into fitness I admit. But there was a time when I let myself go. Instead of whining about how unfair the world is, I got a book on nutrition and joined a gym. It was hard to get fit and just as hard to stay fit but worth it all. If you look into the mirror and don't like what you see, you can change it. It is never to late. Throw out the cookies, melt the ice cream, drop the chips and go for a walk. Or better yet a jog. Make a plan and stick with it.
I might be in the minority (at least here on Lush), but I absolutely love to see apparent bones on girls. For me, nothing is sexier than definition in the appearance of a body, and bones add a lot to that (in addition to nicely defined muscles).

I enjoy some meat mainly in the ass and thighs, but I like the rest trimmed down to minimal (yet healthy) levels of body fat.

This gives me such a 'boner' (pun intended):

I'm carnivorous, so its meat all the way for me. I love having something to sink my fingers into. And my teeth.
When I first saw this post list on a friends profile page, I thought it had something to do with Cooking. So meat or bone I don't mind as long as there is plenty of heat and spices involved.
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
This is simple: Ribs are for BBQ and dinner! Silicone is for toys and sealing up water leaks. Natural beauty in any shape, size, color is the best. The mind is what really makes a person (woman or man) special. In this case, a 500lbs woman with two teeth and four strands of hair can be sexier than a pencil thin Barbie wannabe whos best response is "for sure". - sorry if that offends anyone, but that's my opinion.
Come visit The SpeakEasy , open on most Saturday nights around 930pm Central Standard Time. A place to relax, unwind, listen to music. Chat, Dance or just Enjoy. Its a classy joint!
Quote by Swag_Master
(...) pencil thin Barbie wannabe whos best response is "for sure".

Hmm, that response would actually be appropriate and way sexy for many questions I could ask her.

Not into getting jabbed by spiny hips/elbows/knees.

That being said...I wouldn't kick her outta bed!
i like fit and slender with just the right curves!
I would go closer to bone then meat. That said I like a slender woman with muscle tone. Buz had some great examples.
Intelligent, spicy, inventive, humorous meat. Or bones.
I'm pretty open minded on bodies, really. I've lusted after skinny, small-breasted figures (including the lady I married) but one young lady that I am very attracted to (but she's a co-worker and we're both married so I ain't goin' there) is very, very voluptuous so I know I can go for that, too. And everything in between, natch. So, no real general, overall preference. It comes down to the woman as an individual. The total package, if you like.
Totally depends on the mood or the girl. some bigger girls are so sexy esp with nice big juicy boobs, and some skinny girls are so anorexic or image conscious as to make being with them a pain in the ass!
has to have some shape do not like skinny girls
some meat is great! love the curves!
Definitely meat, gives you something to hold on to and feel. A skinny body is not pleasing to feel for me. Im not saying she should be obese but there should be some curves. lol
Meat all the way! A guy could chip a tooth on some of the women that are considered "beautiful" these days!

Excuse me, but I'm a Vegan and your question offends me! Just joking. Seriously, I like a woman who looks like a woman, not a broomstick. But mostly I'm on the moderate side. I prefer not too much of anything, at least in a long term relationship.