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do guys like to cuddle?

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I think men like cuddles more than chicks. men need comforting and and that security as much as we do. plus they usually think a hug leads somewhere else ;)
I like to cuddle, not nessisarily loads, but I do like too.
Imho I suspect emmafisher might be on the right track, most guys will only cuddle to get further.
I quite like to cuddle my better half standing, as I love how her pert breasts feel on my chest, I also like to cuddle during a movie as I love to grope my better halfs breasts while we watch the box, but this always leads the horn, to get, well horny.
So theres another opinion for what it worth.
love to cuddle, hand on her hips or thigh....really gets me worked up most of the time....but wouldn't stop for all the tea in china..
i will say this in the manliest way possible... cuddling is awesome lol... its one thing to have someone who comes and goes, its another thing to have someone there next to you, its comforting
I get comfort from skin to skin contact, even a slight caress of a finger can relax me if I'm nervous (mind it has to be a girl's touch), so yes, I love to cuddle.

"So how does it feel to know that someones kid in the heart of America
Has blood on their hands, fighting to defend your rights
So you can maintain the lifestyle that insults this family's existence"

Security is mere illusion; yet in that illusion lies security.
A little bit of spooning is lovely. Nice and intimate.

I like my space for sleeping though.
Any guy who likes to cuddle without it going "further", is, paradoxically, more likely to go "further" with me. I like men who can think above the waist.
absolutely yes
I sleep better when cuddling with a beautiful woman
Yes! With my wife!
I love to cuddle. I've been told I'm good at cuddles. It's just a nice feeling. I think people should cuddle more.
Yes and no.

Lazy winter nights yes.
After sex no. Too busy trying to breath, too sweaty, zzzzzzzzz.........
Simple answer... yes. I Love cuddling whether iqs simply because one of us isnt in the mood or if its while watching tv or a movie. Its a great way to relax with that someone special
As often as possible.....