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The man is a lot overweight and not the best looking but you hear....

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Quote by sprite
you know, lets get real. it's one thing if your in a relationship with a guy, he's the love of your life, and he eats too many twinkies and balloons up - you know him, know who he is, love him, and though you might want him to slim down again, you're probably not going to dump him over it...

now... dating. you don't know shit about this guy, other then he might be funny or smart, but if he's some dumpy guy and there is no attraction there, no, as much as we'd like to think we see through all that stuff, the reality is, a really nice cock is not going to save me. well, if your the mirror image, maybe, but even then, most of us are attracted to good looking men, or at least men who are reasonably attractive. same goes for the guys, btw - you know, you're attracted to whom you're attracted for, and a large part of that is usually physical - i might sound shallow, but don't try to deny it, there's nothing wrong with it.

In total agreement here. There HAS to be an attraction. That said, it's not like he has to be a model or something. *yech* I just have to find him attractive. For years, I had a huge crush on Tommy Lee Jones (not the friggin Motley Crue guy), and he is certainly not your typical sex symbol. I also don't find George Clooney or Brad Pitt attractive at all, but I think Jack White is super sexy. Typical pretty boy doesn't seem to attract me. I try to stay in shape, so "a lot overweight" doesn't work for me. Sorry, it doesn't.

"Hearing" that a guy has a big, thick cock would be a bit of a deterrent for me. How the hell do people know that? Sounds like a red flag for a man whore, which is an immediate turnoff. And my first thought when I saw you say "Big" cock was. YOUCH!!
Quote by CurlyGirly

In total agreement here. There HAS to be an attraction. That said, it's not like he has to be a model or something. *yech* I just have to find him attractive. For years, I had a huge crush on Tommy Lee Jones (not the friggin Motley Crue guy), and he is certainly not your typical sex symbol. I also don't find George Clooney or Brad Pitt attractive at all, but I think Jack White is super sexy. Typical pretty boy doesn't seem to attract me. I try to stay in shape, so "a lot overweight" doesn't work for me. Sorry, it doesn't.

"Hearing" that a guy has a big, thick cock would be a bit of a deterrent for me. How the hell do people know that? Sounds like a red flag for a man whore, which is an immediate turnoff. And my first thought when I saw you say "Big" cock was. YOUCH!!

I agree here. I am not a woman who only takes appearance into consideration. But I work my ass off to stay fit so I expect someone who wants to be with me to do the same.

Is it true that as guys gain weight their cocks shrink? Or does it only appear that way since they can't see it anymore?
I know this is "ask the gals" but I just have to thank you ladies... my day has been way to serious and I needed the laugh.
You have restored my faith in women through out the world!
I think I will pass also, if there is no chemistry, there is no chemistry.

I big cock is not a guarantee of a good time anyway
Well this was interesting. smile

Honestly I can't think of a single "real" woman that would just have to have that large cock, attached to a guy they don't find attractive. That may work in porn, but the real world? I don't think so. It is more often the case that women are attracted to the guy they find mentally and physically stimulating not even knowing anything about their cock. It is why so many men who are less than generously gifted have no problems getting or keeping women.

This is not saying that cock size never factors in though, because it does. Just like how guys have preferences for certain things concerning women... but they normally don't stick too tightly to those desires that they pass up women who may not meet their "ideal". The real world is full of REALITY. ;)

With that said, there is nothing wrong with a big cock, and it just may work like a charm.... or not.... same with cocks of about every other size range.

As for if a man's cock gets smaller as the man gets fatter..... I don't know. But thinking about it, what might happen is that because the cock is a fixed part of the body, when you build more fat around the base of it, more of it becomes INSIDE the body and less OUTSIDE. This would make it look smaller? I don't know, I would have to look into how the penis and things float in the body (they are not fixed to our bones, after all LOL), but maybe this might be part of what happens? Frankly I never gave it any thought. I know with woman how far you can penetrate and other factors does hinge on body size and ease of access.

Ok.... I was just tossing that out there, I have no intentions of actually researching it. LOL I just wanted to just float the idea. :)
Quote by Nikki703

Is it true that as guys gain weight their cocks shrink? Or does it only appear that way since they can't see it anymore?

It's called buried penis syndrome and it can happen when a man gains so much weight that the fat buries the penis. Weight isn't the only cause but it seems to be happening more and more as the number of obese people goes up.

I've seen it happen, a guy I was with gained about 6st while we were together and he lost at least an inch. Well, it was still there but it had been buried by the fat.
And in answer to the op, no I'm not going to fuck someone I'm not attracted to because I've heard he has a big cock. If I'm not attracted to someone then it wouldn't be fun for me and what's the point if it won't be fun?
Absolutely not ... got to have a connection size does not matter!
I said on an earlier post that men are obsessed with the size of their dicks not women - this seems to be proving it . To add something - this attitude could be viewed as unconsciously sexist as the implication is that women must have huge vagina's which of course isn't the case but merely flexible, (I hastily add). smile.
Attraction? Well that explains a lot. If one is not attractive, his inner qualities dont matter at all. That was very educational, thank you.