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Would you like to see a Ladies only Basement chat room?

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I think that would be a great feature....maybe cut out some least couples listed as female...and not to be unpc...but LADIES other groups or sub categories.
Quote by MissKat76
How many times have you wanted to openly discuss in a safe zone fetish matters where men won't leer at us and the vanilla girls of lush won't jeer at us?

I know I have constantly needed this.

If you believe Lush could or should provide such a permanet room, please consider joining the group we hope to show Lush a unified desire for such a room.

The group is at https://

Thank you for your support. Not a fan of fetish things we still could use your support. If you just want the "freaks" out of the Ladies of Lush room, that's fine too, but be willing to at least join the group to voice such in a constructive manner.

Are you a male reading this, and think the ladies of lush into fetishes need a safe zone, please show your support too at the group.

Where is the web address for the group ????seems lost
Here's the URL for the group itself:

And here's the URL for the main discussion:

And, yes. This is a good idea. I often don't think about this problem because I only rarely enter the chat rooms. A safe place for women-only discussion is definitely needed at this point.
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Okay here is how I see it now. You want a room that allows open bdsm play between women only due to the fact that in the Basement there are men who you don't want to "perform" in front and in the Ladies Room there are vanillas who jeer, notwithstanding the fakes, men as women or couples, who are there.

The way I see it there are already rules in place to take care of this. As you pointed out nothing can be done about men who masquerade, but the jeering? If that happens in a regular room and we call a mod we're told to hit block. Doesn't that take care of this situation too? And aren't we NOT supposed to be mocking or judging others kinks? So shouldn't they be warned and then blocked by the mods? After a few of those encounters the jeering would stop.

As I said earlier, I don't engage in nor do I like open room play. When it starts in a room I'm in, either I leave or I block those who are engaging in it.

Would an additional room take up more bandwidth and possibly cause more problems now, or down the line?

This really sounds like a very narrow niche room to me.
Quote by Eaglesclaw
Okay here is how I see it now. You want a room that allows open bdsm play between women only due to the fact that in the Basement there are men who you don't want to "perform" in front and in the Ladies Room there are vanillas who jeer, notwithstanding the fakes, men as women or couples, who are there.

The way I see it there are already rules in place to take care of this. As you pointed out nothing can be done about men who masquerade, but the jeering? If that happens in a regular room and we call a mod we're told to hit block. Doesn't that take care of this situation too? And aren't we NOT supposed to be mocking or judging others kinks? So shouldn't they be warned and then blocked by the mods? After a few of those encounters the jeering would stop.

As I said earlier, I don't engage in nor do I like open room play. When it starts in a room I'm in, either I leave or I block those who are engaging in it.

Would an additional room take up more bandwidth and possibly cause more problems now, or down the line?

This really sounds like a very narrow niche room to me.

As a frequent user of the chat rooms, and the Ladies Room in particular, I think this is a decent idea, and only time will tell if it gets used a lot or not. It would not be the first time a room was created and then closed after awhile due to lack of use. But I do see a reason for it. In the ladies room, it is not so much that we are vanilla... there are plenty in there into kink and often post pics to show just that. I think what most object to is open "cyber' as we can find that in any other room. The ladies room is sort of a safe zone for those who just wish to joke and flirt and occasionally discuss more serious things.

From experience, I can also say that those who come into the room and immediately ask the room if anyone wants to go private, or role play or have sex, or start at the top of the list and work their way down, hitting on each one, often turn out to be or are perceived to be males. Regardless, I don't think we jeer at them so much as make fun of them hoping they either go into whispers or go into another room.

The point of having a Ladies only "basement" is a pretty good idea for women who DO wish to play in the open, or watch women play, without having males insert themselves into the play, just because they think they can or should, simply because Lush is a sex site. I personally am not an exhibitionist, but can be a voyeur at times. However, I have already discussed a "scene" with someone if this room comes to fruition. Something I definitely would never do in the ladies room.
Quote by Eaglesclaw
Okay here is how I see it now. You want a room that allows open bdsm play between women only due to the fact that in the Basement there are men who you don't want to "perform" in front and in the Ladies Room there are vanillas who jeer, notwithstanding the fakes, men as women or couples, who are there.

