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Why do women want to fatten up their men???

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Okay here's something i wonder about..

why is that women always bring up the idea of "fattening up" their boyfriends to their liking??

like, insisting on big meals coz we are "a man" and "needs to be fed"

is it something genetically built into females or something?
I wouldnt want to fatten him up exactly just make sure he's well fed and keeps his strength up.

Just part of a womans natural instinct to be caring and nurturing to those she loves.
OK, I have never heard of girlfriends wanting to 'fatten up' their boyfriends... (anyone heard of the obesity epidemic?)

I can see this more the case with a well-meaning mom trying to encourage her sons to have second helpings, especially as they are growing up.

I think you can help a guy feel more "like a man" by trusting in his ability to choose the correct portions sizes for himself.
You know to the heart through the stomach. It's just a way of caring for and making happy your man. My good cooking fattened mine up a bit and I'm kinda regretting doing that. While I love working out at the gym the hubby seems glued to the recliner after a hard day at the office.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Mine relaxed. After being in the Marines, and coming home to someone that really knows how to cook, he def put on the pounds. I couldn't love him more. He's more sexy to me now than ever. He also knows what it's like to go without. So if it's there, he'll eat it. We swim a lot since we have a pool and can swim almost 12 months out of the year though.
My husband exercises a lot and always seems to be hungry. He loves food and I love to cook, so it's a good combination!
Quote by Lisa
My husband exercises a lot and always seems to be hungry. He loves food and I love to cook, so it's a good combination!

Sounds like a win win to me. lol
Quote by Lisa
My husband exercises a lot and always seems to be hungry. He loves food and I love to cook, so it's a good combination!

Same here Lisa.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
OK, I have never heard of girlfriends wanting to 'fatten up' their boyfriends... (anyone heard of the obesity epidemic?)

I can see this more the case with a well-meaning mom trying to encourage her sons to have second helpings, especially as they are growing up.

I think you can help a guy feel more "like a man" by trusting in his ability to choose the correct portions sizes for himself.

Well...then you mustnt be that type then...why you mention obesity tho..i have no clue!!

a well meaning mom??? no im talking about girlfriends here...NOT mom's....big difference...have you had a boyfriend before?
To be honest, if the guy was built like a bean pole, yes I would prefer him to have extra weight. I like to feel some flesh instead of bones... But then again, if he was happy that way, who am I to say what he should do.

I do really think it comes from our Mothers...

We have all heard:

'The way to a man's heart is through his stomache'

'He needs to eat more... he is a growing boy'

and then you have the old stigma, that it is the woman's role to have a big dinner ready on the table, when the man got home from work.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
OK, I have never heard of girlfriends wanting to 'fatten up' their boyfriends... (anyone heard of the obesity epidemic?)

No, Ive never heard of a girl saying this EVER...

Ive heard guys say something like, "My girlfriend never eats, I wish she would just eat a hamburger and not worry about getting fat"
Quote by cuteguyhotfuck
Quote by Dancing_Doll
OK, I have never heard of girlfriends wanting to 'fatten up' their boyfriends... (anyone heard of the obesity epidemic?)

I can see this more the case with a well-meaning mom trying to encourage her sons to have second helpings, especially as they are growing up.

I think you can help a guy feel more "like a man" by trusting in his ability to choose the correct portions sizes for himself.

Well...then you mustnt be that type then...why you mention obesity tho..i have no clue!!

a well meaning mom??? no im talking about girlfriends here...NOT mom's....big difference...have you had a boyfriend before?

Encouraging larger portions to "fatten up" is your verbiage, not mine. Sorry if you don't see the potential link to obesity... maybe you need to do a little more reading on this subject if you don't. It might be fine while you are a teenager because you can burn off the extra calories and tend to have a higher metabolism, but wait until you hit the freshman-15 and then start to slide into a more sedentary lifestyle without curbing your food intake. People who get used to over-eating when they are in their youth are at higher risk for obesity later in life. If you don't believe me, go to your local super-size fast food joint and compare it to suggested portion sizes recommended by Health Organizations. Healthy eating starts early in life... trying to encourage the opposite by "fattening up" doesn't make sense to me... but hey, that's just me.

If you're a skinny guy and need to gain weight, then there are ways to gain lean muscle that are healthier than "fattening up" with food. I don't think it's a girlfriend's place to attempt to do it for you, any more than it would be a girlfriend's place to try to starve you down if she thought you were fat. You are your own person, with your own body and the assumption is you can decide your own portion sizes once you move out of mom's house.

If you want to eat more, then eat it... and vice versa. You're right, I'm not the 'type' to keep track of what my man eats. I trust that he can do that on his own.

And yes, to respond to your attempt at sarcasm, I have had boyfriends before... just not scrawny ones... but I guess that's just not 'my type' either...
Most men that I know don't need any encouragment to eat more, they always pile their plate high haha LOL
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I have had boyfriends before... just not scrawny ones... but I guess that's just not 'my type' either...

Ouch! I resemble that remark.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I don't love cooking as much as my fellow Lushies though... So I suppose we'd have pizza more than often...
Oh right...
I like my men fat and hairy.
There is ONE part of a man I really enjoy fattening up. I enjoy making a man have a chubby! smile
Fantasy: imagination unrestrained by reality; fulfilling a need not gratified in the real world
A happy man, is a fed man!!! well mine anyways and I love to feed it to him...heheheh
Quote by cuteguyhotfuck
Okay here's something i wonder about..

why is that women always bring up the idea of "fattening up" their boyfriends to their liking??

like, insisting on big meals coz we are "a man" and "needs to be fed"

is it something genetically built into females or something?

