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Penis pictures

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Advanced Wordsmith
Before you ask... I'm not here to share pics of my cock. (well it depends on the outcome of this post)

But, quite a few guys on here do have pics of their cock on here and I'm wondering.... Do you GIRLS like that...? I've heard girls don't really like looking at cocks very much as they "aren't pretty"

Should I put one of mine up.....
The only cock i like looking at is the cock of the guy(s) im currently interested in, either for a relationship or just a fuck, not of a stranger on the internet
Artistic Tart
Quote by hornyinnorwich
Before you ask... I'm not here to share pics of my cock. (well it depends on the outcome of this post)

LMAO. I do appreciate your honesty there.

But no. Penises are (usually) ugly, and public pics of them are tacky, in my opinion.
Alpha Blonde
I'm going to be honest here:

I don't like close-up shots of random dick. I especially don't like 20 pics or more of them at ever so slightly different angles.

If you are taking a full nude shot and happen to have a hot and hard body and a nice dick - I'm going to look.

Dick on its own is boring and irrelevant. I need to see who it's attached to.

And even then, if you don't have a good dick (or a good body), there's no need to show it to strange people on the internutz. Save it for when/if a girl asks to see it.

Saving it for the right occasion/person is probably the better way to go in general, even if you're a stud, but a naked beautiful body is always worth a look ~ just stay away from the sausage factory close-ups.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I'm going to be honest here:

I don't like close-up shots of random dick. I especially don't like 20 pics or more of them at ever so slightly different angles.

If you are taking a full nude shot and happen to have a hot and hard body and a nice dick - I'm going to look.

Dick on its own is boring and irrelevant. I need to see who it's attached to.

And even then, if you don't have a good dick (or a good body), there's no need to show it to strange people on the internutz. Save it for when/if a girl asks to see it.

Saving it for the right occasion/person is probably the better way to go in general, even if you're a stud, but a naked beautiful body is always worth a look ~ just stay away from the sausage factory close-ups.

well said! it is important that the pic is full body and not just a close up. unless a cock is just ugly, i actually happen to love looking at cock...
I pretty much agree with everyone above. Random cock pics do nothing for me. If you feel the need to post a cock pic, then maybe put it in a private album to share with particular friends after you get closer to them.

And, whatever you do, please DO NOT make your cock pick your wallpaper!!
Quote by Dancing_Doll

If you are taking a full nude shot and happen to have a hot and hard body and a nice dick - I'm going to look.

Like MrNudiePants. Right?
Gingerbread Lover
I blush when I see them. Sometimes I stumble across them (figuratively speaking!) and admire the penis' person for their bravery, and wonder whose benefit it was posted for (the poster's or the viewers'), and if there are no comments, I wonder if they feel bad nobody stroked their penis picture ego. Other times, I shout out at the screen, "Why would you DO that?!?" And sometimes I wonder if they did what we call the "Angler's Pose", where they hold the fish in a certain way so it makes their hands look smaller and therefore the fish bigger. And then I think, dear god, what the fudge am I doing looking at willies when there is the WTF thread that doesn't make me blush and actually makes me smile.

So no, I don't like it. But clearly, judging by some comments, other people do, and I can do nothing but prostrate myself (easy now!) before your bravery and not look you in the eye as I do it.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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I have both my face and cock in my pics. If you don't like looking at the cock, look at the face and vice versa ;)
I honestly think the human body in both male and female form is a beautiful thing and it should be embraced. I have never said that a female part was ugly (even though some peoples are better than others) becuase that's just plain rude imo.
Our bodies are merely our shells, it's a small part of who we are as people and I see nothing wrong with showing it off in the right circumstances.
I don't have close up cock pics as I find that just odd but my pics are of my whole body either naked or partially clothed. I have no shame lol.
Artistic Tart
Quote by Tyler80
I have never said that a female part was ugly (even though some peoples are better than others) becuase that's just plain rude imo.

Very fair point, apologies are in order if I offended with my blanket statement. A better way to put it (which others already have done) is that without context a picture of a penis is not really worthy of a second look, and only with the full male form does it become artful in my opinion.

