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Penis Length and Girth using science - Is it accurate?

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Active Ink Slinger
I found these on reddit. What does everyone think of these graphs. I considered putting them in the ask guys section but I figured that women have probably seen more real life erections than most men actually and a more self serving reason in that the ask girls section is also twice as active as the ask guys section.

In cm

Or the full sized version

In inches

Or the full sized version

Would people consider that to be accurate in terms of size or do you think the graphs and how the data is interpreted is flawed? Also from your personal experiences is the chart moderately accurate or is it quite far off?
It's accurate in the sense that this is (or seems to be) a rigorous statistical study. Do you know what the sample sizes were?

It seems to be a generally agreed consensus that the average length lies somewhere in the range 5.5–6.5 inches, and these results back that up.

I haven't come into contact with a lot of penises in my times, but from conversations I've had with friends, male and female, I'm inclined to believe that the average in the UK leans more towards 6.5–7 inches.

I find the male (and sometimes female) fascination/obsession with penis length very interesting. It causes probably a majority of men at least some anxiety, whether you're small, average or huge. It can have a massive impact on all your relationships, for a variety of reasons.

I don't have much of a hang-up about my penis any more, but I did for a long time in my late teens. Coupled with low confidence in my own body, it probably delayed my becoming sexually active by a year or two.

And it's such a sensitive and private issue that it becomes almost impossible to tackle this culture of penis-shame and -envy. I think there are a lot of young women out there are challenging these societal pressures to have the "perfect" body, and that young men can learn a lot from their example by speaking a bit more openly about this issue. And young women have a lot more to deal with than young men (in my opinion).

This probably wasn't the kind of response you were looking for, but I wanted to say something, so I did.
Active Ink Slinger
I am completely fine with that response. I just want a discussion about general sizes in reality rather than in porn and I think the link that society has made between having a large cock and how much of a man you are is really interesting. I tend to think more penis size studies should be done and the results should be published in books for high school students at school in PE class or something like that. I think accurate results would make a lot of boys feel better about themselves when in the past the only way they have had to judge their size is to watch porn which is obviously not a good way of judging how big they are.

I mainly posted on the ask the girls section as generally speaking I think most women have seen more real erect penises than most men have so oddly enough they are more equipped to say if the above graphs are accurate or not.
Active Ink Slinger
The world view I created for myself many many years ago as teenager reading up on this stuff was that the average (as in 50th percentile) length of a penis was around 6 inches (with a +/- margin of error or range of .25 inches) and the average girth/circumference was 5 inches (with a similar if not smaller margin of error).

That said I've always considered my member to be around average in length and slightly above average in girth; the data you posted seems to be in-line with and support my own personal world view.

Nice table btw, I like how it compares studies and is easy to read. Thanks for sharing.

Also I understand your reasoning in posting it in the women's section because they've seen more cocks first hand - pun intended. But I'd wager most women (and realistically people in general, not even limiting myself to a particular sex) don't have a good sense of perception and measurement and even if they do normally not while they're taking part in circumstances that led them to see a penis. A misjudgment by eye'ing it - pun sort of intended - could be quite misleading because as your charts show. One standard deviation is anywhere from half an inch to a whole inch so one mis-perception on the observes part and you're in a completely different percentile, further complicating the topic.

If ever you sleep with the same one twice, you've sold your soul at the establishment price.

Cryptic Vigilante
Haha, I guess you might as well have posted this in Ask the Guys, as only guys seem to be interested in this so far.

And yes, I've seen those tables before and believe them to be quite accurate. If you want something even more thorough, check this link:

These charts were established according to all the most serious studies ever made on the subject, so you couldn't possibly find something more scientifically accurate. Take note that some of these studies were self-reported or self-selected though, hence a higher 'average size' observed in those.

Quote by CunningLinguist143
Also I understand your reasoning in posting it in the women's section because they've seen more cocks first hand - pun intended. But I'd wager most women (and realistically people in general, not even limiting myself to a particular sex) don't have a good sense of perception and measurement and even if they do normally not while they're taking part in circumstances that led them to see a penis. (...)

This is also extremely accurate: most women (or men) can't really determine the size of a penis just by observing it. Also, a lot of women simply accept the self-reported size that their partners tell them, and plenty of guys exaggerate or lie about their sizes. I have a friend whose dick is about 6.75 inches long (I haven't seen it, but I believe him), and he told me that when he asked some women to guess his size, most of them guessed in the 8-10 inches range. Sizes are so often exaggerated that only 8 inches or longer is considered big, while in reality a 6.5 inches penis is already significantly bigger than average.

Tip for women: To evaluate the size of a penis, you can use the palm of your hand as a measuring tool. A woman's palm is usually around 3 inches wide on average (measured at the base of the fingers). If you place both of your palms one on top of the other, that's a measurement of 6 inches. You can also wrap both of your palms around a cock and use the same tip to figure out if it is slightly/significantly smaller or bigger than 6 inches.