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Why do the majority of women dislike sex?

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The exception to this rule is probably the majority of women here on this site, but for the most part, most of the men I know have wives who simply dislike sex. I don't think it is just a fact that men are not romantic. Why can't women just like sex for sexes sake? Why does romance have to enter into it. Why are men and women so different?
I'm rambling here but I do think that if women liked sex like men do we would be like rabbits, but wouldn't that be fun.
Just curious, and this is probably the wrong group to ask.
Ask a bunch of wimps and you are likely to find that they don't have much sexual contact with women.

In which case, the question to ask would be whether it's really the woman's fault.
Quote by maturemaleinmo
The exception to this rule is probably the majority of women here on this site, but for the most part, most of the men I know have wives who simply dislike sex. I don't think it is just a fact that men are not romantic. Why can't women just like sex for sexes sake? Why does romance have to enter into it. Why are men and women so different?
I'm rambling here but I do think that if women liked sex like men do we would be like rabbits, but wouldn't that be fun.
Just curious, and this is probably the wrong group to ask.

So you realize that this crowd could very likely be the wrong crowd to ask....good on you. All I am sure you will now get for replies is men whining and snivelling about why their wives wont give it up. Can you say can of worms?
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

I know that you posted your question in the "ask the gals" section, but wanted to put my thoughts out there anyway. I have never come across a woman in my life who did not have a strong appetite for sex I'm not trying to put anyone down or cast any dispersions, but if men feel that women don't enjoy sex, I can tell you that is ridiculous and that just possibly those men should look to themselves, their level of fitness and possibly be open to adjusting how they approach sex with a woman to make themselves more appealing. There is no question that in my relationships, the more engaged I have been with the particular woman I am with and the more effort I put in to fitness, grooming, etc. absolutely has an effect upon that woman's interest and level of desire for me. No big surprise, but you generally get out of life something close to what you put into it!
Quote by atltennispro
I have never come across a woman in my life (and while I didn't keep count, my relationships number well over 100) who did not have a strong appetite for sex

As a rookie... may I inquire how many hours or days it requires in your mind before a piece of ass is a real relationship.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Maybe it's not the act itself...maybe you and your cronies just aren't any good at it. Not to make it sound like an attack. But seriously..."Why does romance have to be apart of it?" Like...was this really a serious question? Is every woman you get an itch for supposed to bend over and let you fuck just because you want it? Like are you seriously upset about the fact that fucking a woman requires effort? Would you rather club her over the head and drag her back to the cave? And as far as the rest of your [s]whining[/s] [s]bitching[/s] [s]moaning[/s] inquiries go, if men and women were the same, trust me, you wouldn't be interested.

And as said before, you already knew we were the wrong group to ask this question, so why didn't you just quit while you were [s]behind[/s] ahead?

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Yeah, gonna be honest, about half of the girls I have been in a relationship with were fucking ravenous. We didn't have to be alone in the house, just alone in that room. One girl I had to convince that we really should be alone in that room. Normally I wouldn't care, but her dad was looking at me like he wished he had a shotgun in hand.
Even during my marriage, brief as it was, my wife constantly wanted sex. It was ME that grew tired of it with her because, despite her eagerness, it felt like a chore.
Sex has to be done by both parties, and either one can just be a participant and screw it all up. A guy has to be able to whip out a new play instead of just going deep every time. And, likewise, a girl has to be willing to get involved in the game too. Laying there and moaning does not count.
So, anyone, guy or girl, that says their partner doesn't have an appetite for sex is either dealing with a total prude, or it is their own fault.
Sorry, NEVER been an issue for me
Can't help you there. I love sex.....well, good sex's bad sex with a man who doesn't care about me that I dislike
have no idea what you are talking about...
I think it's very unfair to post such a broad statement that the majority of women don't like sex. I don't think the women on Lush are the minority at all. If anything, it's the other way around.

Maybe their wives just don't want to have sex with them.

Sex in a long-term relationship starts way before the bedroom. How are these men treating their wives? Is she working full-time, then has to come home to cook, clean and look after kids while he comes home, puts his feet up and watches the game with a cold beer? I sure as hell wouldn't feel at all amorous towards a guy like that. I don't know any woman who can bear the full brunt of domestic life on her own, work at a job and then be a sex goddess in the bedroom.

Even my most prudish friend loves sex - with the right guy. Read: A guy who treats her right.
Quote by maturemaleinmo
The exception to this rule is probably the majority of women here on this site, but for the most part, most of the men I know have wives who simply dislike sex. I don't think it is just a fact that men are not romantic. Why can't women just like sex for sexes sake? Why does romance have to enter into it. Why are men and women so different?
I'm rambling here but I do think that if women liked sex like men do we would be like rabbits, but wouldn't that be fun.
Just curious, and this is probably the wrong group to ask.

