HB said something that got me thinking:
Gals, have you ever worn a Wonder-bra?
Nah I never have and have never felt the need to. Alright fine, they give the impression of an awesome cleavage but what about when you get down to it and the guy finds out they drop 4 feet when you take it off??
Also I just think they make you look unnatural
Sure. Do you mean the ones that just lift or that have padded gel inserts? Because the gel inserts make you look about one cup size bigger. It's not a huge difference, but it's nice in certain circumstances. Like I wore one when I had to wear this bridesmaid dress that I wouldn't have picked for my figure. I'm not sure if the difference is enough that a guy would notice when you took off your bra.
They're sort of funny though because they turn boobs into an accessory. You have to ask yourself "should I wear the big boobs today?"
I'm not a fan ... it's like robbing a bank and finding the safe is empty.
I, too wore one when put into a bridesmaid dress, and the guy I was with then thought it looked awesome, but when it came off that night, he looked so dejected. I told him "What, you expected them to be improved because of the bra?"
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
Anytime a woman takes a bra off in front of me, I am never....ever....disapproving.
In all seriousness, I generally prefer smaller breasts, although as Rocco implies, there's beauty in all shapes and sizes. Bottom line that I like the natural look - not 'enhanced' by clothing or surgery. C.
I tried one on once. It was too distracting to wear. Plus, it was a lot like trying to carry on a normal day while wearing water wings.
I use to wear them under my horse riding jacket when I had to do dressage. Other than that, nope.
I haven't worn a wonder bra, but I've got one that has gel inserts. Sometimes certain tops/dresses just look better with bigger boobage.
I have never worn a wonder bra....however, I used to have a water bra that I wore years ago when I was a coctail waitress. Anything to help boost the tips ya know....lol.
Ok, now I'm confused. Is this the section where females ask questions of males or not?
Don't need one. My 42DDD are perky enough.
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I don't need to wear them my boobs are quite big but I have a nice one that I wear with dresses that makes my clevage look nicer
perky natural 42 ddds???? I gotta see this!
not a wonderbra, but I have worn bras with a little padding underneath not to make them look bigger but to enhance the cleavage. Love nice cleavage it's so sexy.
Only women who need to I would imagine