To answer your question is actually very simple for me, a girlfriend and I were talking about this the other day. For me a larger, not fat but nicely muscled man is more appealing because the feel of his strong arms around you makes you feel safe and protected, and loved. So while I shy away from the bean pole type men as a rule usually I have been guilty of trying to fatten up a boyfriend once. Unfortunately that feeling of security only works if the relationship is happy and there is trust.... some lessons are hard learned..
Quote by cuteguyhotfuck
Okay here's something i wonder about..

why is that women always bring up the idea of "fattening up" their boyfriends to their liking??

like, insisting on big meals coz we are "a man" and "needs to be fed"

is it something genetically built into females or something?

Ummm....Are you dating a 55 year old Italian woman?? Cause I have never had a girlfriend try to "fatten me up".
Quote by Kayte7
There is ONE part of a man I really enjoy fattening up. I enjoy making a man have a chubby! smile

And you do such a great job of "fattening your man"
Quote by JRinGB
Quote by Kayte7
There is ONE part of a man I really enjoy fattening up. I enjoy making a man have a chubby! smile

And you do such a great job of "fattening your man"

Oh look! It's the real Matt Dillon. Welcome to the forum.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by cuteguyhotfuck
Quote by Dancing_Doll
OK, I have never heard of girlfriends wanting to 'fatten up' their boyfriends... (anyone heard of the obesity epidemic?)

I can see this more the case with a well-meaning mom trying to encourage her sons to have second helpings, especially as they are growing up.

I think you can help a guy feel more "like a man" by trusting in his ability to choose the correct portions sizes for himself.

Well...then you mustnt be that type then...why you mention obesity tho..i have no clue!!

a well meaning mom??? no im talking about girlfriends here...NOT mom's....big difference...have you had a boyfriend before?

Encouraging larger portions to "fatten up" is your verbiage, not mine. Sorry if you don't see the potential link to obesity... maybe you need to do a little more reading on this subject if you don't. It might be fine while you are a teenager because you can burn off the extra calories and tend to have a higher metabolism, but wait until you hit the freshman-15 and then start to slide into a more sedentary lifestyle without curbing your food intake. People who get used to over-eating when they are in their youth are at higher risk for obesity later in life. If you don't believe me, go to your local super-size fast food joint and compare it to suggested portion sizes recommended by Health Organizations. Healthy eating starts early in life... trying to encourage the opposite by "fattening up" doesn't make sense to me... but hey, that's just me.

If you're a skinny guy and need to gain weight, then there are ways to gain lean muscle that are healthier than "fattening up" with food. I don't think it's a girlfriend's place to attempt to do it for you, any more than it would be a girlfriend's place to try to starve you down if she thought you were fat. You are your own person, with your own body and the assumption is you can decide your own portion sizes once you move out of mom's house.

If you want to eat more, then eat it... and vice versa. You're right, I'm not the 'type' to keep track of what my man eats. I trust that he can do that on his own.

And yes, to respond to your attempt at sarcasm, I have had boyfriends before... just not scrawny ones... but I guess that's just not 'my type' either...

I love her intelligent remarks and how she comports herself with such poise and understanding but all the while attacking you intellectually and causing you to think on what you said.
man wants to be fed, washed and held tightly -it's as natural as anything -think woman wants the same thing : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
I would never fatten up my boyfriend. It wouldnt make me attracted to him at all. Therefore no sex life cos i certainly wouldnt want to fuck him!
In my personal opinion, there are two people on the planet who should be able to tell you to gain or lose weight with impunity. The first one is your doctor, the second one is the person you see in the mirror.
Quote by cuteguyhotfuck
Okay here's something i wonder about..

why is that women always bring up the idea of "fattening up" their boyfriends to their liking??

like, insisting on big meals coz we are "a man" and "needs to be fed"

is it something genetically built into females or something?

Cute I don't get it??? I have never heard a girl/woman say he needs fattening up?? if anything they usally want you to be trim or toned, blokes who look after themselves clothes and body wise usally get more attention from there partners and others.

Women and men (when partners) usually gain the pounds from going out to resturaunts, cinema, clubbing etc, and this weight gain is because they are happy in eachothers company because there not looking for anyone else and half the time dont even notice they are gaining weight they just do. I gained 5 stone and was a 36 waist dont know what that is in the US?? then when me and my partner split I lost it because nobody likes to cook for themselves, whether it's male or female, and most females love "other" peoples food because for some reason they cant be assed to eat it when they have cooked it for themselves and partner, they say it tastes better when someone else cooks it.

Was you stoned when you created this thread lol.
I recently had a fling with a guy who was very skinny. I usually like my guys to have a little more.... something. He ate at least five meals a day, but had a high metabolism so stayed really skinny. I would make jokes about what he ate and how he needed fattening up, but really that was the way he was so I liked it.

My step dad is like that to and my mum always jokes about it, but I have never heard anyone talk about fattening their guys up seriously.
Quote by ShakespearesHeart

and most females love "other" peoples food because for some reason they cant be assed to eat it when they have cooked it for themselves and partner, they say it tastes better when someone else cooks it.

Really? Do we?
I am English, and our country is run on cookery programmes! All women like to be pampered and spoilt, so fig speaking yes most women do like someone else to pamper them, in malaysia its a different culture.