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Revealing Clothing Double standard

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Advanced Wordsmith
Many women enjoy wearing revealing clothing, such as skin tight pants, tight sweaters, bush up bras, skimpy bikini's and tank tops, much to the delight of most men including myself

If a man wears tight pants or a spedo in public he is shuned by the majority of women.

Why the double standard galls, not that I mind, please don't change
Active Ink Slinger
What you say is true in public, however in private it is a completely different story.
Active Ink Slinger
What about the double standard that a man can work outdoors without a shirt on and be seen as hard working, while if a woman is topless while mowing her lawn is a slut?

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lafayettemister
What about the double standard that a man can work outdoors without a shirt on and be seen as hard working, while if a woman is topless while mowing her lawn is a slut?

agree with that.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Actually, if you look at trends over the past decade or so, men's clothing in general has gotten tighter and flashier. So there's no shunning in that regard, unless you come across someone who isn't into that.

I don't like to see a guy in a speedo because I find it tacky. But there are women who love to see guys in a speedo. The same goes for skinny jeans and/or tight shirts. Unless the guy can pull it off without looking cheesy to me, then I find it tacky. But again, there are women who love to see guys in skinny jeans and other various forms of tight clothing. It's all about personal tastes.

Overall, I don't see it as a double standard. People like what they like. If someone sees a woman dressed 'skimpy' they'd disapprove because it's not what they're into. Or they judge based on their own moral code and standards. The same goes for someone who sees a man dressed in a way that's contrary to their own personal tastes or what they believe is inappropriate.

*sidenote* A push-up bra isn't revealing if it's not seen. That goes for all undergarments.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I don't see the double standard especially today.

More and more men are actually realizing that clothing for men should be fashionable, and if you got the body for a speedo go for it. If not there's still clothing that will make you look good.

It's all a matter of taste - just as I don't enjoy seeing a woman in clothing that's 'mutton dressed as lamb'
I'm not sure there is a double standard because of how different men and women are.