Does it turn you on? Do you hate it? Do you put up with it because your partner likes it? Do you like it in certain positions like doggystyle? Is it too for your tastes? Do you like it but your partner isn't the Dom type and not into it? How does it make you feel?
What are your feelings on this?
I love it, as well! I have short hair, but there's always enough to grab. To me it's a passion thing. I know he's really into if he's grabbing my hair!! YUMMY!
It's wonderful, if done right. There are so many nerve endings in the scalp, that it is a real turn on.
Oh God yes I love it, well I just know it is part of rough sex and what a turnon.
Seems like every nerve in my body is flashing their electric charges.
If you are not rough up and dominated a bit it is kind of vanilla sex the kind the some couples get into after years together.
A View from the West Coast
I love it and it turns me on.
I make love or I fuck and it doesn't matter if I am in love with a guy or is he my sex partner.. The point is that when I fuck pulling hair is a must, just like dirty whisper, it's part of the sex game.
The same thing is when there is time just for a quickie and pulling hair by man makes it feel that he is in control that he knows what he is doing and that is most arousing thing for me. Confidence.
I'd have to say that it is a turn on for me as well. I loved to b manhandled so to speak and that just adds to it. To know that someone is strong enough to do what they want with you is very...well it just flat does it for me
"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves." -François de la Rochefoucauld
Thank you girls for the detailed responses.
my opinion...harder please! love it when im on all fours and he gathers into a pony tail and pulls me onto him by it.
i love it when i'm on all 4s...thats part of the reason why im growing my hair longer again :P
I love it, it just makes the sex more exciting! I think that always happens when you thrown in roughness
Oh yeah. Grab a handful and yank my head all the way back (:
I Love having my hair pulled, especailyl during doggystyle. Its a big turn on for me, its a big reason why I won't cut my hair.
Not so much into having my hair pulled but don't mind doing the pulling! Would be nice if you held my hair out of my face when I'm sucking your dick though lol
Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!