When I was dating, I always paid for the date or at the very least my half of the date. Very few men were upset by it. However, the bf was one of them. It took him a bit to get used to me paying for things. I held my ground and he has worked through that little "caveman" part of his thought process. I make a great deal more money than he does and I think it is only fair that I do more of the paying.
It doesn't bother me when the woman pays. I wouldn't like it if she justified it by, "I make more money than you so I'm gonna pay". When the relationship begins it should be whoever invites and then progress into taking turns.
Been sometime since Ive been on a date but I don't find it emasculating, I have a feeling of guilt oddly enough
I am an old fashioned guy, I feel as that it is not appropriate for a woman to pay. However, not being one to offend her, I would accept her generocity.