As soon as possible usually not long after I walk in the door when I get home.
My bra comes off as soon as I change my clothes from work. Sometimes that doesn't happen until bed, other times it happens as soon as I walk in the door. I know someday I will probably regret not keeping my big boobies in boobie traction more often, but today is not that day. And when that day comes, I will thank the Lord for making magicians with scalpels and silicone.
Sitting at the edge of darkness
Shoes first, then as soon as I change out of work clothes.
My Boobs and I have a daily battle is there really a reason to wea one of those damn things today?
Thankfully most mornings I win.
Around 5:20 PM every weekday.
Depends on my mood usually keep it on until evening or time for bed
weekdays around 6pm
weekends I just might not wear one
Just as soon as I get home from work
I sometimes have it off early but mostly it's on all day, just feel more secure in one
Depends. Usually stays on until bed time unless someone needs access before that.
Whenever I’m at home along with everything else
not a fan of them, so I only wear it if im going out in public and its off shortly after I walk in....
As I’m walking in the front door
When I get home from work

Life is not a rehearsal!! but when does it go on,, should be the real question
As soon as I can take it off, sometimes in the car on the way home from work.
I usually go for a run or do some cardio after getting home from class, so I change into a sports bra. When I get home, I usually take a shower and get into jammies and hell no am I wearing a bra to sleep. lol. So I'm usually braless from like 7 pm to 8 am.
Its the second thing I take off as soon as I get home from work, shoes are first
Almost as soon as I get through the door
When my boyfriends kids visit they are getting to an age where they notice so I have it on longer, like it off to lounge around.
Bra? At barely 30a, a chemise does me.
It comes off as soon as I am in my car after work
If not on the drive home then as soon as I get in the door.