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Why do women have such a problem with the age of a one nighter?

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Active Ink Slinger
Hello ladies, a little background to my question.

Last year I met a lady on a dating website. We had agreed on no strings sex. This is not to say it was entirely heartless.
It sounds lame and so on, but I was travelling to her town for work and was looking for someone to spend my day off work with. I was working 6 days a week 12 hours a day.

I was not only looking for the sex, but when you are in a small town, miles from home, with only workmates to talk to... The subject of discussions usually revolve around work and usually a lot of alcohol is consumed. I was looking for something different socially as well as sexual fun. I am single, so no cheating on a GF either, incase you are wondering - I am sure guys do though.

She was reluctant to meet with me at first, but after a few chats she did agree to meet with me.
(The lady did not tell me this until after my stay in town was over, and I was about to head home. I did not try to force anything.) The problem had been that she had a son 10 years younger than me. I was 32, she was 44 at the time.

When she come to met and chat with me in person... well we ended up having more than just a chat. She came over at 9pm, and left after midnight. I was soo tired next day at work with only 5 hours sleep. My new friend then came over the night before my my day off. We spent the whole day in bed together. Not always having sex, sometimes just kissing and cuddling.

I have no problem with age, I have had younger lovers too. I do however prefer the company of mature ladies though. The conversation does not seem to be full of OMG, like, and whatever.
Generalising I know, But it works both ways ladies......

So back to the question.

Why do women prefer not to see a younger guy?

Is it just the fact that society tends to look down upon a lady who does? The whole cougar thing?
Or is it just a matter of personal tastes?

I would love to hear your thoughts.
Active Ink Slinger
Because when he says he is 78 , you dont know whether he is lieing or the time he takes his blue pill, rubs on the andro, and rogain , you just cant tell any more .
Active Ink Slinger
Personal preferrence if your agenda is to just to be with that person for one night, then its all okay. If the reasoning to look for a longer relationship then like every other relationship it needs to be worked at. Communication is the first step of hopefully many future steps together as a couple.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Leiza350
Because when he says he is 78 , you dont know whether he is lieing or the time he takes his blue pill, rubs on the andro, and rogain , you just cant tell any more .

I don't need any godamn blue pills and whatever andro and rogain means (which must be reassuring to those who are on the road to claiming their free bus pass to know it doesn't go away I can still do it every day and on a good day more than once). smile

I must be weird as I don't have any sort of set preferences apart from availability.
Advanced Wordsmith
At my age I admit I am surprised at how many younger men, even those in their 20s, show an interest in me. I seem to recall that, not that long ago, older women had little chance of attracting males. Now it seems to be THE thing to be, lol. Not that I am complaining you understand, I love it.
Advanced Wordsmith
I not have a problem with he age of a guy I'm just going to fuck for fun. As long as he is at least 20 I'm game!!
Cock Connoisseur
Age is a touchy subject for some especially when sex or matters of the heart are involved. Adding children into the mix for the woman and the man she is interested in being younger than one of her kids, is a hard thing to over come for some. Is it that she feels that she's doing something wrong being attracted to someone younger than her child? Maybe so. Would her child/children approve if they were ever to find out? Who knows, probably not but some may not mind as long as mom was happy kind of thing.

Would she feel as if she were robbing the cradle so to speak? I would venture to say yes. If one can get outside of their own head and follow their heart or in the case of the one night stand no strings attached as the OP mentioned, or another part of their anatomy that was aching for this type of meeting to begin with; it might not be such a bad thing. But as we all know our heads most times rule all that we do.

I hear so much on this site that younger men are attracted to the older more mature woman. More experience, knowing what they want and not into playing games etc. If you find yourself attracted to that kind of woman be prepared to deal with issues such as this. Hopefully with communication something such as age difference can be overcome and a meeting of the minds can be met.

As for me personally, I prefer to judge a person based on their intellect and heart not by their age, although be it very difficult at times and having two kids of my own in their 20's. Its not always easy but I don't just arbitrarily say I won't chat with someone because they are younger then I am. Impress me with your mind and heart and its much easier to look past the age.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by justalilfun
The problem had been that she had a son 10 years younger than me. I was 32, she was 44 at the time.
I would love to hear your thoughts.

You were ten years older than her oldest? pfft .... most recently, the man I was dating was only a few years older than my daughter.

I believe that there are women who don't care about the age thing - as long as there is intelligence, respect and laughter. (that's me!)

I can't say about those women who find your situation (ten years older than their adult child) .... too bad for them for missing out on something that could be awesome! (Read Buz's story ... 10 Items or Less )

Age is truly a number ... just make sure the younger person is legal! smile
Active Ink Slinger
I can't speak for everyone, because there are exceptions to every rule, however, in my experience, younger men are more about pleasing themselves. I know this is a generalization and as stated, there are exceptions to everyhting... Younger men are more interested in getting it in, where as, older men are more interested in the "romance" before fucking... The foreplay, the build up... its not just a couple thrusts and its over.... But Age is just a number, its about maturity level and what I am looking for from the person.. If it just a one time sex... who cares as long as we are having fun....
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner