Ladies, I am a fan of tan lines. Do you feel the look is sexy or not?
I think they are just plain UGLY.
I do my best to avoid them at all costs.
I you see me with one you know I just returned from some where clothing was required.
Bikini tan lines can look sexy, depending on the woman. Farmer's tans never look sexy.
Neither. It's just there, like a forehead. As long as it's not too much, I barely see it.
Tan lines can be sexy. Sometimes, not always though.
Sometimes they are unavoidable. You cant be everywhere in the sun naked.
For the most part I try hard NOT to have any.
This summer was the first time I ever sunbathed nude -- i liked no tan lines
I avoid tan lines whenever I can.
I rarely get tan lines. Mine are burn lines and can be ugly!
I always wear a thong bikini to have as little tan lines as possible. A few guys have thought the thong tan lines look sexy.
love a girl in a thong, but also love tan lines from a sexy bikini. Mostley, I am sure, because when you see the tan lines you know you are the lucky guy seeing more then others!
love a girl in a thong, but also love tan lines from a sexy bikini. Mostley, I am sure, because when you see the tan lines you know you are the lucky guy seeing more then others!
usually I only have a lower tan line if at all.
Being an Aussie one has no choice but to have tan lines. For me the smaller the tan line the hotter.
Personally, Being so blonde I tend to burn much more easily than tan so it takes the first half of summer for me to build up a descent tan