Girls, I have a question about periods....
me and my boyfriend of over a year had sex last month after my period was over. We were both drunk and didn't use a condom for a little bit. He didn't cum or anything inside of me. So I was fine. Then that next week we did it again without a condom and he thinks he precame a little bit. So I went and got the morning after pill and the next day I got my period for the second time that month. Now this month I haven't gotten my period at all. and 3 days ago we had sex and the condom broke, because we did anal sex and he came inside my butt. I come home and find fluids in my vagina and have no idea what it was. So that morning me and him went and got another morning after pill. I still haven't gotten my period this new month and IDK what to do.... Do you think I'm preggo???? Please help, I'm so worried right now.
have you tryed a pregnancy test
No, I haven't taken a test yet. I'm getting put on the pill next month when I get back from my trip.... We don't intentionally have unprotected sex and when we do it isn't long. Like 2 or 3 minutes then we put a condom on. and those time he didn't cum nor pre came at all. I'm just freaking because it broke.... What do you think the chances are that i'm preggo?
because the morning after pill says that I should get my period on the time I'm supposed too.... and I shouldn't get it for 2 more days... I got this app on my phone and it's telling me that my period should have started today and it hasnt.... idk.....
I haven't gotten my period in years. Should I get that checked out? What if there's a toddler in my womb (do I even have a womb?)?
I might be fine, by girlfriend's on the pill. Better get a pregnancy test, just in case. I do like to pee on things.
I'm afraid to go and get a test because then my mom will be pissed because I'm still living at home..... and what if I am preggo? what do I do then? I can't have a kid.....
1) it's a vacation that i'm not paying for...
2) he bought the morning after pill and it was 2 times only...
3) we didn't intend to do it without it, because we usually always do but we were too caught up in the moment it slipped in cause we were teasing...
4) it takes him a long time to precum so in those 2-3 minutes he didn't because it wasn't enough "attention" to cause him to do it....
5) Like I said earlier, I'M GETTING ON BIRTH CONTROL....
Just do a bloody test.
You can't ignore it, mum will notice you are taking up more room in the house than usual if you are "preggo"
If you can have sex , you can deal with the after effects, sorry fact of life.
Good luck.
I will say.... I have four children and only one of them was planned so I can tell you that all methods of birth control are not 100% guaranteed to protect against pregancy.. The only thing that stops pregancy with any degree of accuracy is the word NO
what does holding the aspirin between your knees mean??? I'm so confused lol
alrighty that makes more sense... that's what I was thinking but I didn't know haha
I have to wait till after my trip because I leave on Wednesday and my mom couldn't get an appointment in till after I get home. Otherwise I'd have this taken care of... and This is the first time that it has broken though. all the other times he never finished this time he did so it's a bit different. After this I'm never hitting this wall till I actually want a little bundle of joy.