Quote by kistinspencil
What?? I don’t think such a creative soul couldn’t allow herself a vacation or a roll in the hay!!I’ve never seen a sunset over the ocean
Sex on vacation allows you to step out of routine and let go and look forward to it for the next couple weeks
I've never taken a vacation and never hooked up with anyone. That's a bit of Friday night excitement, isn't it?
I've had sex with my wife on vacation but never hooked up with anyone, tempting as the "buffet" on the beach might be in some places.
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.
I have often found somebody interesting on holidays and enjoyed having sex with them. Now I holiday with one of my male FWB and we have occasionally found couples prepared to swap. My last experience was with a guy and his wife of three days. My partner got the best end of the deal - she was amazing - he was hopeless. She had been a virgin until her wedding night - long story. I have written about that experience in my story "The Cuckold Honeymoon"