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reasons to defriend people

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Active Ink Slinger
Normally I don't remove friends because I have been pretty choosy who to make a friend and I love them all. But I have unfriended few people for being from some other planet disguised as humans.
Quote by kiera
Crudeness, rudeness, stalking, lying, spiteful/vindictive behaviour are all instant deletes for me, blocks if they persist in contacting me.

Otherwise I truly only delete when I clean out, I don't collect friends if they don't talk to me ect I see no point keeping them so delete.

For me, the one main thing is if they're demanding my attention, time, and explanation. "Where'd you go" and "Why won't you talk to me" will get someone blocked or deleted faster than they can blink.

Other than a few genuine friends who actually hold a place in my heart, I don't 'owe' anyone my time and attention on this site.
Quote by Stormdog
I rarely defriend anyone, but I also don't collect friends so I don't have a huge list. Even if I haven't spoken to someone for a long time (likely, as I'm not nearly as available as I once was) I don't drop them if I still notice them here and active around the site - who knows when we might bump into each other and go grab a beer?

On the other hand, if I notice on an old friend's profile that they last checked in 450 days ago or some such, it's pretty clear they can be dropped - except for maybe a few special people that I'd become close to and keep hoping against hope that they might check back in someday and say hi...

This is more or less the way I feel, I generally only unfriend people who have obviously left but not deleted their account.
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Quote by Jen_
Normally I don't remove friends because I have been pretty choosy who to make a friend and I love them all. But I have unfriended few people for being from some other planet disguised as humans.

Surely a contradiction ? Humans are the Problem !
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Weaver of Words
Mainly I only delete people that I rarely interact with anymore. There are a few that have not been on Lush in quite some time that I will never delete though, so i never forget them. One I know for sure is no longer with us and he was the first person I friended on here. One or two I still have the occasional contact with somewhere other than Lush, and some I just hope will turn up again some day.
I have a very short list. I like to correspond at times. Usually talking about writing or life in general. I will defriend when I am obviously being ignored.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I've never defriended or blocked anyone here, I don't think.

I've been defriended a few times, mostly I think because I don't communicate that often, or reach out much to chat. I friend someone because, in addition to telling you are a friend, it lets you see more of their page, and you can follow them on the activity feed. You can get to know them better. But I think some people have felt slighted because they thought I was ignoring them. I'm not, I'm just not very talkative. smile
The Bee's Knees
Quote by TexasSon
I actually dunno why people make such an issue of deleting friends. Just block the idiots that bother you, why announce to the whole site that you're:

DELETING FRIENDS NOW! If you havent talked to me, then you're gone!

Just fucking delete them. All that is doing is advertising your neediness for attention and creating a mad rush of chats, messages, and pokes for attention. I've actually deleted THOSE people that I see with that sort of quote post on their profile, or the ones that spam my InBox with that kinda message.

this. this is that shit i DON'T like. i haven't dealt with it too much on this site, but it was rampant on my old one. often by people who had gargantuan friends' lists. i've never understood the purpose. obviously you're the one with the issue - man up and get to deletin'.

Say. Her. Name.