When I hear "penis pics", I picture the shots these guys do where it's so close up, I can see the...well, never mind, you get the idea. Nude, or semi-nude, pics which include an exposed penis don't really constitute "penis pics" to me. If the question is: do you like pics that include exposed penises, my answer is that it depends on what all's in the picture besides the penis itself.
Quote by LadyX

Very fair point, apologies are in order if I offended with my blanket statement. A better way to put it (which others already have done) is that without context a picture of a penis is not really worthy of a second look, and only with the full male form does it become artful in my opinion.

When I hear "penis pics", I picture the shots these guys do where it's so close up, I can see the...well, never mind, you get the idea. Nude, or semi-nude, pics which include an exposed penis don't really constitute "penis pics" to me. If the question is: do you like pics that include exposed penises, my answer is that it depends on what all's in the picture besides the penis itself.

Yes I agree there, a photo of just a penis seems wrong somehow! Penis in photo seems ok, photo of just penis........well I can think of prettier male parts to show off solely on their own that are probably more a turn on for a lady smile
Active Ink Slinger
Its all about who the penis belongs to
Im not interested in viewing random willies floating about in cyberspace or flashing (heehee) across my screen.

Totally different if said penis happens to belong to the man I'm with or want to be with, then I adore seeing his package. For me, and I'm sorry Tyler block your eyes here darlin. Cocks are generally not pretty and they only become attractive when Im interested in the man its attached to. Its funny when I think the man is attractive (and Im talking about his mind here people) this then translates to all of him, cock included.
So my advice, keep the cock under wraps untill asked. It will be greatly appreciated.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MMonroe
The only cock i like looking at is the cock of the guy(s) im currently interested in, either for a relationship or just a fuck, not of a stranger on the internet

my feelings exactly
i dont like seeing pictures of penises. if someone just has a picture of their cock i will not be friending them
The Bee's Knees
idk... it's kinda weird when those are your only pics.

Say. Her. Name.

Active Ink Slinger
Oh no Please, I do not want to see pictures of cocks... So guys if you send me pics of your cock to me, you will be deleted.
Quote by AnnieLuvsToFu
Oh no Please, I do not want to see pictures of cocks... So guys if you send me pics of your cock to me, you will be deleted.

I agree with my Sister Annie. If you have a nice hard body there is nothing more beautiful than a guys, body except for a girls body. Like Annie and DD and Nikki 703 and Xuani soon. But if it is just a cock shot you will be heading for the trash bin fast.

I make it clear in my Profile that cock shot =deletion; but they keep coming. No Not That way. If there is a time I need to see your maleness I can ask. Honest I can.

I think I understand men, but maybe this genetic clause is beyond woman's understanding.
Advanced Wordsmith
Don't really wanna see random pics of it....I mean, seriously....if it is a pic of a really hot hard body and that happens to show, yeah, I'm gonna look! Or if it is someone I wanna be with. But guys, don't put like 5 angles on your's really lame. Soooo much more sexy if you cover that up and tease us ladies! IDK, make me wish I could pull the towel off your waist!
Advanced Wordsmith
Wow thanks girls you have been incredibly honest. I'm glad I didn't put a pic of my "junk" online.

I'd happily show it if a girl asked (that's not an invite). Perhaps I'll put a nude on on.

Cheers everyone
This is the only post which I feel inclined to give a response. I have been on Lushstories for a month now and have noticed a few pics of male genitalia, but this is minuscule when compared to the number of photos which contain vaginas; a good portion being distasteful or for a better word, disgusting.

To me, a picture of a man’s penis is no more hideous or ugly when put on display than a woman’s vagina. To put it simply, I won’t go out of my way to look at any member who feels the need to expose themselves so publicly. There is nothing wrong with being liberal when it comes to self expression, but I’m not on here to see penises or vaginas, I’m just here to read the stories.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I'm going to be honest here:

I don't like close-up shots of random dick. I especially don't like 20 pics or more of them at ever so slightly different angles.

Yes....god....please don't do this, EVER. No one cares, I guarantee it.

