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When a guy has a hairy body is it a turn off?

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I'm interested in everyone's opinion on this subject me personally as a younger guy most girls my age or younger are so against it. I'm pretty hairy on my legs and body besides my arms they're fine.

So should I wax and how the hell do i even go about that without my friends / family being like what the hell. Not only that but I literally have hair everywhere that shit is going to suck. I don't mind it though I think it's an alright amount and not at the point of being like gross it's just very manly.

But for some terrible reason with all my hair I don't have a beard yet ...
For me, the less body hair the better, I like long hair on the head though. Tell your family you've taken up competitive swimming, and shave all your body hair off! :-)
prefer silky smooth, i am a very oral girl mmmm but not going to kick a guy out because hes hairy lol jelly xx
Not necessarily, as long as he doesn't look like Chewbacca it's fine. But if he's sporting an afro on his dick, he's not getting a blowjob.

No that's the only place I'm not hairy and I wax that already lol.
Not a big fan of body hair. A litter chest hair is fine but not much more. I hate facial hair with a few exceptions, i.e. Dave Grohl LOL!

But if I really liked the guy......................
From what I read here, most women do not like hairy pubes. I have never shaved and I probably never will. I am old school, like things natural. Fortunately most of my women friends like it too. I love to put my nose in a hairy bush when I am doing business down there. Hairy dental floss never had bothered me.
Hell, I appreciate body hair! It's awesome for snuggles. Pubes have never bothered me either. The first time I ever showered with a man who had no (and I mean zero) body hair, I wasn't able to get over the fact that he felt like a dolphin. It was rather uncomfortable for me.
i've only dated one hairy guy, funny enough he was also bald, but it didn't turn me off in the least. feeling his hairy chest against my smooth one was a new and arousing thrill.

Say. Her. Name.

Quote by Adrian_X

No that's the only place I'm not hairy and I wax that already lol.

Bravo, 100 points!
I could show you INCREDIBLE things...
As long as he doesn't have a foul smell in any part of his body. That's fine, in my opinion.
I could show you INCREDIBLE things...
I like it when a guy has some chest hair and some on his arms and legs. I don't like it to be like a forest as some have mentioned. I think it is manly, so different from our smoothness and goes so well together!
I tend to go for hairier than average guys, as far as arms, chest and legs, I really enjoy it to be pretty hairy. I think it just says "manly" to me, so that makes it enjoyable for me. As far as pubic hair on guys, I prefer very short trimmed or none at all.
Quote by GeorgiaGirl21
I like it when a guy has some chest hair and some on his arms and legs. I don't like it to be like a forest as some have mentioned. I think it is manly, so different from our smoothness and goes so well together!

My thoughts exactly.
I love hair on a guy! Head, face, chest, arms, legs!

I don't really know why but if there's two equally hot men, one with a lot of body hair and the other silky smooth, I'd go for the hairy guy every time.

Regarding pubes; I'm a little more fussy and while completely bare isn't such a turn on, I'm highly appreciative of someone who has taken the time to trim and neaten themselves up.
Definately smooth for me, from head to toe. My husband is a bodybuilder so no hair is a must. Plus I love seeing and feeling his smooth muscular and ripped body all glistening with oil mmmm, I can't stand getting a pube or hair in my mouth it makes me gag.
ultimately its the person u are and everyone has different preferences and like every era has its definition of beauty. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder and for I prefer men with hair and not really into manscaped men. Heck, in Victorian times I would be considered undesirable because they preferred plumper full figures at that time.
I don't really mind hairy guys and I even find a bit of chest hair a turn on. As long as the eyebrows are shaped perfectly the rest is fine. I have a weird thing about eyebrows
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Who have you been messin' with?

Body hair on men is sexy long as its not as thick as Buzz's big foot pic lol Men who remove all their body hair are a big turn off and look like little boys to me. I vote no to removing your body hair! Fine yourself a woman instead of a girl and leave your body hair alone

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
A little chest hair can be hot if it is well groomed smile Not a fan of body hair in general.
I have to say a hairy chest is a turn on to me...I love running my hands on a guys chest and the feel of hair is just delicious!
No I love a hairy body on a man. It is a sign of his manhood and testerone
I tend to go for hairier than average guys, as far as arms, chest and legs, I really enjoy it to be pretty hairy. I think it just says "manly" to me, so that makes it enjoyable for me. As far as pubic hair on guys, I prefer a bush
I tend to go for hairier than average guys, as far as arms, chest and legs, I really enjoy it to be pretty hairy. I think it just says "manly" to me, so that makes it enjoyable for me. As far as pubic hair on guys, I prefer alot of hair or some hair
I'm all about the guy being natural. I love a man with hairy forearms and legs and chest hair is sexy. It's very courteous to trim the pubes, but i actually hate when guys are bald down there. lol. The only places that hair bothers me on a guy is his upper arms and back.
I'm from a generation that believes men should look and act like men, not pre-pubecent boys, male models, or metrosexuals. I expect a man to have hair and muscle, and to be kind, tough, and capable. I feel sorry for todays young women because they have to settle for much less (i.e.: boys who aren't kind, boys who aren't capable, and boys who spend their free time playing video games when their cars and homes need repair).
Its actually a huge turn on for me
I don't mind it on the chest but not a fan of it on the back....
