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What things in the house have you "used?"

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What household items have you had fun with? Rubber bands? Clothespins? Etc?
Veggies, such as a zucchini, fruit such as banana but doesn’t hold up well. Hot tub jets, love to have some wine and relax to the jets and bubbles in the evening as I slip out of my bikini and adjust the jets to hit just the right spots.
many of those are very phallic shaped...
Rubber bands
Zip ties
Duct tape
A pool table and billiard balls (my parents' house, actually, not mine)

Edit: Oops, I forgot the cue sticks!
Postage stamp
Gum eraser
Ear wax removal kit
TV remote
Quote by Beffer
A pool table and billiard balls (my parents' house, actually, not mine)

Edit: Oops, I forgot the cue sticks!

Sort of in off the pink?

Kinda vague ya think?...Yesterday, last week, ever?

But if ya looking for sex things?
Then my clit vibe and purple rabbit yesterday morning.
My newer big dildo last night before going to work at the pub.
A friend is coming over tonight, so we'll see what she brings...
Quote by Beffer
A pool table and billiard balls (my parents' house, actually, not mine)

Edit: Oops, I forgot the cue sticks!

.....and not the brush?

the end of an egg flipper...was really horny and need something right then
the usual stuff girls find, but to add something unusual: a new pair of those bumpy studded garden gloves. (sitting on the dryer is nice... if it's older and has an eccentric ... um, orbit?)
Quote by apptobebad
The ride on lawnmower was great fun.

If you've ever seen a man just standing in one place with the push mower pressed against him.....then you know well the power of the small gasoline engine.

Rubber bands
Zip ties
Duct tape

IMPURE...I get all of them but the stapler? Care to share?
Quote by Sweet_Reese

.....and not the brush?

I think the billiard brush would feel nice slooooowly slid across the nipples.
Quote by reticent
the usual stuff girls find, but to add something unusual: a new pair of those bumpy studded garden gloves. (sitting on the dryer is nice... if it's older and has an eccentric ... um, orbit?)

That's one of the reasons I asked this....we aren't exactly sure of "the usual stuff girls find." Care to share more?
Quote by TXtabber

IMPURE...I get all of them but the stapler? Care to share?

We would use stapler on each others thighs and tits.
the handle of a long screw drive in my hole and it felt great

We would use stapler on each others thighs and tits.

Oh! Ouch. A staple into the soft tender flesh of the inner thigh or breast?
Quote by TXtabber

Oh! Ouch. A staple into the soft tender flesh of the inner thigh or breast?

Both. Haven't played w/ stapler since I was 19.
handle of a curling brush. the ridges are grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat
Clothespins - check
Brush handle - check
Hand held shower hose - daily
Ice cubes - yep
Vacuum hose - oh sure, but I recommend the modern plastic type with rounded edges. Tried a literal Hoover with a metal pipe when I was sixteen. Blew the power circuit when the motor overloaded and spent several weeks with a red ring around the bottom of my dingle dangle. Ahh. Youth!
Quote by Ls63563
Bed post
i tried that when I was younger, it was great!
My favorites have been candles. You do have to be careful with household items for cleanliness, of course. When I was younger and didn't own any real toys, I tried a cucumber in both front and rear. That was the first time I tried anything up my ass. Definitely was an interesting experiment!
- Clothespins
- Ice
- Candles
- Duct tape
- Washing line (the classic rope one, the plastic ones are not a good idea)
- Shower
- Paint brushes
- Fly swatter
Quote by kimboss85
i tried that when I was younger, it was great!

Ladies, re: the bedpost. Are we talking just sliding up and down on it...or carefully balanced insertion?
Quote by demetra
- Clothespins
- Ice
- Candles
- Duct tape
- Washing line (the classic rope one, the plastic ones are not a good idea)
- Shower
- Paint brushes
- Fly swatter

I'm assuming most ladies would try the clothespins on nipples? Experiences to share? Ouch or Ohhhh, yes!?
Ice as on nipples? popsickle insertion?

Duct tape? Rope? I'm imagining wrapping it around you then looking in the mirror?

Demetra? fly swatter? as a spanking toy? I hope it wasn't one of the battery-powered electric shock ones!

Thanks for answering all of the questions I've asked over the years! Just doing my best to understand women better!