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Do Tattoo'd women turn you on?

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Active Ink Slinger
For me it depends on the size and/or number of them. I remember a girl I new years ago pulling up her dress to show me her new tattoo of a small tiger located on her inner thigh and I can tell you that was hot! On the other hand when a woman has her entire body covered it does nothing for me but I can understand how others could find that quite the turn on.
Rookie Scribe
I am not a fan of them, although a small one on the arm or ankle is fine. The fewer the better though.

I suspect that girls like them more than guys, perhaps seeing them as self-expression, making them appear a more interesting person. But guys tend to more interested in girls' natural beauty, and too many tatts get in the way of that.
No, I find it a bit of a turn off in all honesty

But Tattoos are like any type of physical appearance, in that some people will like it whilst others don't.

See boob size, bum size, hair length etc etc.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, if they are good quality, and have a good theme, I love the way they look.
Oh yes please! They can be very sexy ? personally, it's an unparalleled way to express one's self.
I love a sexy tattoo on a woman because it tells me she's a non conformist and (98%?) ok the time they have meanings all their own

Quote by SnoopyBrown
Yes, I love to see tattoos on a female body, I find it very sexy...

WORD ???

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Advanced Wordsmith
Not me. In fact if it is over done it is a "turn off." Don't mean to offend anyone, but that is my taste.
I personally am not a fan of tattoo's. An indiscrete one is fine, but I feel the female form is God's greatest work of art, and it requires no additional help from ink.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes they do. I have a couple small ones. The largest is a 4 inch butterfly just above my cunt where my bush would be if I did not shave it almost daily. It is hubbies mark. The other one is the BDSM symbol with a 0, a 3, and a 7 in each segment that is the mark of a master that bought me at a charity auction several times in the mid 80s to early 2000s. We raised a lot of money for 2 very well known and worthy charities for sick children and young adults.

Nahhhh it's still the woman that turns me on not the tats although I have no problem with them.. My point is this.. Fit hot chick is a turn on.. Fat ugly chick with tats isn't a turn on but it's not cos of the tats.. It's cos she's fat and ugly
Active Ink Slinger
turns me off, can't stand to see them on a woman, and most of the men have very ugly ones too.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes! Tattoos are the best ever!!!
Active Ink Slinger
It depends. Mostly no and that's because most people have horrible taste. It's all subjective.
Once in a while tattoos can be a major turn on. I have a really hot neighbor and she has a butterfly tattoo on her right breast. All I've ever seen is part of one wing. I've known her for many years and since the day we've met I fantasized about unbuttoning her blouse. She is completely unavailable but I can still dream.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by candyflossbaby
Didn't see this topic on the search so thought I'd ask you guys myself, do you find tattoo'd women sexy? If so, what kind of tattoos and where on the body do you find them most appealing.
I ask because I'm becoming increasingly more obsessed with 'painting my canvas' as I call it, I live ink and think its a great way to show individuality. My bf says he loves tattoo'd women and eggs me on to get them, but my worry is tht there may be a line to cross where having a few sexy tattoos may turn into something tht looks a little more butch. What's your guys opinions?

they are not a deal breaker, but they don't turn me on.
English Gentleman
yes i quite like them.

ČervenÁ fox - i actually know her, such a hotty

Rookie Scribe
I am an older man so my thoughts on tattoo's might be outdated. I will say my wife does have one small tattoo that can only be seen when she removes her panties. I personally do not think visible tattoo's enhance anyone's attractiveness. I have no problem with a subtle visible tattoo, but full body art and or "sleeves" especially on a woman is very Unattractive to me. Sorry, but that is just my opinion.
Very much so, it's such an expression of who someone is. I love it

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

No. I really don't care for body art. There are tasteful and overly done ones. The tramp stamp is so common now that I almost expect it. Living at the beach I get an eyeful of them. A little rose on the shoulder or butt is tasteful in my view but I just can't imagine permanent ink on the face and neck to be a good decision. You can get away with it at twenty but what will it look like on a 60 year old?

I'm not for everyone
Absolutely love tattoos on women.
Active Ink Slinger
I hate it females and males.
To me it's GRAFFITI on bodies.
Active Ink Slinger
I like a few small tattoos on a woman and those are turn ons. Those that are large like a sleeve or cover a lot of the body do the opposite and are turn offs. Brandie has 2, her first one is a colorful butterfly that is my mark as her Dom. It would be covered if she wore a bush, but she is totally smooth. It is about 4 inches wing tip to wing tip.

Her second one is also a mark of a Dom that won her at a BDSM charity auction we participated in twice a year for many years. The same Dom won her each time except the few times he was not there. He had it tattooed under the right wing of the butterfly. It was done on the last night of the 3 day event the first time he won her. It is the BDSM symbol, about 1 1/2 inches in diameter with the 3 digit number he assigned to her. One digit in each segment of the symbol.

We have discussed her getting 1 or 2 more. She would like another butterfly with some scroll work on each side on her lower back. She also wants a humming bird with its beak into one of her nipples.

Now these would all be turn ons for me and her.

Hell yes love a sex woman with ink.
Absolutely! I find good tattoos that are tastefully and artfully applied without going overboard to be very hot and very sexy on a woman! Of course, just like anything else in life it is possible to overdo it to the point where it becomes a distraction and a turn-off; for example, porn star Bonnie Rotten. WAAAAAAAAY too many, so much so that it blocks out her natural beauty. Body art is meant to enhance the body, not overwhelm it.

And yes, I have tattoos myself, as does my lady.
Active Ink Slinger
I love a discrete tattoo, especially in the groin area, less is more when it comes to body art
Active Ink Slinger
It depends on the girl and the tattoo. If the girl is sexy the tattoos don't matter.
Rookie Scribe
100% yes. Ink on a woman's skin is super sexy.
English Gentleman
to an extent, yes. very hot.
Active Ink Slinger
I personally am not a tattoo fan. A little smartly placed with discreet theme tattoo may be fine though, but I think that we the women are beyond any art work and don't need anything extra to get attention...
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
Active Ink Slinger
Can be very sexy! Also can be a turn off. Depends on the girl, and depends on the tats.
I just want to be someone's that a problem?
Depends on the tattoo its placement and quality but yes they can be very sexy