Actually they probably just dislike thier husbands. Women like sex just as much as men, more in some cases, it's all about the company they keep. Men and women aren't diffrenet, romance pffft, maybe sometimes but if thats your thinking all the time, therein lie the problem. It's all about how she's treated day to day. Welcome to 2013 Mister. I'm bored already.
heres a mind bender. im a girl and i love sex, but my girl does not as much. two opinions smile
WHY WOMEN DISLIKE SEX......SEX WITH ONE MAN IS LIKE WEARING THE SAME SHOES DAY IN AND DAY OUT ....WE LIKE SEX ...BUT PLEASE ......NOT THE SAME YEAR AFTER YEAR ...i need a change about once a month ...that way i can come home and the sex i get at home now different then before i had sex with some one else .....the spice is making it new ...und i like a different guy ....then it doesn't get old .
what a statement!!!!!!

perhaps the women have grown TIRED of their husbands

as for me i love sex..i loved it with my husband...i never EVER turned him down..he turned ME down!

he however NEVER wanted sex...NEVER

so i could say just from my experience why do men not want sex

but that would be false

ask the women....i bet it is MORE than not wanting sex

it is MORE about the love...being...gone

but i love sex...if i could have it AT least twice a day with a man i loved i would be so nice and sweet..and not a bitter old lady i tell you!!!

well MOST of you on here would fall shock!!shock i say at how lovely MY posts would be!

never generalize about is a dangerous..thing

women not wanting sex....i mean really...

(muttering to herself perhaps maybe the men ARE not the great LOVERS they make themselves out to be!!)
Either A. They aren't confident in bed
B. They are afriad of being judged
C. They are idiots that find it nasty
I'm not sure you're operating from a correct premise. But even if the majority of women don't like sex as you say, could it be that a great many men are no good at it? Oh, they talk a good fight but so many are CLUELESS!!! Men like to TALK about sex and brag about conquests real and imagined, while women actually like the intimacy and the sensations and yes the EMOTIONS of great sex. And yes we brag too, but about what we feel with a man who's good to us in and out of bed.

Example of a clueless man - I've run into this type of thing in real life --- Hey baby let me stick it in you..... 5 4 3 2 1 .... I just came and was it good for you too? And I have to leave now! I may call you again if I get horny in a few months and can't find anyone else to hook up with. ...... Well, I don't know what that is but it sure isn't MY idea of sex! LOL

Or be moody and mean and nasty to us for days on end and expect us to want you? AIN'T gonna happen!

Cat call to us from the sidewalk and think we're gonna drop our panties for you? Or treat us ONLY as sex objects with NO brains and ignore when we try to talk to you, yeah great seduction strategy. Or as my boss at work, pay me less than men for the same work, make me do menial chores like get coffee rather than use my brain, and then think I'll want to go into your office and have sex with you

And what's so wrong with putting a little effort into romance, why are you so down on getting us in the mood? Aren't we WORTH it?

The main reason I think you're wrong about women not liking sex is, there are only two organs of the human body whose ONLY purpose is to bring their owner sexual pleasure. Women have both of them - the clitoris and the G-spot - and men have neither! So we are designed to enjoy sex and you are NOT!!! Think about THAT!
Well I've been around long enough to know that the blame where it is true that many women don't like sex is because A) of the way they have been treated over the years including being abused B) how they are taught about sex. My first suggestion is take a hard look at yourself in a mirror, maybe the problem is you.
My first thought was to bitch about wanting this stereotype to finally die, but then I thought, "Why not give a careful, measured response and see if I learn anything about myself?".

I think you need to be careful with your use of the word 'majority'. I think that the majority of women don't like bad sex, and a roughly equal number of men and women dislike sex altogether. If it is more women, I believe it has to do with the way we've been treated culturally throughout the last 28,000 or so years of human evolution.

That said, there are many women who love sex and have higher sex drives than their partners, myself included (though I suppose I'm sort of a special case...). Also, there's a greater fear of sex in women, since they are the ones who bear children, and (in most parts of the world, including parts of this country) don't even have the option to walk away from a pregnancy, and those who can still have a (no offense, guys, I really do know it's your baby too) MUCH harder time with it, both physically and emotionally.

