Some of you may know, I like to write about masturbation and I am preparing a new story. So I need to create a new masturbation scene.
But I like you girls to inspire me a bit with unsusual ways to masturbate. So here is my question: What kind of unusual masturbation technique
situation or location can you brag about? The more bizare the better, only one condition: it should have worked for you all the way to an orgasm :-)
I think guys need a real good toy we don't have anything good or maybe I need ideas
ive used my brothers xbox controller spread out on his bed, ive used fruits and veggies, tub,
I have a bunch of dildo's, but the unusuall things that I have use include a hair brush, and a shampoo bottle. I am eyeing up my bed post
I had an off and on again relationship with a Sears & Roebuck trash compactor for a few years in the 1980s. I upgraded to a self-lubricating, Craftsman portable air compressor in 1991. New decade, new toy.
I've never looked back.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
when i was at school about 4 years ago i used a pencil case and i have used choclet and both feel great