Just seconds after you cum, when reality surfaces again, and you look the guy lying next to you, it was the first time you had sex with him...what kind of thoughts do you have?
LOL- only men consider sex over when they cum. ;)
But anyways, as I'm 'coming down', and sex is over, my thoughts depend on what the sex was like. If it was mind-blowing, then I'm in a pretty good place, but if it sucked, then I'm plotting my escape.
i couldnt agree more with ladyx
If the sex was great I think about all the fun we could have doing this, that and the other.
If it sucks I think about what I have to tell him to make sure I never see him again.
It's diffrent thoughts each time.
Maybe I'm thinking about how silly that hat looked and that I should knit him a cute one with bunny ears.
I usually think..."how long will it take him to get hard again?"
Either gimme MORE!!!! or ah shit how am I gonna get rid of this! Usually not much of a fine line between the two lol Thankfully it was usually gimme more.
Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!