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Sucking cock daily

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Active Ink Slinger
I suck my hubby's cock daily and drink his cum. He loves it a lot smile
Active Ink Slinger
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I’d say at least once a day, most mornings.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Guest
Is it normal that my wife sucks me off at least twice a day ? How many times do you do it to your husband / BF ?
Are you complaining or bragging?

Active Ink Slinger

Two times everyday would realistically, be too much for me if you mean until ejaculation. It would be fun for a week, but 760 something blowjob/year is allot.

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At 10cc of jizz a time, twice a day seems a lot to me.

Especially as I'm Not In Love.

Active Ink Slinger

I see nothing wrong with it. I suck my boyfriend every single chance I get.

Active Ink Slinger

Whatever, but might want to mix things up a bit if lacking.......

Rookie Scribe

How do I geg hooked up with some of these amazing ladies. Once a month at best for me.

Active Ink Slinger

Its a nice goal and good for your overall health, just like seeing and touching breasts everyday is good for guys health and blood pressure, etc.

When I was in college, I tried to do this, but so often classwork and homework just got in the way. SOlved it by finding a study partner who wanted a study partner as well as a FWB. We'd study for an hour or so - homework, reading, etc - then take a break. I'd blow him and he'd eat me. This worked for about 3 days a week. The other days I supplemented with whoever was my boyfriend.

During college summers, I was a lifeguard on Cape Cod. The girl I lived with and I decided to do the one-a-day bj thing, and we had absolutely no trouble meeting the goal, between our male coworkers and guys we met.

Now, I'm still striving for that goal but I also have a real job, and sometimes the quest for paycheck and consulting $$ supersedes the quest for a cum snack. But on average I still get to suck my bf or other friend 3 or 4 times a week. If I ever get married and always have my husband at night or in the morning, he'll enjoy 1 a day if he wants it!


I blow my hubby every morning as well as when he gets home from work

Active Ink Slinger

A very lucky man, indeed!

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Quote by DCO_65
Are you complaining or bragging?

Lmao thank the gods and reciprocate lol


Quote by Georgia_27_8

Not daily, but regularly!

I would say that this is a wise approach... otherwise you get bored doing the same thing on a daily basis. Not to mention that you are loosing that feeling when you get something nice unexpected.

Active Ink Slinger

Everyone is different based on their wants and desires. I suck cock every chance I can but it might not be every day.

Rookie Scribe
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Quote by Mckayla1991

Everyone is different based on their wants and desires. I suck cock every chance I can but it might not be every day.

Every BJ has to MEAN something ... we're not "sluts" ... two or three times a week is enough. IMHO

Active Ink Slinger

Well, we certainly wouldn't want it so frequently that it, oral sex that is, loses its specialness. In most of our lives which can be busy and demanding obviously, I doubt that's a common problem. Moderation in life while perhaps sounding somewhat boring does have some value I think.

Active Ink Slinger
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It's very normal to me to suck cock or two daily guys do love a good blow job

Advanced Wordsmith
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Quote by sprite
amateurs. i suck cock every hour on the hour. on a slow day.

What do you do with the other 57 minutes?

Active Ink Slinger
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I could handle giving multiple bj's each day