Those I'm sure are only some of the reasons, but I still think the premise of your initial question is flawed.

which majority is that exactly??? I think the explosion of sites like these and books like 50 shades (even though I personally found them poorly written) speaks of a majority of women who love sex but aren't getting it the way they want or as much as they want smile
I've never met one that didn't like it..though a couple weren't very good at it.
Quote by maturemaleinmo
The exception to this rule is probably the majority of women here on this site, but for the most part, most of the men I know have wives who simply dislike sex. I don't think it is just a fact that men are not romantic. Why can't women just like sex for sexes sake? Why does romance have to enter into it. Why are men and women so different?
I'm rambling here but I do think that if women liked sex like men do we would be like rabbits, but wouldn't that be fun.
Just curious, and this is probably the wrong group to ask.

first of all, "majority" is bad generalization. I have heard many women on here have the same complaints about men - men lose pride in themselves, are selfish, no longer interested in having sex ... sigh .... it's an epidemic in some parts and at some ages.

Why can't women just like sex for sex's sake?? ..... you just haven't met the many women that can fuck like a man and walk away without a second thought. Though, I wonder how you'd feel if you had that numerous times .... I am sure you'd be tired of that and ask for some romance for a change.

Why are men and women so different? .... are we, really?? We all love REALLY GOOD SEX .... some just never find it for a variety of reasons - always best to look at yourself first in the mirror.

The broad sweeping statement is this .... many people LOVE sex because of who they are connected with. There are many people who feel and believe a fuck is like a solo jerk off ... interchangeable ... so why bother?

Quote by PersonalAssistant

The broad sweeping statement is this .... many people LOVE sex because of who they are connected with. There are many people who feel and believe a fuck is like a solo jerk off ... interchangeable ... so why bother?


So well said.
I don't agree at all. I think the vast majority of women love sex. Maybe they don't shout about it the way guys do, but I think if anything women are becoming more aware and demanding in what they want and personally i think thats fantastic smile
I agree the problem is more likely not the lack of interest in sex but the lack of interest in the monotony of their marital sex. Time for some talk. It all starts in the brain. Maybe some sharing of fantasies or a little role playing. Make it fun again.
I love sex probably more than anything, so I don't know what to tell you
Your sweeping generalisations aside, there's a very good reason why there are differences in sex drives - pregnancy. For women the drive to have sex with the right partner is there as much as it is in men but their bodies will be more selective about who they have sex with and when because they're going to be the ones carrying a baby around for nine months. Despite the availability of birth control it's very difficult to over-ride millennia of hard-wiring.

Also, the chemicals produced during sex are different for men and women. For men it's dopamine - that natural high that we continually want more of. Dopamine is released for women too but they also getting higher concentrations of oxytocin as their orgasmic reward - this is the drug that make us want to bond - it also gets released when you cuddle. Men don't get dopamine from a cuddle.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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Quote by maturemaleinmo
...... for the most part, most of the men I know have wives who simply dislike sex. I don't think it is just a fact that men are not romantic. Why can't women just like sex for sexes sake? Why does romance have to enter into it. Why are men and women so different?

maturemaleinmo: you start off by saying that you know of many wives who don't want to have sex [with their husbands] but you then say that women don't like sex.

I think that you have leaped from considering wives to including all women

Although I too know quite a few men whose long term wives no longer have a very active sex drive but, and perhaps it is just the circles that I move in, I have found that as soon as 40-50yo women find themselves single again they not only discover they enjoy sex but are as randy as hell and open to a lot of sexual experimentation and playing. With or without romance aforehand

Whilst I too am just mentioning wives, in reality you will find there are quite a number of women who will make the same complaint of their husbands

The question which I think needs to be asked is 'why do some individuals when in long term monogamous relationships lose interest in sex?'

If that is the question then I for one am buggered if I know the answer!
Quote by HornyANDbeautiful
Either A. They aren't confident in bed
B. They are afriad of being judged
C. They are idiots that find it nasty

What? Are you saying the majority of women dislike sex for those reasons?

I adore sex with someone special to me.
Quote by maturemaleinmo
The exception to this rule is probably the majority of women here on this site, but for the most part, most of the men I know have wives who simply dislike sex. I don't think it is just a fact that men are not romantic. Why can't women just like sex for sexes sake? Why does romance have to enter into it. Why are men and women so different?
I'm rambling here but I do think that if women liked sex like men do we would be like rabbits, but wouldn't that be fun.
Just curious, and this is probably the wrong group to ask.

Because men who like this ^ kind of sex, are just looking to get their cock wet, they don't give two shits about the women's needs. If you DO add the romance, there invested in the girl there with. I personally love sex, I’ll have sex all damn day long if I’m with a man who cares, loves and respects me. I’d never say no, but I’m not about to go sleep around with just anyone to feel a man inside me. That isn't how I flow.