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Researcher claims G-spot 'does not exist'

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Many women swear they have one, but a new review of 60 years of sex research shows science still can't definitively find the G-spot.

Researchers have used surveys, imaging scans and biopsies of women, all trying to locate and define the presumably orgasmic area on the vaginal wall known as the G-spot. Based on a review of 96 published studies, an Israeli and American research team came to one conclusion.

"Without a doubt, a discreet anatomic entity called the G-spot does not exist," said Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky, a urology resident at Yale-New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, and lead author of the review, published Jan. 12 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Ah, I see the problem...they didn't use ginger in their research!

Read the full article here:
Maggie R
I agree.... I'm pretty sure I don't have one - and that's not from lack of looking. lol
It's been moved from Health & Fitness to Ask the Gals.
Maggie R
When I am properly stimulated in the "G-Spot" area, I have very intense orgasms. Now whether it exists or it is all psychological, I am not a doctor so I cant say. But the orgasms I have are very REAL.

So does the G-Spot truly exist? Dont know, dont care. But the intense orgasms most definitely do!!! And that is what I care about.
Im with Nikki, dont know if it really exist but theres definetely something inside me, than when stimulated correctly im in heaven!! call it the G-Spot, call it the Foxy-spot i dont care about the name i care about the results, and oh how great those results are!
Quote by latinfoxy
Im with Nikki, dont know if it really exist but theres definetely something inside me, than when stimulated correctly im in heaven!! call it the G-Spot, call it the Foxy-spot i dont care about the name i care about the results, and oh how great those results are!

I'm with both you girls!!
I love it when a man tells me about my pleasure centers.
I believe what the researchers were saying was that there is no specific organ, independent of others, that can be called the G-spot. There is a definite Clitoris, a definite Nipple, a definite Heart, Liver, Pancreas, etc. But the G-spot, as far as the research shows, is a sensitive part of the vaginal wall itself. Not that it doesn't exist.

I think a different way of explaining it would be to compare it to a sensitive part of your skin that, when your lover touches it in some way, really turns you on. It might be the side of your neck, or under your chin, or the center of your lower back. Technically, there is no independent part that your lover is turning on, it's all skin. That doesn't mean that it doesn't exist as a pleasure center. In case of the G-spot, it just so happens that it's a spot that can be found in all or most women in the same area and which may differ in size and/or sensitivity.

Just a thought.
Quote by Anjasa
I love it when a man tells me about my pleasure centers.

I love this comment!

xx Steph
I read something related to this recently but can't find the article so I'll just paraphrase. Basically new imaging technology has revealed that the clitoris is a much larger organ than anyone ever thought and that it extends inside a woman's body. So what is thought of as the g-spot in some women is most likely just part of the clitoris extending close to or inside of the vaginal wall. Then reason then that all women don't have a "g-spot" is because women all have different size clitorises.
I agree with the ladies ....

and I call bullshit to those researchers
Quote by PersonalAssistant
I agree with the ladies ....

and I call bullshit to those researchers

What do ya wanna wager that Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky is also an early 40-something sexual virgin who is still saving himself for the perfect girl...

Fucker prolly also writes ultra-imaginative erotica, complete with exploding penii, ejaculating nipples and the never-ending-almost-climax.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Some people claim the Holocaust never happened too!!!
There is definitely a spot in me that sends me wild when his cock finds it. It's got to have a name so why not the G-spot?
I don't know but I've had some ladies just about jump off the bed while massaging this "imaginary" spot.
Clearly, his fingers can't work wonders. He just can't give his girl extreme orgasms that's why he's blaming all of it to the existence of the g spot.