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Satan and witchcraft

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Quote by ByronLord
Just in case it gets me more members, I have just decided that the theology of my new sex cult will have a special place for

* Eating chocolate
* Pancakes (with bacon and sausage unless you go for the vegetarian option)

The basic principles on which the cult is based are:

1) Eat chocolate
2) Have sex to work off the calories.
3) Go back to 1

Are there going to be any crusades?
Quote by ByronLord
Just in case it gets me more members, I have just decided that the theology of my new sex cult will have a special place for

* Eating chocolate
* Pancakes (with bacon and sausage unless you go for the vegetarian option)

The basic principles on which the cult is based are:

1) Eat chocolate
2) Have sex to work off the calories.
3) Go back to 1

I want in! Are there any specific recipes we should use on certain days??? Is there punishment if we do something wrong? Would say beyond the 3 core beliefs there isn't any other restrictions? I just want to be sure I get this thing right.
Quote by Tranquil

lol, Quantum Physics is a good start to understanding magick.

Lol, my doctorate happens to be from the Nuclear Physics dept smile

Yes, I am quite aware of the theological implications of QM. Basically the universe is not deterministic in the Newtonian sense. So there is plenty of room for intervention without requiring any laws of physics to be broken.

I have no problem with magic, what I object to is claims to special powers or secret knowledge.

I don't like the idea of a 6000 year old earth created with the light already enroute from distant galaxies. It seems small mean and narrow. Like deciding to live in one room of your house and never leave for no particular reason. A hundred billion galaxies of a hundred billion stars is much more impressive to me.

Secret knowledge is the pretext people use for setting themselves up as intermediaries and I see no use for them.

Quote by Tranquil

Not sure about wicca being a recovery organization as I don't practice wicca. I am old school taught by my mother, whom was taught by her mother and so on. Wicca was in the in 1960's. it is a new religion which has been recognized by many governments and as such does deserve the right to be respected in its own right.

also you could try to understand healing such as Reiki (Japanese energy healing with scientific studies backing up the results without understanding the healing).

Well the Wicca folk did make some effort towards continuity with earlier traditions. But yes, it is essentially a new invention. But so was the Pauline church which transformed a small Jewish sect into a proselytizing religion.

The Catholic church recently tried to shut down nuns from offering Reiki. They really don't like the idea of women doing something that might look like laying on of hands.

But in general I consider anything to be positive that gives people permission to do things that are pleasurable that don't harm or hurt or exploit other people.
I'm much better at bitchcraft
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
Just in case it gets me more members, I have just decided that the theology of my new sex cult will have a special place for.........

* Eating chocolate
* Pancakes (with bacon and sausage unless you go for the vegetarian option)

The basic principles on which the cult is based are:

1) Eat chocolate
2) Have sex to work off the calories.
3) Go back to 1

Where do I sign up?
Quote by jollylolly
I love Satin.
Quote by eiffel2007


Personally I love Santa. It's hard being an evil dyslexic
Quote by Tranquil

As a member of a witch group, (Yes catholic girl turns witch. Once witch, never switch), i think i should point out that witches are only satanic if they believe in the bible as Satan is only in that book and therefore buying into a porject that has run hundreds of years with new changes made to suit the time and era it found itself in. The God and the Goddess along with many deity's are what witches a heed too. there must be balance of the dark and light. of female and male.

There are many out there claiming to be witch but infact are in a religion call Wicca and though practice the art of casting etc however they believe heavily in the 3 fold law (what the put out there returns 3 times back. sheez don't even get me started on that one) etc...are a modern version of a witch.

then you also get into the burning times . well we are all aware that was more to do with greed for lands etc and was not a time of witchcraft that many would still like to think.

There is sex in the craft. how can there not be as it is a build up of energy, energy is what a witch thrives on. Its is in energy that we build and cast, therefore you will find many a witch in ritual being ridden by the goddess or god. (We don't run around skylark under the Moon for nothing)

As for evil inclinations..i am happy to and have been known to cast a bitch slap via energy to an ignorant or annoying person time to time.

well stated
If all this involves SEX and sharing of the bodies and minds,,,, count me in or if it,s all about kicking the bible? sorry it,s not fair