Becks question What would it take for a woman to get you into bed has me curious....
Are there any men out there that need a deep connection with a woman BEFORE going to bed with her or is it enough that shes just willing?
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
I don't need a deep connection. Maybe I'm just cheap.
Had a dream I was king, I woke up still king!!
Call me old fashioned, but there has to be something there. There has to be a friendship and some, otherwise it would just be awkward for me afterwards. "ok, so we fucked, now what?". Just doesnt sit well with me. If you have a connection, and a good one, you get to enjoy the company you have. Its not about notches on your belt.
i dont go for one night stands, and i take sex pretty seriously so yea for me there needs to be some kind of connection.
one night stands can draw connections as well. a connection is needed before anything proceeds. just because she's aesthetically hot, does not mean the experience will be hot.
For me, connection.
I just want something more.
there usually is some kind of connection that had drawn you to that person to start out with, if you you choose to capitalize or build on it or not is a different story.
A quick shag with almost a stranger is fun but real passion comes from making your woman happy. pleasing her. making and hearing her cum. you need to care about someone to want to do that.
Plus i love that Yellow Thong!
I didnt need a connection when I was younger. Now being older (somewhere between 35 and 40), if I was looking, I would definitely need a connection. Thats not to say I wouldnt have a one night stand, or jump into the sack on the first night. I would have needed to connect with a woman first though.
Deep connection is relationship material, most men that are aiming for sex are not looking for anything as such, and men that are aiming for relationship will look for different things that they would prefer to have in common with their OS