The short answer is no. Most of us have the same self confidence issues women have, ours tends to be about the size of our junk. I'm 29, and until about 2 years ago I was worried that 6 inches was too small to please most women. Now however, I am fine with it. If she is with me for the size of my cock, she wont be around long, there are tons of guys out there who I am sure are way longer and probably thicker too. But then again, if she has a chance to see my cock, she isnt the type who is going to care either.
Yes, I am very unsatisfied personally, though my girl keeps telling me I shouldn't be. I am not big to be honest.
What options do we have!! Live with it and learn how to use it to the best possible capability.
There have been times in the past, maybe too in the future that I have been. Not a lot that can be done about it. I have been extremely fortunate that only two women have made comments directly about its size. Most women are polite and don't comment on the size. Thank you ladies.
One told me straight out that I did not have enough to satisfy her itch. At the time I was young and it hurt, but I got over it.
The other commented it was "going to hurt" since all she was interested in was anal sex I did my absolute best to be as gentle as I could.
As people have stated porn has skewed the image of "manhood".
While I may be wrong, I really believe there is not a man in living that has not wanted a little more swinging. The psyche is a fragile thing regardless of how content you profess to be.
It's only kinky the first time.
well i can say am not unsatisfied with my tackle.
Not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean!
I'M sure not all men are. but A lot of men are. As far as your husband goes tell him those pills & pumps are A scam & do very little to help. Cosmetic surgery is about the only thing that really works,& I hear it's not really worth all the pain & expense. Also it's a part of basic human nature to want more of anything desirable or pleasurable.
What does it matter, as long as we can do enough with what we've got to help keep our women OURS, no?
No. Even though I am not huge, e.g. 8-9 inches, I've found that mine works just perfect...6 1/2, 7 when rock hard, and 6 inches in girth, makes women very satisfied...first sexual experience many years ago, the girl was "moaning and groaning" as I youthful enthusiasm pumped her hard. I learned then and there that a woman could really get off on my slightly above average length, well above above average thickness!
I'm fine with what I've got.
yes I'm happy with my size it always gets the job done. the ones that arn't happy with the size of a mans cock are the women they always say size matters the bigger the better. so the question is are you happy with the size or your mans cock?
It is the same as how women are bombbarded to think they have to look like super models or Barbie. Men are bombbarded that that we are to be 6'2 with chiseled abs perfect hair (on our heads only) and a 10" dick. Most of us don't live up to it. Since we are on a site directed at sex, the whole size issue is a constant topic. It is believed that women are insecure about being "replaced" by a younger perky version... Well men are insecure as well. Among other things an ego stroking is much appreciated. It is the shall I say "fear" of being replaced by a more dominant male, handed down though our genes (more so than what is in our jeans)is where I believe the size "envy" stems from.
I am more than content with mine. I'm not large by any means but I'm certainly not small.
It's all about accepting what 'tool' you've been given and getting on with the job.
Unfortunately big or small that's the cock you have so best learn to live with it and use it well ha.
I am neither big nor small, average is what I would say I was, I have never measured it because I think that is a tragic stage to get to measuring your own cock ha.
I think most people have said it but it really is how you use it that matters.
Very satisfied, very proud.
I'm very satisfied with mine it's no 10 - 12 inches but I don't make no big deal out of it
Mine isn't huge, but its not tiny.
Its kinda like breast sizes, you might not be happy with it, and want bigger, but the person you are with will be happy or they wouldn't be with you.
For a question like this I will have to quote a friend of mine, who on having a drunken girl breaking up with him in the pub, she screamed at him that he had a tiny cock, he just smiled stood up and said "If you didn't have a minge like a pringles can it would be ok, and its big enough to let me cum every time....."
I don't worry about it at all... I'm around 7 inches which I guess is average, but over the years I've found it's all about your skill level with what u have. It's just a tool and if you don't know how to use it, it's useless. Be happy and confident with who you are; I just say if you want 12 inches, I'll fuck you twice! Lol
Nope, I'm quite happy with mine.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.