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Pick up lines:

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Active Ink Slinger
What is the lamest pickup line someone has used on you??

& on a scale from 0 to 5 with 0 being lamest how would you rate the following instance:
" Guy: Do u like water?
Girl: umm.. yeah why?
Guy: Then u would love me cos my body is 70% water"

(ps: agreed that its too lame ... but this one would have killed in a 'Chemistry Course'.... too pity there are hardly any girls to appreciate it over there)
Alpha Blonde
It's so lame that giving it a 0 would be too generous.

Honestly - guys should avoid pick-up lines (especially those punch-line types) at all costs. There is no guy on the planet that can increase a woman's desire to have sex with him based on how 'clever' his opening line is. We already know, in most cases, whether we would have sex with you before you even open your mouth. Hearing dumb pick-up lines can definitely blow those chances up like a grenade though. Just introduce yourself and go from there. It's the safest bomb-proof way of starting up a conversation. You don't want to look like you're trying too hard, and you also don't want to look like you have a bunch of these lame-o lines memorized and ready to roll out whenever you see an opportunity.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Oh Ash!

I am sure you would go weak in the knees when I break this bad boy out on you...

WTF Dude!!! You used that line on me last week! Can't believe I fell for that shit. Such a player. See if I ever peg your ass again.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by TheDarkKnight
What is the lamest pickup line someone has used on you??

& on a scale from 0 to 5 with 0 being lamest how would you rate the following instance:
" Guy: Do u like water?
Girl: umm.. yeah why?
Guy: Then u would love me cos my body is 70% water"

If you could say or write the same pick up line in:

and Swahili

I'll be impressed but only by your knowledge of languages
Clever Gem
An English one! The crappiest one at that!

"get your coat love, you've pulled"
The Linebacker
Just say "hi." She'll say 'hi" or "hello." Then relax and be natural don't try to pick her up and if it's right it will just fall into place. Pay attention to her, follow her signs. She may actually do all the work for you if you are attentive. If you are not she'll move on to someone else. Absolutely do not try too hard and don't beg.
Alpha Blonde
I haven't had many of the 'punch-line' style pick-ups used on me. I think they're slowly but surely going extinct in most social circles.

The ones I've typically gotten as 'pick-up/ice-breakers' are:

- are you having fun tonight?
- have we met before?
- has anyone ever told you that you look like XYZ celebrity?
- what's in that drink/what are you drinking? (referring to whatever I'm holding)
- do you model?
- so where were you earlier tonight (before coming to this bar)?
- I like your (names something I'm wearing or piece of jewelry)
- do you come here a lot?
- I like how you dance
- you're hot. wanna make out?

Nothing particularly brilliant. Although one time I had a guy pretend to be able to 'read palms' and insist on giving me an impromptu reading at a bar. It was obviously bullshitty but kind of creative and we did end up having a fun conversation about what the lines and curves of my hand supposedly meant and whether his observations were right or wrong. It didn't make me want to have sex with him though - he wasn't my type. lol.
Alpha Blonde
LOL... I just saw this one on twitter and it made me laugh.

"You remind me of my big toe. Mainly, because I am going to bang you on every piece of furniture I own."
"Are you from Tennessee? 'Cause you're the only Ten I See!" Made me laugh so hard.
I got a cracker. It goes...

'Do you like chicken??'
'Yes, why?'
'You should suck my cock, it's foul'

DISCLAIMER!!! I never used this but I have heard about a guy I knew who did, much to the amusement of his friends.

I don't like to use pick-up lines, they never sound genuine. Much better to just make polite conversation and see where that takes you.
Stupid Pick Up Lines

1---I'm very religious and have been praying to god to meet a hot girl, finally he answered my prayers.

2---All those curves, and me with no brakes.

3--I think I feel like Richard Gere - I'm standing next to you, the Pretty Woman.

4--You're so hot, you must be the cause for global warming////////yes i know i am hot
Constant Gardener
I was a young guy when I learned how not to do this, by observing a young guy - a bit older than I - who had not clue one...what he was doing. I think he was trying to gain a following of younger doods. All he did was confirm to me, that he was one feckless, 18 year old dipshit.

I watched him get his scruffy beard slapped off.
I saw him get spat upon.
I witnessed him eat a knuckle sandwich & gain a fat lip from an apparent boyfriend of one of the young women he brazenly approached and simply inquired:

"Hey, wanna fuck?"

His brilliant idea was to just cut straight to the bone and play the percentages. I never saw him score out of over ten women he mouthed off to.

I would say the odds are not with that approach, even if you're not a sparsely bewhiskered, pimple-pocked, slovenly schmucktard.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
The last pickup line i used was "Hi... I have no pickup lines" she said well isnt that a pickup line? I said no.. it's just a very sad fact about me.

we had sex 2 nights later.
Nice legs

What time do they open?
I had a guy tell me earlier today that he would, "Guarantee the best, hardest cum of my life, GUARANTEED."
blah blah blah
The only viable guarantee he should offer anyone is that he'd act like a douche bag.