The way I see it there are already rules in place to take care of this. As you pointed out nothing can be done about men who masquerade, but the jeering? If that happens in a regular room and we call a mod we're told to hit block. Doesn't that take care of this situation too? And aren't we NOT supposed to be mocking or judging others kinks? So shouldn't they be warned and then blocked by the mods? After a few of those encounters the jeering would stop.

As I said earlier, I don't engage in nor do I like open room play. When it starts in a room I'm in, either I leave or I block those who are engaging in it.

Would an additional room take up more bandwidth and possibly cause more problems now, or down the line?

This really sounds like a very narrow niche room to me.

Narrow niche or not, and I personally do not see it as such, it would at the VERY least give the Ladies at Lush another safe zone away from men. The current Ladies of Lush room become full frequently enough to warrant another Ladies only room.

I feel the point is missed when it is said there are already rules in place to cover open play and due to what is an obvious disinterest in such activity there is desire to want to dismiss it out of hand. Okay then, let's take that off the table for a moment. It however shouldn't be considered open play to address your sub, or your mistress in the terms you've established for yourselves. Yet, even minor things like that have at times been looked down upon.

It was said report the jeering to a mod. That's great, just what anyone coming to this site needs. A mess to watch unfold that a mod has to clean up. I've gone that route before, and while well meaning and defending the right to play openly, the few mods that I have had to turn to came off as, "I see your point, but don't like having to defend it." That is oh so welcoming.

What is sad though... Most of the rooms made after the Lush Lounge were meant to allow open play, but so many came along to discredit the value open play provides to certain members of Lush.

And yes, terms like "block open players" and "leave when it starts" is a form of intolerance that mocks/sneers at individuals wanting to play openly. As was said, shouldn't we be abstaining from mocking another person's kinks? Certain phrasing of words and attitudes behind the words that have been spoken in this thread certainly seem incongruent with the spirit of refraining from belittling the kinks of others, and yes open play is a kink because it is a form of exhibitionism.

Do we want to force others who are not into such kinks to watch/read it? I for one do not. Not anymore. Do I want a permanently open area that is safe for women to participate as "performers" and watchers? Yes.

Just thought of a name for the room if Gav is interested.

Lush Ladies Exhibition

Hopefully it will convey the sense that this one room, more so than any of the others is to be an Open Play room where intolerence toward those playing openly will be strongly frowned upon, equal to suddenly discovering a man in the room who was bothering the ladies in there.
This "new" room obviously does not impact me one way or the other except as far as bandwidth would matter and I really don't know how that works.


---"I feel the point is missed when it is said there are already rules in place to cover open play and due to what is an obvious disinterest in such activity there is desire to want to dismiss it out of hand. Okay then, let's take that off the table for a moment. It however shouldn't be considered open play to address your sub, or your mistress in the terms you've established for yourselves. Yet, even minor things like that have at times been looked down upon"

---"It was said report the jeering to a mod. That's great, just what anyone coming to this site needs. A mess to watch unfold that a mod has to clean up. I've gone that route before, and while well meaning and defending the right to play openly, the few mods that I have had to turn to came off as, "I see your point, but don't like having to defend it." That is oh so welcoming."

If the mods do not do what should be done, then let Gav tell them to do it. As I said, after a couple of encounters the jeering or sneering would stop.

---"And yes, terms like "block open players" and "leave when it starts" is a form of intolerance that mocks/sneers at individuals wanting to play openly. As was said, shouldn't we be abstaining from mocking another person's kinks? Certain phrasing of words and attitudes behind the words that have been spoken in this thread certainly seem incongruent with the spirit of refraining from belittling the kinks of others, and yes open play is a kink because it is a form of exhibitionism."

