I kind-a enjoyed f*cking a 'Fruit Cake' once or twice.
She acted all 'nutty' and it made it 'Special'.
Quote by ghostwriter
Not sure what it means in your part of the world but in mine a fruitcake is male. And that ain't ever gonna happen!
Quote by Batman
You have to know my sweetie.
She a nut
A fruitcake
And she all mine.
Has to be that way, to fall for me.
And she has the voices to go with it all.
Quote by SirLancelot
Smile, just because I think that is a great question to post I will answer.
No, I have never tried anything like that. If I don't have a girl around, I have two hands.
there is a kids toy that I always called a water snake <http://www.starmagic.com/WATER-TUBES.html> that would probably feel kind of interesting. If I ever find one of those I will fuck it just for you and let you know if it was worth it.
Quote by smiler77
ahh what a waste of opportunity guys, If I had a cock I'd be fucking everything that fit haha! sorry!! )
Quote by barbie
hey smiler i have asked the same question to my close friend after watching American Pie.
And he said ''Yanks might do, but i don't'' lol.
Hey no offence yankees. Oops again.obNRdNHOdhbmmS2B
Quote by roccotool
Methinks the pie incident was written into the movie just to get a laugh.