OK let me explain. Most people don't know that height of the Eiffel Tower (sure you could look it up that wouldn't any fun) but if ask
enough people to guess how tall the Eiffel is, the average of those guess will be pretty close to the actual height. So let's start with
a straight forward quetion. (I'll average the results after a month or so):
How many diffeent sexual partners do you think the average 35 year old woman has had in ther life?
well im 38 and ive only been with 5 lol
Haha.. I wouldn't know..
But I would guess.. 6-7?
You know, if you message me, you can see what an interesting person I can be.
Just saying.
I think I heard this once. It was something like 4 or 5. Guess I was above avg!
lol they were all average
Average is about 5 or 6" isn't it?
I would say 8 on a good day if the wind is from the south
define "average".
I mean it in the purely statistically sense, properly I should say "median" (meaning half the female population has more than "x" number of partners and half has less, but average is what people understand so I went with that).
I don't thik I'm average but at 35 I had been with 7 men and had married two of those (divorce the first before marrying he second LOL, not bigamy). 6 more in the 17 years since, and married one of those.
I'd say give or take, 5/6?
I'm about that age and my number is somewhere around 20, but 19 of them were before I was 22.
I'm guessing the average 35yo woman's total number of partners? Ok, I'll guess 6. I don't think most bitches have that much sex really, at least not with that many partners.
8 a day sounds fun ... I've only done that a couple of times ... I'll guess one per year and say average is 35
just made 38 I have had 6 well girls 3 guys
Why is everyone having such a hard time with the word average? He isnt asking what makes a person AVERAGE, like average looking or averager height or weight and bra size. Its just a mathematical term. Like the avg of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 is 6! Simple.
I assume the OP doesn't mean "the average 35 year old woman" but rather "the average number of partners".
That is, "What do you think is the average number of partners a 35-year-old woman has had?"
A subtle but important distinction.
I reckon the number is actually something like 3–4.
All I know is that I only have a few months left to pack in a few more ...
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
I'm thinking prob 10-15 men. 20 women . Being in my twenties were good times.
If you think of all the women in the world, not just the adventurous lush members, but also all the women not having sex before marriage and beeing faithful ever, I would guess 2 at the max as a median. In our close group of friends, I would guess 1,2