Hey girls..you know most of guys keep porn clips,dirty picture and erotic audio stories in there phone and watch it when ever get chance...you girls do that as well?
I personally don't like to use my phone for that. I'm super paranoid my 9-year-old sister would find it or anyone for that matter.
Closest I get to that is some phone sex or maybe a lover may send me some pics but I don't keep them. Too much to risk if it's found by someone else!
I keep and like to look at the personal sexy/dirty pics I get sent when I'm bored during the day or feel like a little mental fantasy.
The commercialized porn I save for the laptop so I don't have to squint at the screen.
If you really interested there is free app called KEEP SEFE at android market, its password protected, i keep all my dirty picture and clips in there very sefe, i watch dirty keep during the day to be turn on.
I have a few pics of me and my SO dressed, well lets say in kind of revealing attire on my phone, but no real porn
I can see having some dirty pictures hidden away on your computer but on one's phone? That does not seem like a good idea.
Yanno, my mother always told me to wear clean under garments every day, just in case I got nailed by a bus when I stepped of a sidewalk.
And what is the crux of that message?
My underwear would not be clean in any regard, I'm thinking. Sorry Mom.
Don't collect and then retain your porn on your smartphone or your laptop/pc.
When you're gone -- other people are going to find out what a perv you were anyway (why make it easy for them)?
Do I have to criminally educate you people or what?
Then again, the other train of thought is..... I'm fucking dead, what do I care?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
On my lap top no dirty text or dirty picture
Actual porn? No way A few pictures here and there ofc! But only on personal cell, not work!
The only pictures I have are any I take of myself for my friend or pictures my friend took for me.
on my old phone yes I had a few pics that guys sent me that I "never bothered to delete" but I recently upgraded and no longer have said photos. Hopefully its just a matter of time before they start coming in again ;)