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Sex with someone you don't like....

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I don't have to love some one to have sex with them, but I at least have to like them. I have had sex with people that I came to dislike later.
hmm, I am too picky.... sex is to be enjoyed.... always takes someone I enjoy!
It's not possible I it never happened....if I don't like someone, I can't get attracted to them and they will never have a chance to get that close to me....
I know probably most people who answered here will hate my answer to this post, but, love and hate are the two sides of a coin, isn't it?? both brings passion to anyone who feels it.. the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.. so if the question is can you have sex with someone you are indifferent with, the answer is obviously no.. but someone you hate or greatly dislike?? it can happen if the situation is right, I think.. and please, don't kill me.. XD LoL!!
She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire. ~ Charles Bukowski
I guess, I am guilty of the unthinkable by my Lush Sisters.

I am in an Economics Class in College we clashed on every subject. We were One and Two in this class. Or maybe it was Two and One.

This day it was a especially vitriolic clash. In those days you still went to the Library to Study and do Research. Mr. Jerk came in and sat down right across the table from me. My first thought was to leave, but Damn I was hear first. He started again and after about 10 minutes we were both exhausted of new arguments.

I went into the stacks to find something and he followed. When he reached out and touched me it was like a shot of fire through our bodies. I threw my arms around him and we kissed like I had never been kissed before. We could not get out of there fast enough.

I remember we did not get home before we were stark naked and getting his beautiful cock in me. We went to his place and Fucked until Sunrise.

At the next meeting of the class we clashed again just like nothing had ever happened between us that night.

No, No, No we never came close again.

Now that you bring it up I still think I hate him just a bit.
Only if I wanted some extremely angry sex...other than that, not a chance
NOT a chance--you could hate yourself forever
Well it helps when they hate you more! Just ask my exwife, lol. Oh I forgot that all happened before she hated me so much.

Quote by snowqueen5120
so if the question is can you have sex with someone you are indifferent with, the answer is obviously no..

I've had sex with someone I felt mostly indifferent about - a sort of friend with benefits without the friendship. An acquaintance with benefits? Anyway, it wasn't great, but it was available.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by DoubleDs
Nope, don't think I could do that...if I don't like someone, they will never get that type of chance to get close to me.

Im the same, If i don't like you don't even try
Quote by GeorgiaGirl21
Nope, don't let them even touch me. Sex is more than just fucking, it's connection too!

Well said!
My girlfriend's boyfriend is a conservative jerk who disagrees with me on everything and always tries to push my buttons, but... he has an amazing cock and knows how to use it. So... I let my girlfriend fuck my boyfriend because she loves the way he gives oral (her b/f sucks at it!), and she lets me fuck her b/f, even though he drives me crazy and I could never stand to live with him, because I love how he fucks me.