Quote by Shylass
and if there are no comments, I wonder if they feel bad nobody stroked their penis picture ego.

Pahaha, this sentence is epic. Nobody stroked their penis picture's ego.

In answer to the question...

By all means put up a close up, out of context, photo of your cock.....just don't expect many people to be interested. And be aware that if there's a girl ('girl') or two's probably a gay bloke. Pretending to be a girl.

I don't like seeing cocks on lush...I just don't want to see it. I don't care if I fancy the pants off you, if I chat to you all the time, if you are GORGEOUS, I. Do. Not. Want. To. See. It. Leave something to the imagination! Whatever happened to classy, hinting at the presence, type of photos???!
Quote by elegantseduction
I have been on Lushstories for a month now and have noticed a few pics of male genitalia, but this is minuscule when compared to the number of photos which contain vaginas; a good portion being distasteful or for a better word, disgusting.

To me, a picture of a man’s penis is no more hideous or ugly when put on display than a woman’s vagina.

I agree here, however I think the open, gaping vagina shots are actually appreciated by a reasonable amount of male members (and, indeed, female since we apparently have the largest % of bi women within a population anywhere on this earth)... so at least they have a bit more of an audience. Furthermore it's a bit easier to include a vagina (not held wide open, dripping with 'last night's boys' cum!!!!') in a photo without it looking entirely crude..

In an ideal world all these images would be set to 'private album' on a person's profile....and if I am on their friends list my name would not be one that was entered to make me able to view the album!
Rookie Scribe
Let's all just face it. The male body is not nearly as attractive as a the female body. In the eyes of 90% of men and 75% of women, it is more enjoyable to look at a woman (numbers estimated based on my own experiences).

The male penis can only be photographed at a few angles before it is redundant. The male chest, unless very impressive, is just not much of an interesting body part. And the male buttocks...well, most are just too hairy to be photographed and seem appealing.

However, the female form has so much to offer in my opinion. The is a lot to be said about breasts, whether small or large. Personally I feel it is hard to take a "bad" picture of a nice pair. There are so many female rear ends that put me in a trance for hours. Yes, I am an ass man. Also, the female abdomen is a delicacy to admire. Legs... the long well shaped legs of a woman have known to bring men to their knees. Overall, the female body is something to worship and admire.

For instance..look a few posts above mine at elegantseduction's avatar picture. Her eyes are captivating and the picture is just screaming sensuality.

Men...we are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to being photographed..we just don't have the sensual qualities that women have.
Active Ink Slinger
If the pics are done nicely it's ok. I like full body pics. I'm not picky if your in shape or not I don't mind. I just don't like when a guy sends them to me. Yuk. I guess I'm in the minority because i think penis are better looking than a vag. It's only my opinion though.
Active Ink Slinger
I myself don't enjoy looking at pics of guys cocks. Especially when a guy im's me and wants to know if I get off looking a pics of cocks.

Sorry the only cock I want to look at is my boyfriend's.
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't look at the photos of a random stranger's cock. I skip 99% of them. There are just too many of them and eventually, like looking at a spreadsheet covered in numbers, they all start to look the same to me.
Having said that, one of my sexual highlights so far here on Lush has been swapping pictures, especially since the swap was planned. I look at those cock pictures every single day.
What interestes me when looking at men's profiles when I get a freinds request or communication from them is what they say about themself and what they contribute to lush:

Their comments about themself or biography
Their comments and opinions on forum subjects
Have they written any stories and are they any good?

I think if his profile has none of the above that's worth reading and his only asset to attract female attention is a picture of his cock, he must have nothing else to offer.
Active Ink Slinger
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I also think social standards come into play.
For instance, during the Greek Hellenistic Period you saw sculptures and art featuring
both genders portrayed romantically, dynamically, and beautifully.

Now, it's become socially accepted as women being just about the solitary icon of
beauty and sensuality.

The majority of Lush's female users are lesbian/bisexual women, so naturally
you'd get a majority who do not appreciate penis pictures/find penises ugly or

What surprises me, is the women who will suck one, but don't like to look at it?
Are you truly awake?