I do more than just finger his ass a prostate massage blow job combo is the hubby's favorite!
Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! Up to the man in question. Some guys enjoy it, in which case, I am more than willing to help him in whatever way he needs to achieve his, just as I am sure he will help me find mine. Some guys don't, so why do something that is unappreciated at best?
Ladies, so many of you say yes, IF he wanted me to. Why don't you KNOW? Its a great feeling, and one that I'd be very surprised if any men would wouldn't. I bless the woman who first enlightened me, and all those since.
Yes I have and the response although intense I believe was very pleasurable. I always ask first just to make sure he's comfortable with it.
I would rather he did it to mine but if it turns him on of course I would!