I do not see where my willingness to ignore such activity rather than jeer it is intolerant or mocking it. When open play starts I either leave the room if I feel there is nothing left for me in that room or I block the open players. How is that mocking them? I don't see what I don't want to see and those who do want to, can.

And it now seems as if it went from a fetish room, i.e. a Ladies Basement, to a general open play room, i.e. Lush Ladies Exhibition

As I said at the start of this post, this room doesn't impact me one way or the other, and I might add that that goes for several of the people on this thread that are supporting you, they don't frequent the chatrooms. So I think this is strictly a do we have the room for this type situation. And, of course, is what is good for the gander also good for the goose? Will there actually have to be two of these type niche rooms?
I agree to the proposal BUT I've apprehensions about it's utilization as barring one or two, most of the rooms remain vacant... still I love the idea smile
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
Quote by LillyLush
I agree to the proposal BUT I've apprehensions about it's utilization as barring one or two, most of the rooms remain vacant... still I love the idea smile

long as the ladies keep it rocking and rolling, it shouldn't be an issue - i've just sent Gav a write up on it, so i'm guessing it should be up sooner rather than later. :)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Eaglesclaw

If the mods do not do what should be done, then let Gav tell them to do it.

you're kinda cute, ya know, if misguided.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Sprite, I don't know how to quote directly from a post as you do but I'm not sure what you mean by this:

--"you're kinda cute, ya know, if misguided. happy8""

All I was doing was responding to MissKat who said:

--"It was said report the jeering to a mod. That's great, just what anyone coming to this site needs. A mess to watch unfold that a mod has to clean up. I've gone that route before, and while well meaning and defending the right to play openly, the few mods that I have had to turn to came off as, "I see your point, but don't like having to defend it." That is oh so welcoming."

She's the one who said the mods don't do what needs to be done. I understand that it's better to have people resolve their own differences than have a mod do it for them. All I'm saying is that after a couple of times of letting people know that certain ways of acting are not acceptable the problems should stop.

Opinions were asked for, I've given mine.
Quote by Eaglesclaw
Sprite, I don't know how to quote directly from a post as you do but I'm not sure what you mean by this:

--"you're kinda cute, ya know, if misguided. happy8""

All I was doing was responding to MissKat who said:

--"It was said report the jeering to a mod. That's great, just what anyone coming to this site needs. A mess to watch unfold that a mod has to clean up. I've gone that route before, and while well meaning and defending the right to play openly, the few mods that I have had to turn to came off as, "I see your point, but don't like having to defend it." That is oh so welcoming."

She's the one who said the mods don't do what needs to be done. I understand that it's better to have people resolve their own differences than have a mod do it for them. All I'm saying is that after a couple of times of letting people know that certain ways of acting are not acceptable the problems should stop.

Opinions were asked for, I've given mine.

Actually, this section of the forum is Ask the Gals. Never sure why guys respond to threads in this section. Other than you, only one other guy responded and that was to support the idea. Kat asked for males who support it to respond, not for opinions against it from men.
Quote by Eaglesclaw
Sprite, I don't know how to quote directly from a post as you do but I'm not sure what you mean by this:

--"you're kinda cute, ya know, if misguided. happy8""

All I was doing was responding to MissKat who said:

--"It was said report the jeering to a mod. That's great, just what anyone coming to this site needs. A mess to watch unfold that a mod has to clean up. I've gone that route before, and while well meaning and defending the right to play openly, the few mods that I have had to turn to came off as, "I see your point, but don't like having to defend it." That is oh so welcoming."

She's the one who said the mods don't do what needs to be done. I understand that it's better to have people resolve their own differences than have a mod do it for them. All I'm saying is that after a couple of times of letting people know that certain ways of acting are not acceptable the problems should stop.

