I must google this topic to find out what it means .. sighs.
Pre cum is like icing on a cake. It is the sweetest part, that you just want to drag your fingers across and lick them clean. It has a different flavor than cum. Yummy!
I produce more when I haven't cum for a while or if I delay my orgasm a few times.
Most of the guys I have been with don't have a lot. Just enough to be visable. I can taste it sometimes when I'm sucking on them but nothing major. Most of the time it doesn't even have a taste. Which is fine by me!
It's very light and sweet...I really love the taste. I wish guys made more of it, to be honest. :P
I produce pre cum when Iam aroused. I produce it when my penis is soft. When Iam on Lush and nude, I drip alot. It is sweet to taste and tastes better to me than cum.
I can produce a lot if getting very horny with lots of kissing, squeezing and sucking etc - my wife never complains....doesnt mind 'eating' it! and sometime we use as extra lube
For ya'all who just wanted to know...pre-cum is a secretion the male body releases prior to ejaculation that disinfects the urinary tract so that all those little spermies can travel through the piss pipe without compromise. Log that in your "stuff you know file."
The more aroused I get the more I produce, During foreplay I can make loads....
I love precum. It is the taste of better things to cum.