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Would you ever want to watch your partner fuck another woman?

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Never ever,don't even think or get ideas{my partner}
no... should i say more?
It could be interesting never had the opportunity but sounds like fun if both woman agree
No. I don't think I could handle watching my husband fuck another woman. I'd probably kill him.

This is probably why I have so much trouble understanding why he wants to watch me fuck another man.
yes would love to see my hubby have sex with another woman.. would be so hot to watch....
The idea itself turns me on, but not sure if the reality of my man giving another woman what he normally gives me would be quite such a thrill.
Quote by Cherrystone
The idea itself turns me on, but not sure if the reality of my man giving another woman what he normally gives me would be quite such a thrill.

This is exactly how I feel... Thinking about it is a turn on, but I don't know how I would feel in reality.

Bit he wants to watch me with a woman... But says no to anther man... interesting thought.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
not just no, but HELL NO!

There is a lot i'm willing to try and do, but that i would not like....non the less get turned on by!
Yes both with men and women loved it every time.
My partner is a woman and we have done this many times it is a major turn on for me;)
I don't think so...maybe in theory but if I were really to think about it? No.
No, it would not. I have been in relationships in the past where I have said to my ex-boyfriend(s) (at parties) "Go on, go fuck her I know you want to..." and they'd go off to another room and have sex and come back afterwards and be all like "okay we did... etc" and I wasn't trying to be mean, I seriously just wanted him to be happy. I have also been in 3-somes with another couple, not having sex with the man, no penetration, just foreplay and all that with both because they wanted me to join in, but I didn't have that great of a time. I mean, I felt like I was the 'butterfly' for the couple. *shrugs* I don't know, honestly.... I think one thing that is seriously missing these days in relationships is complete and total dedication and devotion. I am a very open person, but with the boyfriend I have now, as open as I am, I don't think I'd want to see him screwing another woman. I don't honestly think he'd have any problem having an affair, he told me he had a lot of affairs in his past with his ex.... and he explained why, and I understand why, because I am the same as he is.... we are a lot alike.... but, we both enjoy each other and we don't want any of that stuff any more. We have finally found that one person who does fulfill us completely... I am speaking for us both because he has said this to me. It wouldn't harm our relationship if I did have sex with him with another woman but I wouldn't get turned on by it... I don't even want it to happen. My man is a beautiful man inside and out, so loving and I think that if we did a 3-some with another women that he would hold the guilt and never forgive himself for it. He's just always trying to keep me happy, I can't see him ever wanting to hurt me in any way. If he ever did cheat, he'd do his damnedest to hide it that much I know for sure, for fear of hurting me.... but I don't have that worry. Thank goodness.
My bf knows that I would be uncomfortable with it but I also know I will have to deal with it if/when the time comes. However, that would be infinitely more preferable to him doing it without my knowledge or without me being there since we only play together. We all have our insecurities and this is certainly one of mine.
no way!! i can't share the man i love with anyone else.
As already said, if its a one off and not a relationship, then I quite like watching my husband fuck another girl. I know he is coming back to me. I tend to set it up. It's usually someone we have just met in a bar so there are no feelings involved. If I found he had developed feelings, or saw her behind my back, I would chop his bits off ;-)
The answer to this is usually a huge NO but lately I've had fantasies about my fiancé with a lady that I've talked to quite a lot. I don't know if its me joining in or wanting to see her pleasured by him that I love !!
Quote by angelaslater
The answer to this is usually a huge NO but lately I've had fantasies about my fiancé with a lady that I've talked to quite a lot. I don't know if its me joining in or wanting to see her pleasured by him that I love !!

Turning that whole sexy scenario around, would your fiance enjoy watching YOU fucking your sexy lady friend? And would you enjoy being watched?
Quote by angelaslater
The answer to this is usually a huge NO but lately I've had fantasies about my fiancé with a lady that I've talked to quite a lot. I don't know if its me joining in or wanting to see her pleasured by him that I love !!

Would you like to be taken from behind as you watch him?

Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Yes, but I need to be in control of who, when and how. Then it's a turn-on, on rare occasion, not as a regular thing.

What Dancing Doll said and some times i want to join in.
My husband and I are always open to new experiences, sex is only a small portion of OUR 'marriage dynamic'. I think there are a lot worse things; lying, infidelity or abuse mental or physical those can be relationship enders, but a consensual threesome can be a great thing. I do agree with the ladies above, I would need to hold the reins though. So, YES.
I would NOT watch my partner fuck another woman .... and with that being said .... it is a DEFINITE turn off, for me.
There would be some hard and fast rules in place before hand, but I'm willing to share under the right circumstances
Have had lots of mmf threesomes and loved them and since my guy is bi, I adore seeing him with another man. We have yet to explore another couple where this may happen but I am open to it..but our rule is always together. So if it happens it will be part of a whole partner swapping but in the same bed thing. I think I'll be okay watching
" I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer"
Woody Allen