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People reading your stories?

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Rookie Scribe
I’ve not been a member long but I’ve been a fan of lush stories for a while now. One thing I’ve been wondering is, what is your personal motivation for writing your stories?

How many are based on personal experience? Do you write them for the enjoyment of the process or do you get off on what people are probably up to while reading them?
Kinky Quill
From my perspective I find pleasure in the writing. But I write in response to the pleasure I have received. It would seem thankfully, that some appreciate my scribbles also
I am glad that a flutter can mean so much, and be oh so powerful! Whilst I bring my own kind of chaos to those I choose to know everywhere, I do believe in Chaos theory, and I am glad that it is suggested that the fluttering wings of a butterfly can be felt the other side of the globe, it gives me hope that I can caress your soul.
Active Ink Slinger
Hi and welcome. Our stories are all based on our real life experiences, so when fun stuff happens, we like to share it here on Lush.
Voyeur @ f/64
I have almost no personal experience to write about and what there is would bore all but the truly desperate. I've always invented stories for my own entertainment, but Lush is the only place I've shared them with anyone. I don't get the reads and stuff like the big kids do, but I like to think I've offered up a little pleasure here and there.
Sexy Seductive Siren
I have found that my true stories have had a bigger following than my fictional stories. I guess the readers can see the personal experience angle in those stories?
Word Wizard
Ultimately i write for my own pleasure, but i cant tell you how much feedback is appreciated. Love hearing people are enjoying them and tips and ideas are always welcome.
Active Ink Slinger
Loved reading stories and decided to try writing some. My stories have a mix of fantasy and personal experience. I just write for me, if they are liked that is even better.
Sexy Seductive Siren
Yes, Mark. I've been told by many people that the only person that really has to like your story is you, the author. If you like what you wrote, publish it for yourself and if others like it, that's icing on the cake.
Active Ink Slinger
I started writing here recently just to see if I enjoyed it or if anyone else would. It turned out the answer was yes to both questions! It's kind of fun, and I sometimes get aroused while writing. I also enjoy the comments others leave and if they tell me they got aroused too, that's great because that is sort of the point of the whole thing, right?

It's good to hear that my sexy thoughts can turn others on too!

Please take a peek at my stories! Here's a small variety pack:

To Soar With Eagles | Lush Stories An emotional story of love and loss that may touch your heart. Sexy... yes, of course, but uplifting as well! And a Recommended Read!

I Like Big Cocks and I Cannot Lie: Part 1 of 2 | Lush Stories A 2-part story of my bisexual husband and I engaging with a very well-endowed friend!

The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Lush Stories My thoughtful husband gifts me an erotic beach massage session with a large and talented Jamaican masseur... and oh my!

Resident Otaku
Mine don't contain personal experiences, but my series begun as an outlet during a difficult time when I was 18. I shelved it, but I then realised I had something workable when I came across them on an old USB in 2019, so I picked it back up. Slowly I've been working on making it readable based on my old drafts.

To me it's a project. Something I'll like to complete so there's a bit of me in the world. If some people enjoy it, then that's even better.
Active Ink Slinger
As I've told others here, I write mostly to get these damn dreams and fantasies out of my head! I write for my own pleasure - the fact that others enjoy my twisted mind is a bonus!
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
The muse can be an insistent voice in my head at times, so rather then drown her out I put what she whispers in my ear on the page.
There's a tremendous rush when you're in the Zone, fingers flying as you try to keep up with the voice in your head telling you where to go next.
Like you're driving in a rally, listening to your navigator tell you where to go.

The other reason I write out here is frankly I get a lot more eyeballs on my work then I'd ever get without being here.
Sure is doesn't sound like much but when you go from a few dozen readers to over a thousand, it really does change your perception of what you can do.

I did find that as Stephen King said in his book On Writing, "Writers write".
The more I wrote, the more I fed my muse which encouraged me to write even more.

I went from mostly writing material that others used to adlib their own adventures in to having to tell a complete story.
From just bashing stuff out and trusting my performance skills would cover any rough bits, to actually getting books on how to write.
When you turn down a chance to read Pratchett or Wodehouse so you can read a technical book on how to write better dialogue, you know lush had an impact.

I'm a better writer for being here, and I sure hope I keep improving because that muse is getting pushy these days.

TLDR: To keep my muse happy so she keeps telling me stories to write.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Quantum Tease
Quote by Twisted_Skald

There's a tremendous rush when you're in the Zone, fingers flying as you try to keep up with the voice in your head telling you where to go next.

Yes. Exactly what happens when I read (most of) your stories.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Twisted_Skald
The muse can be an insistent voice in my head at times, so rather then drown her out I put what she whispers in my ear on the page.
There's a tremendous rush when you're in the Zone, fingers flying as you try to keep up with the voice in your head telling you where to go next.
Like you're driving in a rally, listening to your navigator tell you where to go.

I totally agree, TS. I don't know how many of my stories hit me as I lay in bed TRYING to sleep! I usually spend the night running the story through my head "editing" it and replaying it until morning so I won't forget it! Makes for a long night but I have a new story when the sun comes up. Then it's just a matter of typing fast enough to get it all down before I lose it! Which usually comes out something like: NwfN Skdg W4t43r Skdfwoaier! (I can't type fast!)
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
Quote by Master_Jonathan

I totally agree, TS. I don't know how many of my stories hit me as I lay in bed TRYING to sleep! I usually spend the night running the story through my head "editing" it and replaying it until morning so I won't forget it! Makes for a long night but I have a new story when the sun comes up. Then it's just a matter of typing fast enough to get it all down before I lose it! Which usually comes out something like: NwfN Skdg W4t43r Skdfwoaier! (I can't type fast!)

Goodness Jonathan,
There's no need to be so formal, you can call me Michelle. Everyone else does.

My muse was very surprised to find she's working on the same lines as yours.
I'm starting to keep notes, with set pieces or fragments of dialogue so when I come back to that idea I have some clues where I was going with the initial inspiration.
I'm agog at how productive you are, that muse of yours must be like trying to think in a room full of people all trying to tell you the same story at the same time.
How you can keep it all together long enough to purge it from your mind by committing it all to paper, I don't know.
You are terrifyingly swift to produce material, if you're not a fast typist do you go through many keyboards?
A friend of mine used to work as a reporter, was a hunt and type kinda typist. Used to wear out keyboards from thumping the keys too hard.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Rainbow Warrior
I write stories (or I used to) to become a better writer.