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What is It like to.....

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Active Ink Slinger
What is it like to really love someone and be loved back, to caress and massage them? To want to lay down with them? To really want to make love, giving your all, showing your vulnerability without fear or concern? What is in like to really kiss some one and run your nails down their back? To use your sensuality to arouse someone and feel the warmth and tenderness of an embrace? What is it like to fall a sleep,secure in the arms of the person you love?

My memories of some of this have faded whilst other elements I've never experienced.

Ahhh, Sam sad

It is like waiting for a miracle, wondering when and if it will happen but hoping- knowing it is a dream that may never come true and then, when it happened, wondering if you are still dreaming. When it does happen it is natural, just like you think it should have always been and just like you think it should feel. It is MORE than I wanted it to be. It is such a total freedom. Freedom is the best word to describe.

It is exactly like I thought it would be- but it still surprised me and was unexpected/unlooked for at the time... (though I still wanted that love.)

To be loved in return as much and as deeply as you love- it is just... beyond words.
To be desiring that touch or to touch in those many ways and to have that is like someone reading my mind. It is like the things I have written elsewhere, only I am not the one writing. I am not in control, but I also do not fear.

The release from my former state of being has made me forget what it was like and continue to be hopeful everyday.

There was so much pint up sexual desire that it has taken around two years of rabbit, maniac behavior. We POURED that focus onto each other because there was also that sexual fire and chemistry. When it first ignited, with that first kiss, it did not wane.

I have never had anyone understand me, muchless so very much. I am free to completely be myself and loved for who I really am inside.

Unfortunately I think we take that wonderful gift and freedoms of it for granted sometimes, (speaking for myself), and I never wanted to. We try to show our gratitude all through-out the day. We send little text messages and sometimes (besides saying how much we love each other so that is what we hear) we say how blessed we are and sometimes the feelings well up almost to tears.

Our sexual life is also just as amazing.
We have a friendship where we really never want to loose that.
He is the only person I could be with all day and day after day and not get bored (or, honestly, not get on my nerves or upset me) and that I can talk to all the time for long lengths and we just never want to stop or tire! lol

There are many sides to the coin and the sexual aspect is one of very open communication, high sex drive, super flirty, increasing desire, and awareness in a journey that we have really loved and embraced from the beginning that we share this. This is the sort of relationship I have waited my whole life for and been through so much pain and loneliness but wondered if it were possible. We only met Jan. 2012. I am very thankful that I am able to see that it is possible and to live it, so each day is very precious to me!

I would not want to do anything to jeapordise or mistreat this love or person.
Active Ink Slinger
What lovely words that brighten the darkest night and give hope that lost feelings can be regained. Thank you

It's hard to explain... It's the type of thing that once you've experienced it you never forget it... I would describe it as being... Unforgettable.
Active Ink Slinger
Its like being in a bubble of heavenly happiness and contentment - wowzers x