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Do you have horny cycles?

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I'm in my mid-40's and for as long as I can remember I have two cycles: a normal horny cycle and a high one. The high one doesn't have a set pattern - sometimes it's monthly - sometimes less/more frequent - and the duration ranges from a few days to a week or so... it's like I have a menstrual cycle but it is for making my cock hard lol... I'm in one now - think it started yesterday (not always obvious when it starts or ends) and is definitely running high today.

Made me think to put this out there... do any other guys run in cycles like this?
Sometimes. I usually masturbate once a day or something like that but almost a week ago I actually spent hours lightly masturbating. Some days every so often I feel way more horny that cumming once isn't enough. Most days once or twice is enough for me though.
My libido definitely comes and goes but I've never pinned it to a cycle, more to what's going on in my life. Should try tracking it sometime and see.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter

The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me

Wow, neat question. Do men feel cycles like women do? I think many do but most do not. We are built different, physiologically, on a very basic level. For them the monthly cycle defines a lot and keeps more humans coming along. Because each has a different timing men have to be ready all the time.

The fact that a group of women living together will synchronize their timing fascinate me. It shows the power our minds have over our physical body. Metaphysics work because of that. It's not what you hold, the rock or whatever, but your mind focusing through that, controlling, changing you. Your mind can make you very well or it can kill you. You chose.

I am ALWAYS aware of sex. I never drool, approach, Lear at, make suggestive gestures or remarks, anything to show what my mind is doing. But it is always aware.

What it's doing is storing a picture that I can view later to enjoy. What does she think? What are her favorite things? Her sense of humor? Is it like mine? Is it better than mine? What does her skin feel like and does she like to be touched? Does she like to touch? Would she touch me, just a soft, non-sexual caress. Stuff like that.

It is NEVER all about sex. Sex is always there though. I don't think anyone can see another without it being there at some level, positive (I want that!) , or negative (no way!), but always there. Our physical bodies are programmed to be that way. Otherwise there would be no next generation.

I feel it and crave it at a deep level, but there is so much more to pump those feeling up, so many more things to include. All those things inside, that make us who we are is what's important, not the package. Admittedly some packages are stunning but I've found some real ugly inside a few.

I am in charge of me, not that screaming little fucker that's my ego. He wants to do things I don't. I discovered him as a child and learned that controlling him got me so much more.

No, I do not whack-off over every woman I see. I am a gentleman and I adore women, all women but some more than others. It's hard seeing Bella Abzug as a sex object.

Sorry, i think to much and I probably talk to much, but I am an old fart. An old, male, engineer fart at that, so I have an excuse.

I am always a gentleman.
If im getting along and feeling good with a girl, then im always interested. But if were fighting or shes just being blah to me then I have no interest.
No, I'm either horny or not.
If my mind is occupied, say at work, then I'm not horny.
If I'm horny, I'm super horny. If I masturbate it will be at least four times.
I definitely go through stages of extreme horniness, then after that passes I don't think about sex all that much. Right now I am in-between stages.