Ladies, have you ever role played during sex? What is your favorite scene?
Not during sex... but I've always wanted to... most of my role playing has been on line or in my stories.
My favorite role is that of an insatiable erotic writer... no wait...
I enjoy ladies who can creatively role-play
I like guys who can creatively role play!
I do, and anything we can think up.
†Jinxy Approved†
The slut or the dominating sexy bitch
Slut/whore for me, especially when i roleplay with my Master on the online rp game we both play, for me its one way i can be a slut without any1 knowin about it in rl really!
Anything that comes to mind, and a lot of things come to this mind.
Most of my stories are role play in some form. Would really enjoy role play with a live lady who sort of cowrites and keeps the story line going, alive, and fun.
Will there are those that are only there for self gratification and there are those that are there becasue they can actually give something to the other person that she has never experianced in her life before. I read an article today taht said penetration was 10 times more satisfying and forfilling for a woman than oral sex.....Well from my experiance here and other sites I would say the opposite is true in real life. Woman on here with the right guy get more pleasure out of their bodies than they ever thought possiable.
Not talking about with all guys because most are only out for self gratification. If that is their attitude with real sex well I guess their girlfriends or wives are on here looking for what they do not give them. Funny how a woman is not ready for sex until she has had an orgasm or two and yet very few guys get a woman to that stage. I guess we can blame our ancestors or relegion for making sex a subject and by that attitude was the 1st form of birth control.
I have a few times. Sexy nurse was very fun. It's the only one I really remember. I think I've done other ones but I was probably a little fucked up or something lol
Hmm, I can't say that I've actually broken out in full method-acting BUT I have certainly indulged in some fantasies where a costume or certain attire might enhance the experience. Serious role playing where myself or my partner are 'in character' just doesn't do anything for me - I find it a bit stressful and even a tad silly actually (not sure I'd be able to stop myself from laughing) and would much prefer to just dress the part and let things unfold naturally.
My first wife & I had a very active love life, If one of us could think something up the other was game to try it..
We did a lot of role play, only scenario not acted upon , WAS
Its my Fave a regular thing going with 3 boys from my Drama Group...YAY
I love the idea of many men that i tease in public.
I want it, but resist until they just grab me.
Turns me so on.
Love roleplay.
I have never during sex, but think the idea is very .