Married 35+ years, just shaved my beard of 6 months off last Saturday, she hasn't noticed yet.
D- for trolling efforts. Could do better.
You've been married 35+ years and you want to cheat because she didnt say anything about you shaving off your beard? Maybe she is being nice because she doesn't like the way it looks. Sounds like you are looking for the ok to do it. Do you want to throw your marriage away for some strange? Do you want to hurt your wife? These are things you should be asking yourself instead of trying to get someone to say yes do it.
Start wearing a stick-on Groucho Marx moustache from the fancy dress shop.
If she still doesn't say anything, book her an eye test at the opticians.
Cheating means many different things to many different people. You aren't within a million miles of any of the good reasons.
It's actually been a long list of being her being inconsiderate, the not recognizing the beard was the last thing. No sex for 12 months or so and I've been propositioned. Frustrated because it's a small town and I can't/won't cheat. Thanks for your comments.
She prolly noticed and liked the beard and didn't wanna say that to you. Also just don't cheat ever.
Well, you could cheat... but your problem is still going to exist, isn’t it?
I've been married to my beautiful wife going on 34 years. During this time i have shaved my mustache off without my wife noticing. In fact, one tine i only shaved off half of it to see if she would notice. She didn't. However, this lead me to have fun with her and playfully tease her. i was not lead to cheat on her. I can honestly say that I love her more today that at any other time in our marriage, regardless of how cliché it may sound. I could care less if she never notices my shaved or unshaven look as long as she keeps living me the way she does, but then again that's me.
@trinket...couldn't agree more.