Opinions were asked for, I've given mine.

just a comment on you're misunderstanding of the Lush Hierarchy, is all. Gav doesn't usually tell my mods to do things. also, i usually leave the chat mods be, since they do a fine job without my interference. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by adele

Actually, this section of the forum is Ask the Gals. Never sure why guys respond to threads in this section. Other than you, only one other guy responded and that was to support the idea. Kat asked for males who support it to respond, not for opinions against it from men.

Actually he also said he was fine with it just didn't understand the need for it. So I thought I was careful in my wording and explained my reasoning clearly enough. I just don't understand why that wasn't accepted well.
Quote by MissKat76
How many times have you wanted to openly discuss in a safe zone fetish matters where men won't leer at us and the vanilla girls of lush won't jeer at us?

I know I have constantly needed this.

If you believe Lush could or should provide such a permanet room, please consider joining the group we hope to show Lush a unified desire for such a room.

The group is at https://

Thank you for your support. Not a fan of fetish things we still could use your support. If you just want the "freaks" out of the Ladies of Lush room, that's fine too, but be willing to at least join the group to voice such in a constructive manner.

Are you a male reading this, and think the ladies of lush into fetishes need a safe zone, please show your support too at the group.

mmm don't forget to invite me once the room is in place ;)
Sounds like a fun room for us!!
Fyi, room is now live. Enjoy!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

i think this new room is a great idea good luck Ladies, my only suggestion would be that you Ladies be allowed to be able at your wish to invite your male sissy subs to join you and be used by you and all your friends
Yes - put all the lesbians in there and leave the real women for the men
Nicola: I thought you'd never ask!
Quote by Yuliasex
Yes - put all the lesbians in there and leave the real women for the men

If only I could find a real man, I'd be cured of my lesbianism.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Love the new do many others
Quote by sprite

If only I could find a real man, I'd be cured of my lesbianism.

Raises hand. But of course, given my luck, I’d be the one ending up a lesbian hogtied in your basement.
Quote by MadMartigan

Raises hand. But of course, given my luck, I’d be the one ending up a lesbian hogtied in your basement.

gonna make a real gurl out of you yet. ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Be a great place!!!
Hope Breaking taboos around my sexuality.
I can understand you might be a little apprehensive to chat with me because of my age.
It is difficult for ladies to want to chat with me, because there is a huge stigma and a certain level of taboo connected to my age.

What is it exactly that makes mature woman attractive to me?
Have you ever really looked deeply at and felt a mature woman?

For me…
There is a sense of something rich, mature and possibly deep that can emanate through her body, a quality that is attractive in and of itself.
She usually offers an image of the aging gracefully, sexy mature woman as something that is desirable, something that aspire me to and look forward to being one day – beautiful mature women. They still so radiant because what’s inside always shines outward. They teach me to love myself, and love my life, and I will attract others.
My Personal Vids and pics updated Sep. 22, 2018 HAVE A GREAT DAY!! Meow!!!
to reiterate, the room is made
to reiterate, the room is made
Yes I would like to see such a room, and I also have another suggestion for how entry to the room could be moderated. I would like to see membership in the room totally restricted to those who have some kind of voice chat and are willing to at least say a brief hello, in voice, to show that they are a real woman. This will keep out the fake guys. Not sure exactly how it could be done but that is my thought and suggestion.
Quote by Lacie_Dee
Yes I would like to see such a room, and I also have another suggestion for how entry to the room could be moderated. I would like to see membership in the room totally restricted to those who have some kind of voice chat and are willing to at least say a brief hello, in voice, to show that they are a real woman. This will keep out the fake guys. Not sure exactly how it could be done but that is my thought and suggestion.

It isn't necessarily a bad idea, but not fool proof. All a male have to do is use a recording of a lady saying hello to get past that initial voice check. There is also the coding involved and bandwidth.

Let's say Lush goes with what Fetlife is doing, that being requiring a phone number to join. Well, couldn't someone use a burner phone for that to at least get in?

All this aside, you're thinking outside the box to help improve Lush, and that is a good thing.