Same question for men: apart ejaculation, how does your partner know when you achieve an orgasm?
Loud? Moaner? Body message?
Body tenses and relaxes repeatedly, eyes close, loud grunt/groan or maybe even a "Oh yes!".
I'm fairly verbal, tho often incoherent in the throes of passion. Anyway I try to let my partner/s know its my special moment.
I've got my orgasms organized by type and intensity and broken down by names:
The Ghengis Khan World Conqueror (I almost pass out and it lasts longer, and I can barely walk after)
The Napolean (starts out amazing and ends in a whimper)
The Ninja (sneaks up fairly quietly and then Kapow!)
The George Costanza (very average)
The Donald Trump (it just kind of fizzles)
Well, it's very easy for her to know when I orgasm as I ejaculate.
Yes ,,They are all unbelievable.
My sexual partner always knows, because of two reasons. One I am loud, yes I have always been Porn loud and all my sexmates love it. two, the cock gets iron hard and the head of my cock swell's as I fight to keep from shooting. at that point you could count to 3 and streams will start spewing.
My fingers and toes turn into sparklers and I make an "ah-OOG-ah" sound like a submarine diving. It's so annoying.
if I can ever have on they will know
They can feel when I orgasm because I shoot my load in pretty hard pulses. But I'm not really very vocal, at most my breathing gets heavier but that's it.
I usually moan loud and tense. It would be hard to miss the signals.
i get tense and then gyrate around wildly. after calming down touching my glans will make me jump
Apparently not.
If I don't say anything my wife asks if I've cum yet
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I growl loudly. Not only that, I slam the hell out of her cunt when it happens.