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when did you masturbate last?

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a few mimutes ago while chatting to a female friend on Lush.
Active Ink Slinger
a few days ago, but have to tonite, cant wait much longer, bloated balls start to hurt.
Recovering Introvert
I did about three hours ago reading a story about a girl making love to her sister in law as a belated birthday present.

Feel free to check out my newest attempts at writing with my series, A Teasing Journey.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
- Albert Einstein

this morning before i left for work
Active Ink Slinger
Couple of hours ago............hmmm almost time to go again lol!
Veni, vidi, vici" Julius Caesar 47 BC
Active Ink Slinger
like 15 minutes ago smile it was great. now im sleepy lol
i love dirty nasty filthy steamy hot sex!
about 1 hour ago
last night for my boyfriend
Just finished after a long chat to a wonderful friend here on Lush. They know who that are.

Love lazy Sunday morning chats. So relaxing. I'll enjoy the rest of the day thinking about it.

Kimi X
Active Ink Slinger
i am right now..anyone wanna help??
about 5 minutes ago! ;)
Last night before I went to sleep
Active Ink Slinger
None of your business.

Latest story:

  • TBD

  • Bump in the Night-Microfiction

  • Smoke Break-Interracial

Rookie Scribe
right now reading the story about school
Active Ink Slinger
this morning
Quote by Nikki703
Around 7AM this morning in the shower. It is sort of like my morning coffee, except I dont like coffee, LOL!!

Nikki Dear I will take the coffee and Masturbate with you, but we may have trouble getting to the shower first
Tonight and really looking forward to it. smile
3 nights ago I think...
Active Ink Slinger
this morning
Active Ink Slinger
Last Saturday night, early Sunday morning.....I think I'm over due.
Active Ink Slinger
Thursday evening, so beginning to get long overdue. Don't know if I'll be able to make it to 48 hours without punching someone from sexual frustration.
- LauraJ -
Site administrator
oh .. ere .. was definately this month .. no .. wait .. January .. um .. well shit certainly this year.
Active Ink Slinger
i'm about to do it for the 6th today! yeah, i said it...can't seem to find the time to do a grocery shop or do couple of loads of laundry but some how find the time to masturbate several times a day - ugh!
Looking for a little stimulation now
Active Ink Slinger
riiiiiigggghhhhttttttt nooowww! lol smile
Active Ink Slinger
Enjoyed jillin earlier chatting with a friend